ラジオ英会話 4/4-4/8, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 1  Monday, April 4

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys, Chris McVay here. You're right, Roza. If you guys stick with us, you're gonna (going to) make amazing progress and have fun along the way.

(along the way = 道中、ここに至るまでに、進行中に during the time that something is happening or that you are doing something)

◆ Feel English
C: OK, everyone, let's practice these phrases with the feeling of "make." I want you to imagine you have a ball of clay in your hands. You press here, you pull there until you've created the shape you want. This is the image you should keep in mind for all these phrases. OK?

R: And of course, remember, don't think in Japanese.

C: Right. Here's the first phrase. You repeat after me. "Make an appointment."
"Make an appointment."

C: OK, let's move on to the next phrase. Are you ready? "Make time." "Make money."

R: OK, let's keep going. And remember that image of "make" in your mind. OK?
"Make a mistake." "Make a mistake."

R: Here's the last one. "Make an effort." "Make an effort."

R&C: Great job!

◆ Ending
R: That's right, guys. So, be sure to listen every day.
C: And you know, being scared of making mistakes is a big mistake. Try to fall in love with mistakes. That's the best way to really improve your spoken English.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 2  Tuesday, April 5

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Chris, we're going to land on the surface of the lesson, I mean.
C: Oh, the lesson has a surface. I see. I didn't know that. Hi, everyone, Chris McVay here. But I hope you help us land smoothly on this amazing surface, which I’ve never heard of.

◆ Feel English
C: OK, guys, are you ready to practice a little more deeply? We want you to remember what we said before about this shaping, pressing, pulling, right? And in this case, in these phrases, it's all about doing everything that's possible to reach a successful conclusion. Here's the first phrase. You repeat after me. "Make it to the party." "Make it to the party."
C: Try after me again. "Make it to the party."
R: OK, guys, Here's the next phrase. Repeat after me. "Make it by five." "Make it by five."
R: Great! One last time, "Make it by five."
C: And the next one. Are you ready? "Make it as a professional golfer." "Make it as a professional golfer."
C: So, you'll do everything possible. You'll pull, you'll press until you reach that goal of becoming a professional golfer. Once more with that in mind. "Make it as a professional golfer."
R: And the last one. "You can make it." "You can make it."
R: It has that exciting feeling, right? One last time, "You can make it."
R: Perfect!

◆ Ending
C: Yeah, we hope you like the new format. Stick with us and you can definitely make it.
R: We'll see you all tomorrow.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 3  Wednesday, April 6

◆ Opening
O: Peacock and Jessica, I can see it coming.

(see it coming それが起こりそうな気配を感じる to expect something to happen)

R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. I bet you're looking forward to today's lesson.
C: Chris McVay here. Roza, why are you smiling from ear to ear, at the moment? Is it because you're with us? Or is it something to do with Professor Peacock?

(Roza, why are you smiling from ear to ear, at the moment? の最後の部分、for the moment とも聞こえますが、それですと、意味がちょっと通らないかもしれません)
(at the moment ちょうどその時)
(for the moment 今のところは)

R: Let's find out.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK guys. Shall we continue our great practice sessions?
R: And remember, don't think in Japanese. OK?
C: Today, well, I want to concentrate on collocations, いい組み合わせ, because "make" has a wide variety of collocations.

For example, "make a speech." Why not "do a speech?" Why is "make a speech" perfect? ... Because of the basic image of shaping it. It needs lots of preparation until you've got the final beautiful successful product. So, keep that in mind while we practice all these phrases, right? After me, "Make a speech." "Make a speech."
And another one, "Make a choice." "Make a choice."
R: Here is the next one, "Make sure." "Make sure."

C: Great! Here is a good one, "Make a good teacher."
But it takes a lot of preparation and training to make a good teacher, right? Therefore, "make" is the perfect collocation. Let's try once more with that in mind, "make a good teacher."
R: And the last one, "What do you make of her?" "What do you make of her?"
R: Great job.
C: Well done guys, excellent.

(collocation 複数の単語からなるが、まとまった形で単語と同様に用いられる言語表現 common word combinations / a word or phrase that is often used with another word or phrase / the combination of words formed when two or more words are often used together in a way that sounds correct)

◆ Ending
O: Hey guys, today's dialog was like a horror movie, wasn't it?
R: I can't wait to see what develops.
C: But I think you've made up your mind already.

(develop 事を新たな段階に発展させる、事が新たな段階に発展する grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 4  Thursday, April 7

◆ Opening
R: Ugh! That was so awful. I'm crying, Chris. Akino Roza here.
C: Chris McVay here. I don't care because I'm feeling a little homesick with talk of scones and things like that.

◆ Right after the Japanese translation part
C: Well, I'm sure our textbook will not make you feel homesick. It will make you feel soooooo happy.
O: I guess so.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: Today, let's focus on a typical sentence structure with "make." "Make" plus "object" plus "complement." So, let's practice together in order to catch this rhythm of these make phrases. Are you ready?

(object 目的語 / complement 補語)

R: And remember, don't use Japanese.
C: Good point, Roza. Here we go. "He made his dad big."
C: One more time. "He made his dad big."
R: Next, repeat after me. "Make mine the fish burger." "Make mine the fish burger."
C: And the next one. Are you ready? "Make yourself at home."
Can you feel the rhythm, the flow? パンパンパンパンパン♪ Once more. "Make yourself at home."
R: And here is the last example. "I made myself understood in English."
A bit long, but let's try once more. "I made myself understood in English."
R: Great!
C: Well done guys.

◆ Ending
C: What are you saying, Roza?

(What is he saying, Roza? とも聞こえなくもないですが、ネイティヴ・イングリッシュ・スピーカーに音声を聞いてもらったところ、What are you saying, Roza? と言っているとのことでした。)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 5  Friday, April 8

◆ Opening
R: Hi everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to our first review of the year.
C: Hi guys. Chris McVay here. Yes, it's our first review, review, review. So, let's get started.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, Roza...
R: Uh?
O: You like Kyoto a lot, right?
R: Yeah, I love Kyoto. I usually try to go at least once a year, especially in the autumn.
C: And, uh, have you ever dressed up as a Maiko?
R: I actually did a very long time ago.
C: Ah, photo please?