遠山顕の英会話入門  夏号 Dialog 1

遠山顕の英会話入門  夏号 Dialog 1

K: So, Jeff, are you ready?
J: You bet.
K: All right.
J: This house is a lot like me. So, I think it'll be OK. I have a lot of character, so ...
K: Oh, yes. You do have a lot of character.
J: So, let's try it.
K: And you play a lot of characters.
C: Oh, that's true.
J: A lot of characters. Yes. All right. Here we go.

All: Nice start.

Choose the Right One!
K: Jeff, what about your answer? What do you think?
J: Well, my answer, "It was built in 1990." Um... I don't really think the 1990 qualifies as a historic home.
K: How true.
J: Um... So, I… I don't think this is it. Carolyn, how about your answer?

C: Well, my answer was, "It was built in 1919." And well, I think this looks like it might be the one, but let's hear from Ken first. What about No. 3, Ken?

K: Thank you, but no thank you. This is not the very good candidate. It says, "It was built in 1999."
J: Hmm...
K: Yeah. Even lot newer than Jeff's hose.
J: Sounds like a good house to party in.
C: Ohhh.
K: Let's hope so.

All: So, the right answer is ...
C: No. 2, "It was built in 1919.

J: Good job!
C: Yeah.
K: Good job.
C: Great.

Write It!
◆ 「二人は」 これどうしましょう? "The two?"
C: Oh, that's not wrong. But I would recommend keeping it, uh, short and simple, and just use "they" here.

◆ 「それはとてもいいと思っています」 簡単に言えますか?
J: Yes, "love it."
J: I love it.
K: OK.
J: It's so simple.
K: Yeah, me too.
J: There are less common way to say it, uh... nonstandard ways like "I'm loving it," or "I'm in love with it," but it's usually just "love it." That's the best one.

◆ これ日本であまり使われませんかね?
C: Oh, yeah, but for English usage, the verb "love" is used by everyone. And it's good at everyone should use it.

C: Oh, sure.
J: I know they did.
C: I bet they did a great job.

K: Well, well, well, they seem to found a very good house.
J: Yeah, a historic home with a big yard.
C: And it has a lot of character.
J: Who could ask for more.
K: Yeah, great start.
C: Wait a minute, Ken. This is not the end of the story?
K: No. It goes on and something may happen.
J: Uh oh.
K: Oh, you know, life is full of surprises.
J: Oh, I don't like surprises.
C: I don't either.
J: Can we just end the story here while they are happy and contented?
K: Too late, baby.
J: Oh.
K: It's too late. You've already recorded the next dialog. Don't you remember?
J: Oh, that's right. That's right.
K: There is no turning back.
C: Ugh...
K: No way!