ラジオ英会話 12/19 - 12/23, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 176  Monday, December 19

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Well, listeners, Chris McVay here. I just wanted to say we love making these lessons all due to the support you give us. Thank you.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, it's practice time. Today, we are looking at "a." Now, we all know very well "the" meaning the only one これっきゃない. Remember? So, today, we are looking at "a," which is one of several. That's the main point. So, let's look at some examples together.

R: And important thing to keep in mind this to think in English when you practice.

C: Hmm... Here we go!
"I want to have an exhibition of the students' works."
"Can you recommend a good hotel?"
Here it's clear, isn't it? How many good hotels are there. Only one? No. So, "a" is best here.

R: Let's continue. Here too. We have examples that show one of many. Ready?
"I'm a pianist."
"I'm a teacher."
"I'm a fire fighter."
"Fido is a dog."
"That’s a good idea."
"I have an idea."

C: You have many ideas, Roza, right?
R: I do. And they are all great.

C: OK. "I have a dog."
"I have one dog."

R: "I have a friend who is a real estate agent."
"I have a friend who is a real estate agent."

C: And our last couple. "She gave me a reason why she quit." One of many reasons.
"She gave me the reason why she quit." That's the main reason. OK?

R: You guys did great.
C: Keep it up.

◆ Ending
O: What do you do, Roza?
R: Well, I am a Jack of all treads. I do a lot of things.

(Jack of all trades 何でも屋。多くの物事に広く浅い知識はあるが、何一つ専門分野を持っていない人のことを表すイディオム  someone who can do many different jobs)

R: What about you, Chris?
C: Well, I'm an old retired professor.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 177  Tuesday, December 20

◆ Opening
R: Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. Roza, what ingredients do you need for today's lesson?
R: Oh, not many, I just need your smile.
C: Uh...

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Well, our textbook is not short of any ingredients. It's perfect. Ha, ha… Check it out.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Hey, it's practice time. Today, we're looking at the word "some." Now, the image here is that what you are talking about is there, but it's very blurry, right? ... no detail. So, with that in mind, let's practice.

R: And something to keep in mind is to think in English while you practice.

C: OK, let's get started, "someone"
Blurry, blurry...

R: Let's continue, "I need some olive oil."
"I need some water."
"I need some baking powder."
"I need some sugar."

C: How much sugar do you need?
R: A lot.

C: Moving on, "Some 200 people attended my birthday party."
Right? We're not sure exactly how many, so "some 200 people."
"Some 200 people attended my birthday party."

R: And our last couple of examples, "I know some good golf shops."
"I know several good golf shops."
Here you can compare, "some" is that blurry image, some golf shops, whereas several good golf shops is talking about specific clear good golf shops.
One last time, "I know some good golf shops."
"I know several good golf shops."

C: OK, well done guys.
R: Excellent work.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, let's go to a sushi bar.
R: Oh, that's great! Yeah, I'm hungry.
O: Some time.
C: Ha, ha… I thought it was too good to be true.
R: Ugh…
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 178  Wednesday, December 21

◆ Opening
C: Hey guys, you're supposed to be speaking in English. "Charm point" is not English. You have to say "attractive point," OK?
R: That is very true. Akino Roza desu.
C: Chris McVay desu.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys, are you ready to practice? Today, we're continuing our focus on the word "some." So, let's look at a few more advanced uses of "some," but all retain the basic blurry image, OK?

(retain 持ち続ける)

R: And here's some advice from me. Remember to think in English when you practice.
C: Hmm... good advice, Roza. Let's begin, "Would you like some coffee?"
"Do you need some help?"

R: Let's continue, "For some reason, she quit the job."
"I agree with you to some extent."

C: OK, here we go again, "She married some Italian guy."
Once more, "She married some Italian guy."

R: And the last couple of examples, "We can sit on some of them."
"He didn't answer some of my questions."

C: OK, excellent job.
R: That was really something guys.

------- ちょっと解説 -------

She married some Italian guy.  彼女はどこかのイタリア人の男と結婚したよ。
She is married to some Italian guy. 彼女はどこかのイタリア人の男と結婚しているよ。

● married  marry は自動詞なので、動詞marryのあとに「結婚する相手」を置くことで「〜と結婚する」という意味になります。 
"to" を使うのは、「結婚している」という状態にフォーカスするときですよ~。

● be動詞+married to = 「結婚している」という状態 married with は使いません。

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, I like to work at home. How about you, Chris?
C: Well, I don't mind working at home but I prefer to meet people face to face. I'm a social animal.
R: I also prefer to work in person with you guys.
O: Oh, how sweet of you.
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 179  Thursday, December 22

◆ Opening
R: Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. Wow! We're getting so close to the end of the year. Time flies, doesn't it?
R: You can say that again.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, it's practice time again. Today, we are looking at the word "any."

The basic image of "any" is freedom of choice. If you imagine a magician doing a typical card trick, he might say, "Pick a card, any card." So, you can choose whichever of the 52 cards. That image might help you when you want to use this word "any." Let's practice together.

R: And remember, think in English.

C: "anyone"
You can feel the freedom already, right? "Does anyone have any questions?"

R: Can we go on to the next few examples?
C: Sure, anytime.

R: "I don't like any sports."
"I don't like any sports."

C: "John is taller than any other boy in his class."
Once more, "John is taller than any other boy in his class."

R: And our last example, "I don't like any of their songs."
"I don't like any of their songs."

C: Not even one?
R: Not even one.
C: Ugh... Well done guys. Good practice.
R: I hope you liked our examples. That was great.

◆ Ending
O: Time flies.
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 180  Friday, December 23

◆ Opening
R: Hey everyone, welcome back to the review. This is Akino Roza.
C: Chris McVay here. It's review time, so, relax, open your ears, and do your best.

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, what would you like to get for Christmas?
C: You know, I'd like to get an expensive, fancy, coffee making machine.
O: How about you, Roza?
R: Well, I'd like to get a horse.
O: M-U-R-I, 無理!