ラジオ英会話 4/11-4/15, 2022

ラジオ英会話 Lesson 6  Monday, April 11

◆ Opening
R: Sensei, to be honest, I don't believe in that kind of stuff.
Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Ready for today's lesson?
C: Chris McVay here. And I hate to say this, but I have the same opinion as Roza.
O&R: [Laughter]
C: Very, very rare but anyway, let's go with it.

★ I'll tell you what. のニュアンス
O: So, could you explain the nuance of "I'll tell you what" in this situation?
S: Sure. Well, you use "I'll tell you what" when you right before you introduce a good offer to the other person.
C: That's right. And you know, the person is reluctant that is, you know, he doesn't really want to do it like here, "I don't believe in this kind of stuff."
So, you're opening up. You're giving, you're offering something that will make him actually try.

(reluctant 気がすすまない、乗り気ではない)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, let's continue our practice of "make." Now, we really insist on the basic image because every use of "make" comes from the same basic image.

Now, if we look at today's phrases, they're all about pushing, pressuring someone to do something. It can be positive or negative, but this image of the clay in your hands, do you remember?

So, let's begin with this one. "Don't make me laugh."

Pretty good. Once more with that image in mind. "Don't make me laugh."

R: Next up is another long one, but let's do our best, OK? "No one can make me change my mind." "No one can make me change my mind."

R: Fantastic!
C: And the final one: "What makes you feel really proud?"

So, again, all the things that come together to get you to the goal of feeling proud. One last time, are you ready? "What makes you feel really proud?"

C: Great job you did today. Well done.
R: Excellent!

◆ Ending
O: Roza...
R: Huh?
O: I just can't make myself love you. I'm so sorry.
R: You don't have to apologize. I don't want you to love me. In fact, I prefer that way.
C: Hey, guys, guys, settle down. Listen, I just wanna (want to) say, "You can't make me NOT love you."
O: Ooo... How sweet of you.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 7  Tuesday, April 12

◆ Opening
O: Hey, Chris. I have some good news for you.
C: Oh, great. What's that?
O: I've lost some weight.
C: Uh... Why is that good news for me?
O: Uh... You have to carry me when I'm drunk, right? So, that's why it's good news.
C: Oh, now, if you look at it that way. Yeah.

R: Akino Roza です。
C: Chris McVay here. Look, I'm still recovering from Onishi-sensei's opening. So, let's carry on.

(carry on 続ける continue an activity or task)

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK. Let's practice the new verb "have." This we use so often, right? Now, unlike "make," which implies a lot of action, "have" is a static verb.

(static 静止した、動かない / static verb 状態動詞)

So, we're gonna (going to) focus on position. For example, I have two brothers. Two brothers are next to me, close to me, all around me. It's all about position with "have," OK?

Let's practice together, "have two windows," "have a brother."

So, here we are. The "two windows," "the brother" are next to us, around us. That’s all. Bear that in mind, and that's the practice today.
Last chance, "have two windows." Try it. "Have a brother."

(bear that in mind  心に留めておく)

C: Excellent.
R: Here is the next example, "have a lot of rain," "have a lot of rain."

C: Great. Let's move on, "have an accident," "have a party," "have a checkup." Let's just practice one of these.

"Have an accident," OK? "Have," an accident is around you or caring around you. So, here we go. "Have an accident." Try it.

One last time with the same feeling, "have an accident."

C: Good!
R: And in the last example, here too we have something that's close. So, "have a headache."

You have a headache. It's in your head. It's very close.
"Have a doubt." You have a doubt. It's inside you. So, let's practice again. "Have a headache," "have a doubt."

C: Great job.
R: Excellent!

◆ Ending
O: I have good news and bad news.
C: What is the news?
O: I have good news and bad news.
R: Well, tell me the bad news first.
O: I have good news and bad news.
C: Will you just tell us the news?
R: Yeah.
O: I'm just practicing, you know.
R: Ugh...
C: That's very bad news.
R: I have a terrible headache.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 8  Wednesday, April 13

◆ Opening
C: Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. Ah!!
R: What? What was that, Chris?
C: I just wanted to surprise you, Roza.
R: That was not a good surprise, Chris. Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. I guess today's lesson will be full of surprises.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, let's continue our practice of "have." Remember that "have" is static. There's no action. So, the basic image is just of "closeness."
And this same basic image is useful for non-physical abstract things as well, like "authority."

(abstract 抽象的な)

It's so close. It's actually inside you, but the basic image of closeness is what remains.

First, let us practice a concrete example. Are you ready? "Have a driver's license on me." Try it.

That's right. The closeness of the driver's license, right? It's what you possess. So, with that in mind, here we go again. "Have a driver's license on me."

C: Well done.
R: OK. Up next is "have a say," "have a choice."
One more time, "have a say," "have a choice."

C: OK? And the next one, "have the authority to 〜."

C: Here we see it’s an abstract thing, right? But you have the power, you have the control inside you. So, this basic image of closeness is still the same. So, again. Here we go. "Have the authority to 〜."

R: And the last one, "have an effect on 〜," "have an influence on 〜."

R: Great job!
C: That's it. Excellent job.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys, tell me who's had the greatest influence on you?
R: Well, for me, I would say it's not one particular person, but a lot of the teachers that I've met throughout my life have had a great influence on me. What about you, Chris?

C: Lots of people, but I would choose one, um… well, I've never met, but the book, this is Victor Frankl, and his book "Man's Search for Meaning" had a great influence on me.

(Man's Search for Meaning 夜と霧)


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 9  Thursday, April 14

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, Akino Roza here. Let's get started.
C: Chris McVay here. Looks like the only important thing is "voice."

★ on the internet なぜ on が使われるのでしょう?
O: So, why do you use "on" here?
R: Well, because we think of the internet as a sort of platform.
C: Right. And you imagine, right? A platform is a wide flat space where you can stand on. That's the image with internet too.

◆ Feel English / Practice
C: OK, guys, let's further deepen our knowledge of "have." Now we've said that "have" is basically static, but it can be used to introduce certain activities indirectly.

"Have dinner" -- It doesn't sound like much action is there, but actually behind the scenes it is. So "have" can be used in these cases. So, let's practice some of these phrases together.

R: And remember! Don't think in Japanese.
C: So, "have tea." Try it. "Have dinner," "have a call." That's it.

R: OK, up next is "have a bath," have a drink," "have a fight," "have a try," "have a talk."

C: And the very short one, "be had." Imagine the activity involved there, "be had."
Once more, "be had."

R: And the last, "can’t have such behavior," "won't have such behavior."

R: Great job!
C: Excellent. Well done.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys. Have you ever been had?
R: Well, I think Chris went to a very expensive restaurant the other day, and he felt like he had been had.
C: Roza?
R: Yes?
C: The answer is "I've never been had," because I'm far too smart, OK?
R: If you say so.


ラジオ英会話 Lesson 10  Friday, April 15

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.
C: Hi, guys. Chris McVay here. Revenge is sweet. Let's get going.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, guys. Have you ever bought a fake?
R: Well, I've never bought a fake. But I do love those TV shows where the person brings their antique piece to the show, and they tell the person if it's a real antique or not.
C: Yeah, actually there was a show in England which was really popular called the Antiques Roadshow. And I remember people would arrive and say, "Ha!" And they have a twinkling in their eye." They think they're gonna (going to) become millionaires, and the guy says, "This is worthless, five pounds at most." ボーンDeflated.

(deflated  がっかり、タイヤなどが空気の抜けた、 膨らんでいた物がしぼんだ、having suddenly lost confidence / feeling less confident and positive than before)