10/4 - 10/6, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, October 4

K: So, while he was shooting a film...
C: Yap.
J: Uh-huh.
K: He found something very important, I mean regarding the camera.
J: Yeah, evidently that camera likes him.
K: Okay.

U R the ★
KCJ: Music to our ears.
J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Sounds good.

C: How did you get started as a musician?
J: When my mother bought me a ukulele.
C: How old were you?
J: I was four.
C: Four! That's amazing.

Say It!
K: OK, now, it's your turn, Jeff, five times in one breath for this sentence.
J: All right. Let's try it.

J: How did that go? ×5
C: Hey!
J: How did that go?
K: That one was so...
C: Amazing.
J: Thank you.
K: Wow!

J: All right.
C: Super!
KCJ: You did it again.

Write It!
★ ある映画の撮影中に
K: Movie shoot でよろしいでしょうか?
C: Yeah, that sounds good to me.
K: Uh-huh.
C: Um... I'd recommend using it because it's kind of short and sweet, and easy to say. And also, since it was happening while the movie was shooting, I'd recommend using "during" here.
K: Oh.
C: So, I'd write "during a movie shoot."

A man had terrible stage fright when he got started as an actor. But he overcame it during a movie shoot.

C: Oh, yeah.
J: They always do.
C: You did a fantastic job.
J: Well done.
K: Great.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now, a comic magician is being interviewed.

W: So, how did you get started as a comic magician?
M: I didn't. A friend was producing a show and she asked me to be in it.
W: How did that go?
M: Not well. I made a couple of errors and they laughed at me so hard. I had to leave the stage.
W: You did?
M: But she called me back saying "make more errors." They loved you.
W: I see.
M: Since then, I've been making mistakes on stage.
W: They say, "to err is human."
M: Yes, but to pretend to err is pro.
W: Can I quote you on that?
M: Sure.

(Can I quote you on that? それ引用してもいい?)
(To err is human, to forgive divine. 過ちは人の常, 許すは神の業)
(err 【動詞】過ちを犯す error 【名詞】誤差; 間違い)

J: Professional.

K: Well, thank you for your performance.
CJ: Oh, you're welcome.
C: How did that go?
K: Impeccable.

(impeccable 欠点のない、申し分のない、非の打ちどころがない、罪を犯すことのない perfect, with no problems or bad parts)

J: Oh, thank you.
K: Great.
C: Thank you.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, October 5

K: So, this artist has a motto.
C: Yes.
J: Uh-huh. And it pretty much applies to everything. Practice makes perfect.
C: Yes.
K: Sounds good.

U R the ★
J: All right.
KCJ: Success!

C: OK, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

J: What makes a successful yo-yo player?
C: It takes dedication. I still "walk the dog" every morning for half an hour.
J: I do, too.
C: You mean you practice the trick?
J: Oh, we are not talking about actually walking a dog?
C: Oh, Jeff.

Say It!
K: OK, it's your turn, Jeff, to say this in one breath five times. How about that?
J: I always get the long ones.
C: Yay!
J: But it's a challenge.
K: Yeah, I often hear that long sigh, but each time I hear that you're great. You have no problem.
J: I love a good challenge. Let's try this.

J: Then one thing led to another. ×5
K: Wow!
C: Nice.

J: Wow!
C: Super.
KCJ: Practice makes perfect.

Write It!
★ 彼女は成功しました
K: She succeeded. でどうですか?少し短いようですが……。
J: Yeah, it does. It's not incorrect. But "she succeeded" sounds a little sudden or abrupt as you said.

(abrupt 突然)

J: Right. So, we're going to use "she became successful."
J: It sounds a little more dramatic, a little more emphasis to it.

★ そのモットーは『実践が完璧を生む』です
C: Yes. And we know "motto" is motto… in English.
K: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's right.
C: Yeah. We are talking about something that she believes in. So, she does say what her motto is. And the way I would express it, I would say "her motto is 何々."
K: OK.
C: And we want to add what her motto actually is, and if we remember, it was "practice makes perfect."
K: There you go.
C: So, the whole sentence is going to be "Her motto is "Practice makes perfect.'" And don't forget to put double quotation marks around "practice makes perfect."

A woman is a professional artist, but it started out as a hobby. Then one thing led to another and she became successful. Her motto is "Practice makes perfect."

C: Oh, yeah!
J: I think they did well.
C: Always a good job.
K: All right.
J: Well done.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like this time?
J: Well, here, the woman is a crossword puzzle editor.

