遠山顕の英会話入門  夏号 Dialog 10

遠山顕の英会話入門  夏号 Dialog 10

K: OK, Jeff, are you ready for five times in one breath?
J: What am I doing again?
K: Well, would you like to say this uh... "What's it called again?" for five times?
J: That's right.
K: ... in one breath?
J: OK, all right.

K: Wow! Bonus.

K: Wow!
C: Hey!
J: Yeah!
K: Excellent.
All: What a performance!

Choose the Right One!
K: Well, what is the answer? I'm not gonna tell you right now.
C: Ahhhh!!
K: Oh, my goodness.
J: I'm not ganna tell you.
K: Yeah.

K: What are the man and the woman eating?
J: That's a little confusing.
K: Let's hear from you, Jeff. What do you think of your answer?
J: My answer No. 1, "He's seating unagi and she's eating anago."
Uh... I haven't really thought about the other answers yet so ...
C: Yeah.
J I'm gonna hold off.

(hold off 控える)

C: Oh, okay.
J: I'm gonna make it hard for them.
K: Oh, you're not gonna say anything about it?
J: No. I'm gonna leave it to their imagination.
K: Okay.
J: Carolyn?

C: Hmm... I feel like I should do the same. Um... My answer No. 2, "He's eating anago and she's eating unagi." Okay! I feel like I should be kind here.
K: Yeah.
C: Um... I think mine might be correct because when she does ask, "What's it called again?" and the man does say "unagi." So, I think perhaps she is the one eating unagi.
J: Ah, good hint.
C: But we don't know for sure until we hear from Ken.

K: Well, you don't even need to hear anything from me. But the answer here, the possibility is zero. "They're both eating anogo." No! One of them is eating unagi. The other one is eating anago.

K: So,..

The right answer is No. 2, "He's eating anago and she's eating unagi."

Well done.
Good work. It was tricky.

Write It!
◆ アナゴ、または conger eels
C: Well, here are two ways we can add this extra information in English. For the first way, which is something we talked about not too long ago, right?
K: Uh-huh.
C: We can use the word "or" and it'll be "anogo or conger eels."
K: I see.

C: Another way, we can do this is by adding a comma after anogo. And in this case, it'll be "anago, (comma) conger eels.

K: Jeff, ここでは、anago are となっていますよね。
J: Right.
K: anago is よりもいいのでしょうか?

J: Yes, because you are speaking about anogo in general, not one specific or not one special anago. So, you also don't need to add "an" or "a" or "the" as in "an anago" or "the anago." It's just "anago, " but it's plural. So that's why you're using "are."

J: I think they did.
C: Of course. Always.
K: All right.
J: They always do.

K: OK. I have a question for you.
J: All right.
C: Oh, great.

K: This time it's about sushi.
J: Oh!
C: Hmm...
K: Yeah... Do you like sushi?

C: Yeah, I really love eating raw fish.
K: All right.
J: Yes.
C: I think my favorites are sermon.
J: OK.
K: Oh, okay.
C: Tuna and red snapper.
J: Oh!
C: That's my favorite.
J: Okay.
C: Because they are so good.

K:That's 鯛 or something, right? ... red snapper.
C: Oh, yeah. Yeah.
J: Yeah.

K: Jeff?
J: Well, before I came to Japan, there is no way I would touch raw fish.
C: Really!?
J: Not a chance.
C: Oh.
J: And then I came to Japan, and I had sushi for the first time, and it was like love at first bite. It was amazing. How about you, Ken?

K: Well, I love sushi too. Maybe as much as you do. And I have this first experience of having sushi when I was 7 or 8.
C: Oh.
J: Oh.
K: My dad used to come back from sumo tournament, you know.
C: Yeah.
K: And he brought "omiyage," sushi.
J: Oh!
K: And it tastes so good. And I still think that sushi was the best sushi I've ever had.
C: That's really sweet.
J: I'm getting hungry.