遠山顕の英会話入門 2023年冬号 Dialog 9 & Dialog 10

遠山顕の英会話入門 2023年冬号 Dialog 9

K: Jeff, are you ready?
J: I am.
K: Yeah, I'm sorry you have to go through this.
J: No. Here goes another one.
K: Okay. Well...

K: That was a little tricky. I'm sorry.

All: You are so gung ho.

Choose the Right One!
K: OK. What do you think of your answer, Jeff?
J: No. 1, "To ring in the new year." That actually kind of sounds possible.
C: Yeah.
J: I think from very western perspective.
C: Yes.
J: Carolyn, how about your answer?

C: Well, No. 2, "To ring out 108 human vices." And I did hear a number.
J: Oh, that's right.
C: .... might sound similar to that.
K: You did.
C: But how about No. 3, Ken.

K: "To ring out 180 huma vices." I heard similar number but I think this is too much.
J: Yeah, that sounds like a lot.
C: Too many vices.

K: So,...
All: The right answer is...
C: No. 2, "To ring out 108 human vices."

C: Great!
J: Congratulations!
K: Did it.

Write It!
◆ そばを食べ終わり
J: Right, "soba."
K: Buckwheat needles もありますが、soba でいいでしょう。

K: Well, we are going to use the past tense in English here. So, we are going to use "finished their soba."

◆ 今……しています。
C: Well, kind of relating to Jeff, the man and woman finished an action and they are starting a new action.
K: OK.
C: So, we can follow the Japanese here as well and write, "Now, they are 何々ing."

◆ この夜に
J: We want to emphasize this particular night. So, we re going to say, "on this night."

C: Oh, yeah.
J: They always do.
K: All right.
J: Way to go!

Sign Off
K: OK. Here's the question for you and for me.
C: Sure.
J: Uh-huh.
K: How do you spend New Year's Eve or how did you spend New Year's Eve where you come from?

C: Well, coming from Canada, I used to spend the New Year's going to New Year's Eve parties.
K: Oh.
C: And ...
J: A party girl.
C: Parties.

K: Wow!
C: So...
K: That's a plural. Oh, my goodness.
C: Yeah! But so, you know, it was very lively evening, and at the end, there would be the huge countdown.
J: Dancing and balloons ...
C: And everybody would be shouting "Happy New Year!" So, very different to my New Year's celebrations in Japan.
J: Ah!
C: That's for sure. What about you, Jeff?

J: Well, we usually did kind of what Japanese did. We were fairly subdued.

(subdued 静かな)

We'd have a buffet or something, and we would make New Year's resolutions to kind of wring out our human vices or bad habits and start something new.

K: Oh, I see.

C: How about you, Ken. Which one, loud parties or quiet...
K: Oh, um... pretty quiet, but I used to spend my New Year's Eve in Hawaii.
C: Oh!
J: Oh!
K: So, I just listened to those fireworks, you know, for six hours seven hours, and ...
J: So, not ringing out, you are more cracking and exploding out.
K: Yeah, yeah. And getting right into the New Year with 108 vices or even more.
J: Oh.


遠山顕の英会話入門 2023年冬号 Dialog 10

K: Are you ready, Jeff?
J: I'm ready to go.
C: Hey!
K: Let's hear it.
J: OK.

All: (S)No problem.

Choose the Right One!
K: Jeff, what do you think of your answer? What about it?
J: Well, once again, No. 1, "It doesn't look that way." Uh... well, this is Hawaii, so maybe not. I don't know. Carolyn, how about your answer?

C: Well, No. 2, "They say it is." And like you say, Jeff, it is Hawaii, it's very strange that would stick, but ... I think there is a high chance that it might stick.
K: Yeah, this is one of the lines, right?
J: According to the dialog.
C: Yes, apparently .... but let's not forget No. 3. Ken?
J: That's right.

K: Let's forget it.
J: Oh!
C: No!
K: Well, No. 3 is "It's too early to stick." No, they didn't say this at all.
C: Yeah.
K: They said something like what Carolyn said as an announcer. So...
All: The right answer is ...
C: No. 2, "They say it is."

J: Congrats!
C: Yeah!

Write It!
C: Well, in English, I'd recommend using video chat here.
K: OK.
C: So, the phrase would be "are having a video chat."

◆ ハワイにいる男性
J: Well, we are going to say "a man in Hawaii." Now, don't make the mistake of saying "a Hawaiian man," because we're not sure if he is a native Hawaiian or not. So, it's just a man in Hawaii, and that covers all the bases.

Sign Off
K: We are all from snowy region.
C: Yes.
J: Yes, we are.
K: Yeah, that's interesting.
C: Strange coincidence.
K: Oh, yes, different countries too.
C: Yeah.
J: Yes.
K: Now what's the weather like back where you are from? Carolyn, let's hear about Canada right?

C: Yes, the Great White North.
K: Great White Northというあだ名がついていますね。
C: Yes. It's cold, of course. Winter, the nights are very cold. I mean, we go down to minus 10 without the windchill factor. So it can get pretty cold there, but I have to say one quick thing.

(windchill factor 体感温度、風の冷却効果)

The nicest thing about winter is the first snowfall of the year, that’s probably my most amazing experience. Just waking up and seeing everything all covered in snow.
J: I love that. Yes.
K: Wow!
C: And then it just goes downhill from there.

K: How about you, Jeff?
J: Well... yes, I lived in the mountainous regions of Utah and so I had four or five ski resorts within 15 minutes of my house.

K: Is that right?
J: Yeah.
C: And what about you, Ken? What's your snow country?
K: Oh, yes. I'm from the middle of Hokkaido.
C: OK.
K: And... one of my tasks at home, a chore I just say, as a kid... I was there for seven years, and... was to go out and pick up this big milk bottle and bring it inside.
J: Really?
K: Yeah.
J: Was it frozen?
K: Yeah. It was like uh... shaved ice sometimes if you take off that paper cap.
J: Oh, wow.
K: That was a very nice memory. Yeah.
C: Oh.
J: Uh-huh.