遠山顕の英会話入門 夏号  Dialog 7

遠山顕の英会話入門 夏号  Dialog 7

K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: It's gotta be a big breath.

(gotta be きっと~だ、~に違いない、~でないと駄目だ、~でなくちゃいけない、~じゃなきゃいけな)
(It's gotta = It has got to)

K: Oh, yeah, three times will do.
J: I'll try.
K: All right.
C: You can do five.
J: So much confidence in me. All right.

C: Easy.
J: Big breath. I'm a semipro.
K: Well, somebody else said that in the dialog.
J: Yes.

All: You are a pro!

Choose the Right One!
K: Well, back to the possible answers?
J: Right. "There are over 70 species in Japan." I don't think the number 70 was mentioned, 17 was mentioned for something else.
C: Ah... right.
J: Um... so, I don't think this is the right answer. So, how about your answer, Carolyn?

C: Yeah, my answer was "Adults live two weeks." I did hear the number two, but it wasn't in reference to "weeks." If it were talking about how long adults live, it was 4 to 6 weeks, not 2 weeks. So, let's hope, Ken, you have a better answer than mine.

(in reference to ~に関して)

K: Well, No. 3 is "Nymphs stay underground at least two years." And I think that is really mentioned verbatim or you know, all the words are there.

(verbatim 一語一語、文字どおりに)

J: Right.
K: And I think this is going to be the correct answer.
J: Correct!

All: So, the right answer is...
K: No. 3, "Nymphs stay underground at least two years."

Write It!
◆ このセミのコーラスは「セミシグレ」と呼ばれ
J: Well, you could say cicada chorus.
K: OK.
J: Maybe ... Uh, we're going to use the word "called," so, "This cicada chorus is called セミシグレ."
K: I see.

◆ cicada shower です
K: What are we gonna (going to) do with this part?
C: Ah, that's a good question. Um... Well, we're gonna (going to) follow from Jeff's part.
K: Uh-huh.
C: And we're going to use the word "or" here to add the English translation.
K: OK.
C: We saw this in the dialog as well. Um... So, this part is going to be " This cicada chorus is called セミシグレ or cicada shower."

◆ 直訳では
J: In English, "in direct translation" would be a good way to put it.
K: OK.
J: And "in direct translation" can be put before or after "cicada shower."
K: OK.

C: Oh, yeah.
J: It was complicated but I know they did.
C: They did a great job.
K: All right.

K: Well, I have a question for you guys again.
J: All right.
C: Sure.
K: And this time, it's about cicadas, セミ.
J: Ah!
K: You know, Jeff, you are from Utah.
J: Right.
K: Right. Are there cicadas there?
J: Uh, there probably are but I don't remember ever hearing them. It's more of a desert state and ... Yeah, I don't remember hearing them until I got to Japan.
K: That's interesting.
J: Yeah.
C: OK.

K: How about you, Carolyn? You had some cicadas in Canada as a child? I mean...
C: I think so.
K: You heard them chirp.

(chirp さえずる)

C: It was either that or electrical wires.
J: Ah!
C: Like the buzzing of electrical wires.
K: Oh, buzzing.
J: Electric fences. I think it's a little different than that. Yeah.
K: Yeah.
C: But it's the sound of summer to me. It's a beautiful sound.
K: Great.

C: Ken, do you love the sound of セミ?
K: Yeah, I do.
C: Oh!
K: Actually, yeah. And I love different kinds of sounds that different kinds of cicadas make, and also, I like the way they live and die.
C: Ah.
J: Umm... It's a little sad.
K: It's sad but it's so strange and different. And some of them live to 17 years.

(live to ~歳まで生きる)

J: Yeah.
C: Oh, that's right.
K: It's incredible. It's almost like "zen." I don't know what kind of "zen" that is, but...
C: Yeah.