遠山顕の英会話入門 2023年夏号 Dialog 4

遠山顕の英会話入門 2023年夏号 Dialog 4
Write It!
◆ ある働き蜂
K: The worker bee とはなりませんね?
J: No. So, we won't use "the." We're going to use "a." So, "a worker bee."
K: So, dramatic kind of beginning, "a worker bee."
J: "A worker bee" somewhere.

◆ 彼女には次の手がありません
C: Yeah. I'm sure it's pretty familiar to everyone. We heard the question in the dialog, "Do you have a backup plan?"
K: Uh-huh.
C: So, to answer that, we can write, "She doesn't have a backup plan."

◆ ……つもりでいます。
J: Well, we're going to use the simple present tense "think" or "thinks that 何々." Now, you might be tempted to use i-n-g form "thinking," but please don't. That's not correct, just "thinks 何々," "thinks that 何々."


C: Oh, yeah.
J: Always.
C: Of course. Good job!

Before We Move On!
J: Oh!
C: What?
K: Carlyn is thinking about quitting.
J: No.
C: Stop.
K: Stop or shall we begin?


C: Ugh... I'm thinking about quitting.
KJ: What!?
J: Why? We only got started last yeah.
C: Yeah, but things aren't working out for me here.
K: I don't understand.
C: Ugh, well, I can't do those blooming tongue twisters.

(blooming すごい、途方もない、極度の、激しい、とんでもない、とてつもない)

K: What do you mean? You are the one that can do them far better than us.
J: Yeah, much better.
C: I don't know about that. Maybe ... still it's so discouraging sometimes.
J: Do you have a backup plan?
C: Nope.
J: How are you going to get by?
C: I'll figure it out.
J: When are you turning in your resignation?
C: Jeff, please stop asking me questions. You're stressing me out.
J: WE are stressing YOU out.
KJ: YOU are stressing US out, Carolyn.
C: Oops!
KJ: Ugh....