
12/16 - 12/18, 2019

遠山顕の英会話学習 Monday, December 16J: Well, you can tell they are a happy couple. C: Yeah, they don't have much. J: No? J: But they ... certainly the love is there between them. J: Very pleasant. C: Really.★ Question 1K: What was the fi…

12/9 - 12/11, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, December 9K: Pick your brain? C: Ouch! J: It's a weird expression. Uh? Yeah.(weird = 奇妙 very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural)――――― U R the ★ ――――― CJK: When it comes to English, you have a wealt…

12/2 - 12/4, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, December 2―――――――― Words & Phrases ―――――――― K: トスカーナの発音が違いますね。 J: It is a little different. C: Yeah.―――― UR the ★ ―――― C: Jeff... J: Uh-huh. C: Now, you are the star. J: All right. I'll do my best.…

11/25 - 11/27, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽学 Monday, November 25K: So, she was what? Photo... ? JC: A photojournalist. K: It has many letters. Wow!―――――――――― Words & Expressions ―――――――――― K: pointer これはワンワンではないわけですよね?キャロリンさん? C: What is .…