M: How did you decide to become a crossword puzzle editor?
W: I started out as a hobby crossworder. Then I won several competitions. Then one thing led to another and one day, a newspaper called me and asked me to be their crossword puzzle editor.

(crossworder: one who solves crossword puzzles)

M: Amazing! What makes a successful puzzle constructor?
W: Practice makes perfect. Keep making them and solving other people's.
M: I can only make two by two.
W: That's a start.

J: So, Ken, what makes a successful radio show host?
K: Oh ... luck.
C: Oh.
J: Okay.
K: A lot of help.
C: Oh, sure.
J: All right.
K: And practice makes perfect.
J: Oh, perfect.
C: Nice.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, October 6

J: Question 1, our first question: What is this commercial about?

Question 1
K: OK, back to the question, Jeff.
J: Right. What is this commercial about?

C: The tasty dishes at Auntie Grace's Café.

J: Sounds good to me.
K: Well, I remember the first woman saying something like "You can't beat the dishes."
J: Oh.
K: I mean... Does it mean that you beat the dishes …
J: and break them?
K: Yeah, like this or what?
CJ: No.
C: Picture, like it's a race, right? You can't do better. You can't win. You can't beat them in a race. You can't do anything better than the dishes….

(picture ~を頭[心]の中に描く、想像する、心に描く、目に浮かべる)

J: Right.
C: … at Auntie Grace's Café.
J: So, they are number one.
K: I see.
J: Very delicious.
K: All right. OK. Let's move on to the next question here.
C: Alrighty. Question 2: What is the house special?

Question 2
K: OK, back to the question, Carolyn.
C: Sure. What is the house special?

K: Jeff, can you give us the right answer?
J: Oh, my mouth is watering, fish and chips.

J: Hmm... a great English dish, British, fish and chips.
C: Yeah.
K: Right. You know, some fish and chips, they are sort of not fresh.
C: True.
J: Uh... sometimes.
C: But their fish, it looks like it's fresh-caught.
K: Ah.
C: Right? So...
K: That's a nice word, "fresh-caught."
C: And the chips are described as scrumptious.

(scrumptious すごくおいしい tasting extremely good; delicious)

K: All right. That's a nice word too.
J: Yeah.
K: Scrumptious, that means very delicious.
J: Absolutely delicious. Yeah, wonderful.
K: All right.
J: And the price is not bad either.
K: OK. How much is it?
C: Oh, it looks like it's only $10.
J: Yeah.
C: Well, not only ... Well, only.
K: Maybe. That's what they say "only." So, it's fresh-caught and scrumptious.
J: And well worth it.

K: All right. So far so good.
J: Uh-huh.
K: So far so yummy.
J: Uh-huh.
K: OK. Let's get on to the next one.
J: All right, Question 3: What is the dish you can get for $13?

Question 3
K: OK, back to the question, Jeff.
J: Right. What is the dish you can get for $13?

K: A little more expensive here. But uh...
J: Uh-huh. Not too bad.
K: Carolyn, did you catch the right answer?

C: Well, I hope my stomach doesn't growl when I say it. Oven-roasted ribs with coleslaw.

(growl お腹がグーッと鳴る)

J: Wow.
K: So the price is ...
J: Yeah, $13.
C: But she says it's worth every penny.
J: Uh-huh. I'm sure it is.
K: So it means what? Every penny means, every what? ... cent?
J: Uh-huh. Every cent.
C: Yeah.
K: Okay.
J: It's worth the money.

(It's worth the money. それにはお金を払う価値がある)

K: OK. I think it's gonna be the last question.
C: Sadly, that's true.
K: All right.
C: Question 4: What do they want to order for dessert?

Question 4
K: OK, back to the question, Carolyn.
C: OK. What do they want to order for dessert?

K: Jeff, did you catch this part?
J: Yes, I did.
K: Oh, good.
J: Two large scoops of vegan ice cream.

J: ... which means ...
C: No animal products.
K: OK. Well, here's the big question now. Where is Auntie Grace's Café?
C: Oh, it looks like it's right on the beach.
K: Sounds great.
J: Yeah.
C: And did you hear the address? I didn't. What was the number there?
J: Yes. Um... 73 Ocean Drive.
K: OK. Right there on the beach.
J: Must have a wonderful view.
C: Oh, yeah.

K: Another big question. When are they open?
J: Every day.
C: Right. From 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
K: So, how can you check out their menu?
J: You can check it out online.
K: Ah.
C: Well, so, did you catch the web address?
J: I think so. Didn't it come at the very end?
C: I think so... auntiegracescafe.com
J: ... .com
K: .com. Yeah.