ラジオ英会話 Lesson 191 Monday, January 16
◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. Hey Chris, I have a few bottles of red wine.
C: Oh, that's great because some friends are coming over for dinner this evening. So, please give them to me now. Chris McVay here.
◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Hi guys, are you ready to practice? Today, we're focusing on the difference between countable and uncountable nouns.
Basically, if there is a specific shape, it's countable. And if there is no shape, it's uncountable.
Let's look at lots of examples together.
Here we go, "My dad has some beer at dinner."
"My dad has some wine at dinner."
"My dad has some cheese at dinner."
"My dad has some bread at dinner."
"All we need is love."
"All we need is peace."
"All we need is happiness."
All of these have no specific shape, so, uncountable.
R: And let's try another uncountable, "rain."
"We don't have much rain here."
C: OK, continuing on, "Water boils at 100 ℃."
"We need water to live."
And one more, "Time flies."
R: And our last example which is from the dialogue, "Don't put in too much onion."
C: Well done, guys.
R: Excellent work.
◆ Ending
O: Hey Roza, I don't want Chris to help himself to the wine in the fridge.
C: Why not?
O: He'll drink it all.
R: Well, only if it's good wine. So, you don't have to worry.
O: Ah, he is choosy.
(choosy 好みのうるさい、良いと思うものだけを選ぶ difficult to please because you are very exact about what you like)
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 192 Tuesday, January 17
◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Ah... Ahchoo! Oh no, I think I'm coming down with something. We'd better get started quickly.
◆ During the Japanese Translation part
O: So, what's the image of "shabby"?
R: For me, it's kind of like ガタガタしてる。
C: For me, it's like, you know, used to be good but now it looks really old and used.
◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Well, our textbook is just as good for you as honey. Check it out.
◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, it's practice time again. Today, we're focusing on some difficult words that many learners often think are countable, but in fact, they are usually uncountable.
Let's look at some of these words. Here we go. "Money talks."
"Money isn't everything."
"I don't have much money."
R: Continuing on, "Fruit is a great source of vitamins."
"There's a lot of food on the table."
"I spend a lot of money on food."
C: Here is one which many learners get wrong and say "advices."
So, let's get used to it this way, "I'd like to give you some advice."
"Information is the key to success."
And one more, "That's too much information."
R: "Let me give you a piece of advice."
So, in this case, "a piece" is the counter for the advice.
"Let me give you a piece of advice."
C: OK guys, great job. Well done.
R: Fantastic.
◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, I am 1万円.
C: What do you mean?
O: Money is talking.
R: Well, time is money so I guess we'd better call it a day. Huh?
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 193 Wednesday, January 18
◆ Opening
R: Hey guys, thanks for joining us. This is Akino Roza.
C: Hi guys, Chris McVay here. Roza…
R: Huh?
C: How do you get home from the studio, by bus, by taxi?
R: Well, well, either by bus or by taxi if I'm in a hurry.
◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, it's practice time. So, we're going to continue our practice of countable and uncountable nouns.
It's very interesting. Don't you think?
And today, it's also interesting because we're looking at words which are normally countable but can be used uncountable.
So, let's look at some of these.
Here we go, "You can write your answers in pen or pencil."
OK, normally, we have one pen, two pens, ten pencils, lend me a pencil… normally these words would be countable. But look at this, "You can write your answers in pen or pencil."
R: Here's the next example, "I went to school in Tokyo."
C: Continuing on, "You can go by car."
"You can go by bus."
"You can go by train."
Definitely not, by cars, by buses, by trains, OK? So again, uncountable.
R: And here are the last few examples, "I ate chicken for dinner."
"I ate lamb for dinner."
"I ate fish for dinner."
R: Excellent work, everyone.
C: Yeah, great job.
◆ Ending
O: Oh, that is rather slippery of you, Agent Starling.
C: What's all this about?
O: "The Silence of Lamb."
R: Sensei, I think you mean "The Silence of the Lambs."
O: Oh, that's true.
R: Baaaa!!
(That is rather slippery of you, Agent Starling. 「うーん、なかなか利口だな、スターリング捜査官」 映画「羊たちの沈黙」からの名ぜりふ)
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 194 Thursday, January 19
◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here. We'd better get going or we'll be late for our program.
C: Chris McVay here. Actually, Roza, I have a dental appointment, so yeah, we'd better get going indeed.
◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Ta-dah! Practice time has come again. Today we're focusing on these unusual words which change their meaning depending on whether they're used in a countable way or an uncountable way.
So, let's look at a lot of examples here. Here we go.
"We don't have time to set it up now."
"Time is money."
"Do you have time to talk?"
"It took me a long time to get there."
"How many times have I told you that?"
"Did you have a good time at the party?"
R: Let's continue. "This is made of glass."
"These are champagne glasses."
"I always wear glasses."
C: OK, another set, "Can you put more paper in the printer?"
"This story is in all the papers."
R: And our last few sentences with "work" and "works."
"I did a lot of work today."
"Let's get down to work."
"after work"
"before work"
"the complete works of Shakespeare"
"This is one of Mozart's earliest works."
C: Well done, everybody.
R: You guys did some great work.
◆ Ending
O: Hey Chris, you say "Red wine should be served in a large glass." Right?
C: Yeah.
O: Why is that?
C: Well, you know, in order to enjoy the full aroma and flavor of the red wine, it needs to be exposed to the air. So, you need a large glass and you never fill it close to the top.
ラジオ英会話 Lesson 195 Friday, January 20
◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, welcome back. It's time for the review. This is Akino Roza.
C: Chris McVay here. Yep, let's go straight into it.
◆ Ending
O: Hey Chris, do you work out every day?
C: Not every day, I play tennis once a week and go to the gym twice a week. So, that's what I have time for. How about you, Roza?