遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2024年春号 Dialog 3

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2024年春号 Dialog 3

Write It!
◆ 彼らにもう一度やり直しを命じます⇒tells them to do it over again
K: 「命じます」というのはorder...
F: "Order," order sounds a little strong, I think.
K: Kind of militaristic.
F: Yes.
F: It's a little strong. I think so.

F: Well, maybe this might be a little bit better, "tells them to do it over again."


J: I bet they did.
F: I'm sure they did. Yes.
J: All right. Let's give them a big hand. Way to go.
K: Alrighty.
F: Yay! Very good.

Before We Move On!
J: Right. I have that.
"You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs."
K: What does that mean?
J: Well, obviously, it means you have to break the eggs in order to make the omelets. So, that is, you have to make sacrifices in order to have success, is necessary for success.
J: That's right.

K: Florence, what's that in English?
F: Oh, well, we could say "Don't put all eggs in one basket."
K: What does that exactly mean?
F: Well, actually, it means you shouldn't concentrate all your resources in one thing or you could loose everything. So, it means to diversify to spread out.
K: To spread out...

J: Or to put eggs in several different baskets.
F: True, true.
J: So, if you drop one you still have all the others left.
F: Yes, that's true.