8/16 - 8/18, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習  Monday, August 16

K: Well, he's (has) full of great ideas.
C: Yes.

U R the ★
J: Oh!
C: Yeah!
KCJ: You passed with flying colors.

(with flying colors 大成功を収めて、見事に very successfully)

J: All right, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Alrighty.

J: We're having an online chitchat tonight.
C: That sounds nice.
J: Do you want to join us?
C: I'd like to, but I have to pass.
J: OK. Maybe next time.
C: Oh, sure. Next time.

Say It!
K: So, are you ready, Jeff, for five times in one breath?
J: Well, Ken, that's a big ... yes!
K: Good.
J: All right. Let's get this done.

J: That's a big no. ×5

J: All right.
KCJ: You passed with flying colors again.

Write It!
★ キャンプ場への途中で
C: Well, in English, I would recommend writing "campsite."
C: Well, here, I'd recommend two ways we could do this. We could say "on their way to."
K: Uh-huh.
C: Or we could also say "on the way to."
K: Oh, either way.
C: Yeah, either way is fine. So, actually, we have to add "campsite" there as well. So, the whole phrase is going to be "on their way to the campsite" or "on the way to the campsite."
K: Got it.

★ マコトは……したいと言います
K: Makoto says he wants to何々でよろしいですか?
J: Uh-huh. That's one way of saying it. "Makoto says he wants to 何々." But there is also a way you can simplify this. You can cut "says he," because it's already understood.
K: Yeah, yeah. Right.
J: And you can just say "Makoto wants to 何々."
K: That's OK.
J: That is OK.

C: On their way to the campsite, Makoto says he wants to rent an inflatable raft and go white water rafting with Jan. Jan's answer is a big no.

J: On the way to the campsite, Makoto wants to rent an inflatable raft and go white water rafting with Jan. Jan's answer is a big no.

C: Hey, terrific work.
J: Oh, I'm sure they did a great job.
K: All right.
C: Yes.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn, what's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, this time, they are driving down a beach road 50 years later.

M: Honey, look! They rent autopilot surfboards over there.

(autopilot = automatic pilot オートパイロット、自動巡回 a device that keeps aircraft, spacecraft, and ships moving in a particular direction without human involvement)

J: I see that, dear.
M: Would you be interested in going surfing with me?
J: That's a big no, dear.
M: Oh. I've always wanted to do this. Please? Just for me? … to on a board, honey.
J: I'd like to, but I have to pass. I'm scared of falling off the board, dear.
M: I understand. I'll go for autopilot kayaking.
J: Oh dear. Ugh...

K: What was that? Auto...
C: Autopilot surfboard.
K: Wow! That's nice.
C: Yeah. I would do it.
J: Yeah.
K: You would!?
C: Yeah!
K: All right.
C: What about you, Jeff?
J: Um... I think that's a big no. I'd rather do it myself.
K: Okay.
C: Ken, would you wanna join me?
K: Well, I'd like to, but I have to do something else.
J: And what's that?
K: We have to say goodbye.
J: Oh, that's right.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, August 17

K: Ever tried kayak, Jeff?
J: I have. I think, I’ll probably prefer a canoe myself.
K: Oh.
J: But yes, I tried a kayak.
K: How about white water rafting?
J: Yes. White water rafting was an inflatable raft.

(inflatable raft 空気注入式ゴムボート)

K: All right.
J: How about you, Ken?
K: Ah... no. I haven't done any of those.
J: Really?
K: Yeah.
J: They have some in Japan.
K: They do. Yeah.

U R the ★
J: Oh, yeah.
C: Nice.
KCJ: That's what we like.

J: All right, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: Once again, you are the star.
C: Alrighty.

J: I've got so many CDs I don't need.
C: Why don't I help you?
J: Sure, but how?
C: I'll take what I like?
J: All right. Here they are.
C: Thanks.

Say It!
K: So, Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: I don't know if I can manage on my own.
K: Oh?
C: I'm wondering maybe I can get some help. Ken?
K: Oh, sure, if you insist.

K: I can manage on my own. ×5
J: You certainly did.
C: You really did. Nice.

