遠山顕の英会話入門 2024年冬号 Dialog 7

遠山顕の英会話入門 2024年冬号 Dialog 7

Write It!
◆ 女性は
K: a woman ではないのではないですか?ここでは……。
J: Right. She's already been mentioned, so, we're going to use "the woman" rather than "a woman."
J: Right. And the same goes for "the man" rather than "a man." Right.

◆ 男性は、……について質問します
Y: Oh, sure. Yeah, it's the pattern of "askes someone about something."
So, in this case, it would be "asks the man about..." whatever.

◆ 男性は、……と教えます
K: これは teach でよろしいですか?
J: Well, the word "teach" can be used in a kind of a more formal structure, like a classroom type of setting, but this is between two friends or two associates. So, we're going to use the world "tells."
J: So, "The man tells her 何々."

◆ Aであり、Bであると教えます
K: tells her that 何々
Y: Sure. There are two clauses.
K: Yeah.
Y: For the first one, "tells her that it's kombu." In the first part, you can use "that," but you can also leave it out. So, you can say, "tells her that A." Or you can also say, "tells her A."

Y: And you are going to the second clause. In that...
Y: Right, "tells her A and that B." In that case, you want "that" in there, because it makes the sentence clearer. So, for the second clause, "you want that."


J: I think so. I have faith in them.
Y: Yeah, they worked hard at it.
J: I believe they did.
K: All right.
J: Good job.

Before We Move On!
K: At the New Year, do you eat anything special? How about you, Julia?
Y: I have your Japanese standard soba.
K: Oh.
Y: Since it's the New Years.
K: Okay.
Y: And uh... mochi... We love mochi.
J: Oh.
Y: And oh, I love kuromame, black beans.
K: Oh, wow.
Y: I'm a vegetarian, so I stay away from all the shrimps and fish things. So, everything's prepared, like with kombu dashi, kombu soup stock.
K: Yes?
Y: Yes.
K: Ah, nice. Jeff, do you eat anything special?

J: Well, actually yes. I make homemade eggnog.
Y: Wow!
J: And I only make once a year between Christmas and New Years.
K: Eggnog, how do you make it, eggnog?
Y: I'd like to know.
Y: With eggs.
K: With eggs... so, okay... That's simple.
J: Eggs and cream ...
K: Uh-huh.
J: And sugar... and uh... what else? Nutmeg... there's a few other things we ....
Y: Clove ... maybe?
J: No.
Y: No?
J: I don't put any clove in it. Uh... Cinnamon sometimes.

J: Yeah, eggs and cream ...
Y: Delicious.
J: And sugar.
K: The name is again?
J: Eggnog. So, to celebrate, your osechi ryori, I'll send you some eggnog to drink with it.
YK: Yikes!
J: Ha?
K: Appreciate that.