9/21 - 9/22, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, September 21

C: Wow! So, it sounds like there are a lot of birds making noise.

U R the ★
C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: How do you like your new house?
J: Good. Except a house is going up next door.
C: That's too bad.
J: I can't get any peace and quiet.
C: Maybe you should make a complaint.
J: Maybe I will.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: You betcha.

(betcha = bet you, yes, no problemなどの意味で使われる。非常にカジュアルな口語表現)

K: All right. Let's hear it.

C: I'm tweeting a complaint. ×5

K: You did it.

J: Oh, wow!
C: All right!
KCJ: No complaints here. Well done!

Write It!
★ ものすごくうるさくなるので……です
C: Yes, the pattern I'd recommend using here is "so 何々 that 何々." And it's a handy phrase to know, I think. So, in this situation, it's going to be "get so noisy that 何々."

★ ……するかもしれません
K: might とか may とかありますかね?
J: Yes, both are correct. In this particular case, "might" has a little less possibility, kind of nuance to it. So, maybe "may" would be a better choice.

C: A bird is sick and tired of starlings. They get so noisy at the crack of dawn that he can't get any peace and quiet. He may tweet a complaint.

J: I think they did it well.
C: Gotcha! You nailed it.

(gotcha = やったぞ! I have got you. の省略形。カジュアル表現で「やった!」「見つけた!」「捕まえた!」「わかった!」というようなときに使う)
In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, here, two turtles are on the beach. Boom boxes are playing.

(boom box = 大型ポータブルラジカセ a large radio and CD player you can carry with you)

T1: I'm sick and tired of all these people!
T2: What do you mean?
T1: I'm talking about the ones with boom boxes. I can't get any peace and quiet!
T2: You know the rule: Boom boxes are allowed to be played on the beach.
T1: Well, but I can't hear the waves. I'm filing a complaint.

(file = 苦情・請求・要求・訴えなどを申し立てる)

T2: Hey, it won't do any good.
T1: Hello. Lifeguard, sir!
L: Yes, turtle, sir?
T1: Well, I must be going. Wow.
T2: Come on, bro.

(bro. = brother, a male sibling)

L: Good-bye, sir!

J: Well, that lifeguard did sound a little intimidating.

(intimidating = 脅威的な、おびえさせるような making you feel frightened or nervous)


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, September 22

K: The roller coaster kind of ... that conversation.
C: Yeah.
J: Yeah, up and down.

U R the ★
CJ: Good job.

C: Jeff...?
J: Yes?
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: Where are you?
J: I got to work safe and sound.
C: Good. I heard there was a train delay.
J: That didn't happen to mine.
C: Oh, you are lucky.
J: Yeah, lucky I guess.

Say It!
K: Jeff-san, are you ready?
J: This might be harder than we think.
K: Hmm... but that's the sprit.
J: But I’ll do my best. All right.

J: That must have cost an arm and a leg! ×5

K: You did it. Wow!

CJ: Right. Nice.
KCJ: That must have been easy for you.

Write It!
★ 帰り道で
J: Yes, there's a way of saying this "on one's way back." And in this case, we're talking about the man. So "on his way back."
K: OK.

★ レッカー移動してもらわなければならなくなりました
K: 「ならなくなりました」の言い方は?
C: Well, that is a real mouthful in Japanese.
K: Yeah, it is a mouthful.
C: But in English, wouldn't it just be "had to"?

K: 「してもらう」これはどうでしょう?
C: So, in that case, "have it done." So, the whole thing if we put it together will be, "He had to have something done." And in this case, it's "towed." So, "He had to have it towed."

J: The man got home safe and sound, but on his way back, his car broke down and he had to have it towed. Luckily, he has roadside assistance insurance.

C: Good job!
J: I bet they did. Yeah.

In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
J: Well, this time, it's a longer that's-good-that's-bad story.

M: Hi, Angie. I got home safe and sound.
A: Good! I heard there was a storm in your area.
M: Oh, it just rained off and on
A: That was lucky!
M: But my car broke down.
A: No way! Did you get hurt?
M: Not at all!
A: Good!
M: But I had to have it towed.
A: That must have cost an arm and a leg!
M: Well, luckily I have roadside assistance insurance.
A: That is lucky!
F: Yeah, Lady Luck is on my side.
A: I'll say. Sounds like she likes you.
F: Sometimes.

K: Ah, he called that "Lady Luck."
J: ... is on my side.
J: So, we finished another show...
KCJ: Safe and sound!