KCJ: Wow! You did it on your own.

Write It!
★ 取りにいきます
K: go get でいいでしょうか?
J: Right. And that's OK when you're speaking in the first person. "I'll go get something." But when you're speaking in the third person, singular, or when you're telling what happened, you should use "goes and gets."
K: OK.
J: Ah, so, it would be "Jan goes and gets a bandage." You can't say "goes gets."
K: goes gets はダメ?
J: No, you have to add "and," "goes and gets."

J: When Makoto is getting in the kayak, a big wave hits him and he scrapes his leg on a rock. Jan goes and gets a bandage.

J: Oh, I know they did.
C: Yeah, continue to do a great job.
J: They always do.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
J: Oh, the woman is a cyborg.

C: Do you need some help, sir?
M: I'm good. Thanks, Cy.
C: Why don't I hold the kayak steady while you get in?
M: I can manage on my own.
M: Cy, are you all right?
C: Yes, a branch hit me, but it was nothing.
M: You've got a scratch on your arm.
C: It's breeding. I'll get a bandage.
M: Thanks for saving me, Cy.
C: You're welcome. It's time, sir.
M: Time for what?
C: Time to listen to "Gakushu."
M: Oh, I never miss it.

K: Very cool lady there.
C: Yes. But a very supportive cyborg.
J: Yes, because he doesn't seem like he can do it on his own.
K: Uh-huh. Well, she can manage everything on her own too. Wow.
C: She looks it.
K: Yeah.


遠山顕の英会話楽習    Wednesday, August 18

★ Question 1
K: OK, back to the question, Carolyn.
C: Sure. What is this commercial about?

K: Jeff, did you happen to catch the right answer?
J: Oh, yeah.
K: OK.
J: A swing set sale at John's Playground Equipment Store.

K: We need a lot of space for this.
J: Well, we always had one in my yard when I was growing up.
K: Oh, really?
J: Swing set, sure.
C: Yeah, same here.
J: I don't see them too much in Japan.
C: No.
K: No.
C: Well, only in the parks, in the playgrounds.
K: We used to have one in our living room, but ...
J: Oh.
C: What?
K: It wasn't very popular.
J: That's amazing.
K: Just kidding. Of course, I'm kidding. OK, let's get on to the second question then.
J: All right. Question 2: What was the original price of the swing set?

★ Question 2
K: Well, here we are, back to the second question.
J: Right. Once again, what was the original price of the swing set?

K: Carolyn, what was the price?
C: Ah! It was 299 (two ninety-nine) or $299 (two hundred ninety-nine dollars).

J: So, it was marked down to 199 (one ninety-nine).
C: Wow. It's a $100 (a hundred dollar) saving.
J: ... off. Yes.
K: That sounds good.
J: That's a good deal.
K: OK. Let's hear the question 3.
C: Sure. Question 3: Is the assembly manual easy?

★ Question 3
K: OK, back to question 3, Carolyn.    
C: Is the assembly manual easy?

K: Jeff, is it easy?
J: Yes. The man and his family installed their swing set in an hour and a half.

J: Seems like it would be pretty easy, I would think.
C: It's not just easy, he says "It's super easy."
J: It's super easy.
K: Oh. And uh... does it come with a warranty?
C: Yes, it does come with a warranty.
K: OK.
C: Actually, a lifetime warranty.
J: Wow.
C: ... which is amazing.
J: That's kind of amazing.
C: Yeah. Of course, it's probably made of, you know, steal or ...
C: Yes.
J: ... things that don't fall apart, I would hope.
K: Sounds great. OK, here we are with the last question.
J: Uh-huh. Question 4: Where is John's Playground Equipment Store located?

★ Question 4
K: OK, back to the last question.
J: Uh-huh. Where is John's Playground Equipment Store located?

K: Carolyn, did you catch it?
C: Yeah. I think so. At 10th Avenue and 41st Street.

K: So, these avenues and streets, I think very often they cross each other, right?
C: Sure.
J: Yes, intersect. Yes.
K: Yeah.
J: Uh-huh.