遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 8

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 8

K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Sorry?
K: Saury is a name of the fish in the sea.
J: You're right. OK.

Y: Nice!

J: Yeah!
All: You made it.

Chose the Right One!
K: Let's check all the answers one by one.
Y: Okay.
J: Right. No. 1 again, "In the end, the man knows what's wrong."
Umm... listening to the dialog again, I ... I still don't think he knows what's going on. So, I don't think this is the right answer. How about you, Julia?

Y: OK, my No. 2 is, "In the end the woman knows what's wrong."
Wow! I definitely don't think this is right.
K: You're still confused, right?
Y: Yeah, very confused.
K: OK.
Y: Ken, yours?

K: Yeah, mine, "In the end they both don't know what's wrong."
I think, you know, the man doesn't know, the woman doesn't know. I don't think they know anything about what's going on.
J: Right. They're still confused.
K: Yeah. So, I think this is the right answer.

J: I do too.
Y: Me too.
K: So...
All: The correct answer is ...
K: No. 3, "In the end, they both don't know what's wrong."

J: Good job!
Y: Good job.

Write It!
◆ ある男性
J: Right. Right, we're not talking about a specific uh... man here. Uh, so, we're going to use the indefinite article "a."
K: Hmm....
Y: Definitely.

◆ 混乱が始まります
Y: Yeah, you want to use the present tense.
K: OK.
Y: So, this is how it goes. "The trouble begins."
K: And the trouble begins.

◆ ふたりは大変こんがらかってしまいます
K: ダイアログでは I am confused で状態を表しますが、ここでは「こんがらかってしまう」というアクションです。
J: Right. So, "are" would be the condition that they are in, but they're getting there little by little, right? So, it's "in the end" they're confused. So, we want to say "get." Uh... "get confused," which is the action. So, we would say "They get very confused."
K: OK.

J: Oh, that was the tough one, but I know they did.
Y: Uh-huh. I'm sure they plowed right through.

(plow 耕す、苦労して読み進む、取りかかる)
(right through ずっと)

Sign Off
Y: This time, the dialog will be between two men.

This is my favorite fish, samma.
Oh, do you know what’s it called in English?
Don't be. I'm supposed to know it.
I just told you the name.
You did? What is it?
Don't be.
I'm not. The fish is saury.
What is the fish sorry about?
Well, the fish is not sorry about anything.
The fish is not sorry...
It is saury.
Sorry about what?
Ugh... Shall we just eat the fish?
Yeah, let's do that.