遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 12

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 12

K: OK, Jeff, are you ready for five times in one breath?
J: I think so. I'm always trying to beat the lunch hour rush. So, I should be pretty good at this.
K: Yeah, you know what it is.
Y: Convincing.
J: All right. Here we go!

Y: Oh, you made it in a nick of time.
J: I did.

J: Yeah!
Y: Good!
All: That's first class work!

Answer the Question!
K: OK, back to the question, "Did they catch the bus?"
All: What do you think, everybody?

K: OK, Jeff, what do you think?
J: Yes, they made it in the nick of time.
J: You can also say, "They caught it in the nick of time."

J: Congrats!
Y: Congratulations!

Write It!
J: "Couple" is an interesting word. It can be used as a plural as in two people together, say, before a marriage or after divorce or... two people.
J: Right, just meaning two people together. But it can also be used in singular as in an established entity, a couple, two together as one.
J: Yes, that's right. So, "the couple hurries" would be a good example.

◆ 二人
Y: Uh-huh. Yeah. When you refer to two people, you can say "they."
K: the two とは言わなくてよい
Y: Right. Keep it simple.

◆ ギリギリで間に合います
J: Uh-huh. Yes, but this time, we are going to use the present tense.
K: OK.
J: So, instead of saying "made it," we are going to say "make it in the nick of time."

◆ バスに間に合う
Y: Um... I can think of two different ways of saying it using "make."
K: OK.
Y: Uh, here goes. It's "make it to the bus" ...
Y: Uh-huh. Or "make the bus." You leave the "it to" out.

J: They always do.
Y: I'm sure they did.
J: Way to go!
K: Great!

Sign Off
K: OK, let's go over dialog 12.
J: All right.
Y: Uh-huh.

K: Well, in the beginning, the couple is in a hurry.
Y: Because they are going to a restaurant and they need to beat the lunch hour rush.
J: But Henry needs to find something fist, maybe his wallet or something like that.
K: And he finds it, and then they run to catch the bus.
J: Right.
Y: Uh-huh. But Henry gets a side stitch.
J: Yes, I feel his pain, but in the end, Henry and Akiko make it to the bus in the nick of time.
K: And they live happily ever after.
J: Well, let's hope so.
Y: I hope so.
J: OK. I think they probably do.