8/23 - 8/24, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, August 23

C: Wow! Looks like they got rained out of it.
K: Oh, my goodness.

(rain out 〔雨がスポーツ試合などを〕中止にする)

U R the ★
J: Oh, yeah.
C: Great.
KCJ: You are on top of it.

J: All right, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Alrighty.

J: Oh, it's starting to rain.
C: I'll tell you what. Let's go have coffee in that café.
J: Yeah, let's.
C: It'll let up soon.
J: I hope so. But let's take our time.

(let up 〔雨・雪などが〕やむ)
(take one's time 〔自分の好きなだけ時間をかけて〕マイペースでやる、じっくりやる)

Say It!
K: OK. So, Jeff, are you ready for five times in one breath?
J: Oh, I'm really looking forward to doing this.
K: Right. Let's hear it.

J: The rain is really coming down. ×5
K: You really did it. Oh, my goodness. Wow!
J: I really tried.

J: Wow!
C: Wonderful.
KCJ: You really did a great job.

Write It!
★ テントを張る
K: pitch the tent の別の言い方はありますか?
J: There is. There's another way of saying it, "put up a tent."
J: So, you can say, "They are going to cook the fish before they pitch the tent." Or "They are going to cook the fish before they put up the tent."

★ …することに決めます
K: decide でよろしいでしょうか?
C: Yeah, absolutely. Um... because we know they have to make a choice about what they are going to do.
K: Uh-huh.
C: But they have to make a decision.
K: Right.
C: And quickly.
K: Yes.
C: So, so, yeah, using "decide" here is good. Um... and I'd recommend writing "decide to 何々."
K: Uh-huh. So, here, it's gonna be what...?
C: It'll be "decided to go sit in the car.
K: I see.

C: They are going to cook the fish before they pitch the tent, but the rain really comes down and they decide to go sit in the car.
J: They are going to cook the fish before they put up the tent, but the rain really comes down and they decide to go sit in the car.

C: Oh, yeah!
J: As always, I'm sure.
C: Good work.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like this time?
C: Oh, it suddenly gets cold.

M: Let's pitch the tent after we cook the fish.
J: Oh, my! It's hail. It's really coming down!
M: My campfire is dying out! Oh, it's gone!
J: That's a shame! It's hailing like crazy.
M: The weather forecast said it would be sunny today.
J: Ugh. I'll tell you what. Let's go sit in the car. I'll make you a cheese sandwich.
M: I'll take you up on that. Oh, no! It's getting bigger. The car is gonna (going to)...
J: It's stopped.
M: Hailaluya. (Hallelujah)

J: Oh....
K: I thought you guys say "hallelujah."
J: We usually do, but since it was hail.
C: Hailaluya! I can't say it.
K: Oh, there you go.
C: Say, how do you say, Jeff? Haila...
J: Hailaluya!
K: Would you say that?
C: I don't know if I can say it, a bit difficult. Hailaluya!
K: Oh, that's great.
J: Yeah.
K: I'll tell you what.
C: Uh-huh.
J: Yes?
K: We have to go.
C: Oh.
K: So, let's go.
J: So soon?
K: Yeah. Time flies when you're having fun.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, August 24

K: Happy ending? Yeah?
J: Yeah. Sometimes the most adventurous, are the most fun.
K: Yeah, well put.

(well put 上手い事言うね good comment)

U R the ★
C: Hey!
J: Yeah!
KCJ: That was a performance we can't say no to.

J: All right, Carolyn, you are the star.
C: Alrighty.

J: Are you getting hungry?
C: I'm getting there.
J: How about some eel on me?
C: That's an offer I can't refuse.
J: You'll be good. I'm sure.
C: That'd be better than your joke.

Say It!
K: Well, Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: Oh, yeah. This is gonna be fun.
K: Great!
C: I'm gonna make it last.
K: All right.

(make it last うまくやる)

C: It was fun while it lasted! ×5

KCJ: Great! You always make it fun.

Write It!
★ ホテルを見つけることを提案します
J: Well, once again I'm going to suggest "suggest."
K: Okay.
J: And again, it suggests doing something. So, in this instance is going to be, "Makoto suggests finding a hotel."


K: Right.
J: But there is another way of saying it. "Makoto suggests they find a hotel."

★ 彼らの小キャンプ旅行
C: We saw that phrase in the dialog, right? "Our little camping trip."
K: There you go.
C: Um... but now, because we're reporting about what happened, we have to change it from "our" to "their."
K: All right, yes.
C: So then it'll be, "their little camping trip."

K: So, Carolyn, I have a question here.
C: Sure.
K: short というのはダメでしょうか? short camping trip
C: Oh, I don't think it's wrong. It's totally fine, but I don't know, I think it sounds kind of sweet and cute to use "little" here. It just makes it feel nice.

J: Makoto suggests finding a hotel. That's an offer Jan can't refuse. They agree their little camping trip was fun while it lasted.
C: Makoto suggests they find a hotel. That's an offer Jan can't refuse. They agree their little camping trip was fun while it lasted.

C: Oh, yeah.
J: I'm sure they did.
C: Of course.
J: Good job, you guys.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
J: Well, they ask their virtual assistant to help them out.

M: Let's forget all about camping and find a hotel.
J: That's an offer I can't refuse!
M: We can order room service and watch a movie on TV.
J: I can't wait!
K: Kyoji, could you find a nice, inexpensive hotel for us?
K: You are looking at one now.
JM: That looks perfect!
M: Our little camping trip didn't turn out the way I imagined.
J: I actually had fun.
M: Well, it was fun while it lasted.
J: That's right.
M: Kyoji, what time is it?
K: It's time to say goodbye.
JM: OK. Bye!
J: Bye, everybody.
JM: We hope you enjoyed the story of our adventure.

K: Well, there were a bunch of hurdles, you know, here and there in your story.
C: Oh, yeah.
J: Yes. But we made it through.
C: Yes.
K: It is.
J: Uh-huh.
C: And it was fun while it lasted.
J: Uh-huh.
K: Right.
J: So, it’s always too short though.
K: Bad news...
C: Oh?
J: Yes?
K: We've got to say goodbye.
CJ: Well, that's an offer we can't refuse.
C: Because...
CJ: Because we're so tired.
K: I understand.