遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 9

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 9

K: Are you ready, Jeff?
J: Um... I wouldn't advise it.
K: Oh, no?
J: I'll recommend you do it, Ken.
K: Oh, my goodness.
K: Well, I'll take the challenge.
J: All right! I would advise that.
K: All right.

J: Yeah!
Y: Ohhhh!!!
J: Wow!
Y: Good job.
K: Thank you for your advice.

J: Yay!
All: Great performance.

Chose the Right One!
K: What do you think of your answer or possible answer, Jeff?
J: Right. The first possibility, "The tree is loaded with sweet persimmons."
Umm... No, I don't think they're sweet yet. I think they're astringent. So, I don't think this is it. I really don't. Julia, how about yours?

Y: OK, my answer No. 2, "There are no persimmons where the man comes from."
Uh... I think he actually said that in the dialog.
K: What did he say?
Y: I think he said, "We don't have them where I come from."
J: There is a good possibility.

Y: Ken?
K: No. 3, "The man eats an astringent persimmon."
Uh... No. The lady advises him not to eat the persimmons.
J: Right.
Y: And he listened.
K: Yeah, he did. He sure did. So...
All: The correct answer is...
Y: No. 2, "There are no persimmons where the man comes from."

J: Congratulations!
Y: Nice.
J: That was tricky.
Y: Tricky, tricky.
J: Well done.

Write It!
◆ 女性の家にある木
Y: Oh, yes, simple way of saying would be "the woman's tree."
Y: Very simple.

◆ それが甘くなるように
J: Well, this is also simple. There is a couple of ways we can say it. "So that they turn sweet." And we can also say the same thing without the "that." We can take "that" out and say, "so they turn sweet."

J: I know they did.
Y: Yeah! I have faith in them.
J: Yeah. Positive. Definitely.
K: All right.
Y: Yes.
J: Well done.

(have faith in 信じ切る)

Sign Off
K: So, do you like to persimmons?
J: Oh yes.
Y: I love persimmons.
K: Oh, wow. Yeah.
J: I actually like the dried ones the best though.
K: Oh.
J: I mean, most people like the fresh persimmons better, I would think. No?
Y: I... I love the fresh ones.
K: Yeah, same here.

J: But I love eating the dried ones. You can take them with you and enjoy them as a snack.
K: They can be very, very sweet.
J: Uh-huh. Yes
Y: Like confectionery.
K: Oh, yeah.
Y: Natural confectionery.

K: How about you, Julia?
Y: I love eating them fresh and even with fresh ones, there are preferences whether you like the hard crunchy type or the soft squishy one.
J: Smoothie one.
Y: Yeah.
J: All right. What about you, Ken? I

K: I love, uh, ripe ones.
Y: Oh!
K: Hold it in my hand and it's kind of, uh, mushy... I just bite into it...
J: And you eat the skin and all.
K: Once in a while I do. It's a little odd but I love it.

(squishy ぐにょぐにょした)
(mushy どろどろした)