遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 6

遠山顕の英会話入門  秋号 Dialog 6

K: Are you ready, Julia.
Y: OK. This time, I'm breading first.
J: Ha ha ha ... big breath.
Y: OK. Here goes.

Y: Yes!

All: Outstanding!

Chose the Right One!

K: Well, let's get back to those candidates. Jeff, would you let us know your take?

J: Right, No. 1, "The man loves nashi pears because they're big."
K: Hmm...
J: Well, he is impressed with the size, but hmm... I'm not sure if this is the right one or not. I I'll have to listen to the other two explanations first.

Y: OK, then, I'll go with No. 2, "Nashi pears have a high-water content." Well, this definitely sounds like a correct answer.
K: Yeah, it is a fact, right?
Y: Yeah.
J: Yes. Hmm...
Y: Well, Ken?

K: OK. Mine will not be a good one. Now I know. "Nashi pears keeps you dehydrated. This is out of the question.
J: Uh-huh.
K: It's not the word "dehydrated" we should be used here. We should be used "hydrated."
Y: Definitely.

K: So ...
All: The correct answer is ...
Y: No. 2, "Nashi pears have a high-water content."

J: That's tricky.
Y: Well, tricky, tricky.
J: Well done.

Write It!
◆ 男性は……ということに驚きます
J: Right. There are two ways to say this to make a sentence out of it. The first way would be "the man is surprised that plus clause."
K: Uh-huh.
J: And the other way is to take out "that." So, it would be "the man is surprised, plus clause."

◆ 西洋梨
Y: That would be "western pears."

J: I believe they did.
Y: Me too.
K: All right.
J: Well done.
Y: Yeah, good job.
J: Yeah!

Sign Off
K: Well, here's a question. How do you compare western pears and nashi pears?
Y: Well, nashi pears are definitely juicer and larger too:
K: How true.

J: And nashi pares are round like an apple, and western pears are more of the true pear shape or what most people think of when they think of a pear shape.

Y: That's right.

K: Nashi pears have a light taste. It's uh...
Y: Uh-huh.
K: ... kind of bland, even. Oh, I shouldn't say that.

(bland 〔食べ物などが〕味気ない、風味がない、水っぽい)

J: Wow, we've learned a lot so far.
Y: Yeah. It's educational.
K: And well prepared.

Y: You took the words right out of my mouth.
J: Hey, I was going to say that.
K: Oh, yeah?