英会話入門 Dialog 1


Come on in!
Welcome to Ken's Eikaiwa Nyumon Anytime.
K: Hi I'm Ken Toyama.
And here with me are ...

C: Hi, there. I'm Carolyn Miller. It's great to have you here.
K: And ...
J: Hi, I'm Jeff Mannig. It's great to be working with you.
K: So, are you ready, guys?
C: Ken, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
J: I'm ready when you are ready, Ken.
K: Okey-dokey. Let's get the ball rolling.
CJ: Here we go.

Dialog 1
◆ Choose the Right One!
K: Jeff, what do you think of your answer?
J: Well, my answer No. 1, "No, there is nothing she can do for him." Uh... is not a good candidate, I think. Because she actually agrees to do something for him. And that leads us to No. 2., Carolyn?
C: Well, my answer was, "Yes, she can meet him." And, to be honest, I think it might be a possibility. Oh, what about your answer, Ken?
K: Uh, my answer, "Yes, she can marry him." is out of the question.

KCJ: So, the right answer is .... No.2, "Yes, she can meet him."
KCJ: You did it!

◆ Write It!
J: Right. For this part, you have the expression "want to" and "Noah wants to 何々." And this suggest that he hopes to have something happen or he desires to have something happen.
C: Well, we just heard Jeff introduced, uh, the expression "want to," but here, we have a different expression or different pattern, which is "need to."
K: Ah..
C: ... which I recommend using. So, it would be "Ema needs to 何々." And here, using "need to" has a practical, logical and objective nuance to it.

K: さあ、うまくいきましたか?
C: Oh, yeah.
J: I think they did.
K: All right.
J: All right.
C: Good work.
K: You rock.

◆ Ending
K: Well, Carolyn…
C: Uh-huh.
K: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: You really did well too.
J: Oh, thank you.
C: Really?
K: Yeah.
C: I didn't see it coming.
J: I never thought that coming.
K: Well, come on! You know better than that.
C&J: We're just kidding.
K: Ah, okay.
J: Ken, you did well too.
K: I know.
J: Ah... I kind of knew he was going to say.
C: Yeah.
J: I saw that coming.
K: Excuse me?
C: Oh, yeah.