ビジネス英語 1/29-1/30, 2022

ビジネス英語   Tuesday, January 29

S: How do you usually check daily news?
J: I usually skim the headlines in search engines just to get a general idea of what's going on. But I also go through a few specific news outlets that I feel are credible or relevant to my life.

(news outlets 報道機関)
(credible 信頼できる、確かな、説得力のある)
(relevant 適切な、妥当な、関連のある)


ビジネス英語    Wednesday, January 30

It's better to keep the greetings to a minimum at the beginning. And he can keep everything regarding local business customs altogether in the main part of the email.

There's no need to be modest and it could be seen as not having confidence. It's his first time in charge so he should show that he wants to learn more in order to make a good impression.

S: In Japan, many people think that it's difficult to send email with humor to their boss.
J: Yes. But humor can really take the pressure off and allow us to concentrate on our tasks rather than worrying about getting along with coworkers. And it can help build trust and comradery.

(comradery 友情、仲間意識)