
10/14 - 10/16, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, October 14――――― U R the ★ ――――― Jeff... Uh-huh. You are the star. I'm ready.What would you like? What's your best seller? Gakushu juice is by far the number one seller. I'll take that. A wise choice. I think you'…

10/7 - 10/8, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, October 7It has a great taste. = 美味しい It’s good taste. = センスが良い、趣味が良い センテンスが似ていますが、意味が違います。――――― U R the ★ ――――― That was a tasteful performance. (tasteful = 趣味の良い、上品…

9/30 - 10/2, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, September 30――――― U R the ★ ――――― Why, that was great!Jeff, now you are the star. I'm ready.Let's get together some time soon. Great! When would be a good time? How about Monday next week after five? That would b…

9/23 - 9/25, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, September 23Hmmm... That's rough.―――― U R the ★ ―――― Right on!Jeff, you are the star. Right on. (Right on = そうだ! そのとおり! strong support, approval, or encouragement)How's your overall health? Good, except …