遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2024年春号 Dialog 6

遠山顕のいますぐ使える英会話 2024年春号 Dialog 6

Write It!
◆ 桜好きの二人
J: Uh-huh. Well, there's a couple of ways you can say this. Um... You can actually use the Japanese "sakura" because that's becoming more familiar in English.
K: Right.
J: (It should) be "two sakura lovers" or you can just use the English, "two cherry blossom lovers.

◆ ……が近づいています
F: Uh... we cdould say something like "何々is coming up."

◆ 荒川では
J: We would say "on," "on the Arakawa river."
K: You are not floating on there.
J: No, but wouldn't be "in the river," because then would be "in the river," "in the water."
F: Right.
K: You will be wet.
J: Yes, and also some people might think it's "Ara river," but uh... you know...
F: No.
J: No, no, no. It's "Arakawa river."
F: River, that's true.
J: You're right. They always say the name and then "river."
F: That's true… again.
J: Yap.


J: They always do.
K: Yeah, you're sure?
F: Very good.
K: Prety sure.
K: All right.
J: Wonderful.
K: If you say so.
F: Yap.

Before We Move On!
K: Now, guys…
J: Yes.
F: Yes?
K: What is your favorite cherry tree? That's the question.
F: Oh, my favorite one, I think it's the weeping sakura. It just looks like they're bowing down to say hello, you know.
K: Oh, wow!
F: It's really beautiful. Yeah, Jeff, like... what's your favorite tree?
J: Well, I like the... the weeping sakura as well, but I also like the yoshino, because...
F: Oh!
K: Yoshino sakura... that's all over Japan.
J: Yes, all over, because when the wind blows or there's a breeze, it looks like pink snow is falling.
F: True.
J: I love that. That's so Japanese.
F: It's true.
J: Now, Ken, you are Japanese, as a Japanese person, it would be hard for you to pick one. I would imagine.
K: That's true, but my favorite is a simple lovely mountain, mountain sakura.
J: Ah, okay. All right.
K: Yeah, I like it, probably because we can see a big one, big yamazakira tree from our place.
J: Oh, you can?
K: Yeah.
F: Oh, that's nice.
K: That’s … We're really lucky and we enjoy watching it every spring and yamazakura blooms and shoots leaves at the same time.
F: Oh, my! I didn't know that.
K: It's wild.
J: Wow!
K: Really wild.
J: OK.