9/30 - 10/2, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, September 30

U R the ★
Why, that was great!

Jeff, now you are the star.
I'm ready.

Let's get together some time soon.
Great! When would be a good time?
How about Monday next week after five?
That would be great.
Perfect. I can't wait.
See you then.

Say It!
Jeff-san, five times in one breath. Are you ready?
Yeah. Let's try this.
All right.

Welcome to the neighborhood! × 5

All right.
Welcome aboard!

Write It!
★ 隣人
neighbor? それとも next door neighbor?

Well, they mean different things, right? The word "neighbor" has a wide meaning.
And it refers to anyone who lives near you.
But if we say "next door neighbor," that's a little bit more specific. Because it can only refer to the person who lives right beside you.

★ リンゴをもぎに来て
to pick and come by ではないですよね?ジェフさん?

No, in English, the order is just the opposite. It's always to go and do something or come and do something. So this would be "come by and pick."

★ 遠慮なく……してください
Yeah, we heard this in the dialogue, and it's really handy phrase to use when you want to invite someone to do something. So we would say, "You're welcome to 何々."

★ ……することにします
Yeah, this wasn't in the dialogue. "Decide to" is okay. It's a little business like. It involves some pros and cons. So, we're going to use the phrase or the word "arrange." "Arrange to 何々." This is a little more friendly and a little more positive.

(pros and cons = 賛否両論 pros[賛成]とcons[反対])

Rinko meets her next door neighbor Johnny. She tells him that he is welcome to come by and pick her apples. They arrange to see each other the next day.

Rinko meets her next door neighbor Johnny. She tells him he is welcome to come by and pick her apples. They arrange to see each other the next day.

Good job!

In Another Situation!
So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, the woman grows satsuma oranges.

Hi. I'm Mika. Welcome to the neighborhood!
Pleasure to meet you. I'm Johnny.
I brought you some satsuma oranges from one of my trees.
Why, thank you!
You're welcome to come by and pick more.
I'd very much like to do that. I love them! I love eating a lot of them. I can't stop eating them! When would be a good time?
Actually, I don't know. I'll let you know as soon as my picking schedule is set.
Well, I'll see you soon.
Right! Thanks again!

He might eat all the oranges on the trees.
I don't think he'll be picking any of those oranges.
I think he scared her a little bit.

I have a question.
When would be a good time to finish this program?
I hate to say it, but probably right now?


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, October 1

U R the ★
Glad you did it.

You are the star.
Got it!

Carolyn, can I ask you a question?
Sure. What is it?
What's the best way to learn English?
I'm glad you asked.
Oh, you want me to tell you now?
Of course.
Well, of course it's listening to "Gakushu."
Oh, I knew you were going to say that.

Say It!
Carolyn, are you ready, five times in one breath?
Can you help me do this?
Help you? I think you'll probably do it pretty well on your own.
Oh, Jeff. All righty.
Let's hear it.
All righty.

Can I help you pick some? × 5

Wow! You had no problem there.
See? She should have more confidence.

You're on top of it.

Write It!
★ ジョニーに教えます
You're right. There are several ways to say this, "shows," "teaches." The problem with those two are they have a connotation that she is actually doing something to teach them. They include an action. So, if she's just talking about the process or just saying using words, we're going to use the word "tells." So it would be "Rinko tells Johnny 何々."

(connotation = 言外の意味、含み)

★ そのあと
Well, an easy way to show that some time has passed is to just use the word "later." And we'll put the word "later" at the beginning of the sentence.

★ ~しましょうかと彼女に尋ねます
Right, exactly. "He asks her." And then for the rest of the sentence, we're going to use the word "if." "Asks her if he can 何々." It's kind of indirectly reporting an answer to a yes or no question.

★ 申し出に応じます
Well, this wasn't in the dialogue. So, to summarize basically, Johnny asks Rinko if he can do something for her.
And we want to report Rinko's answer.
So, there are two ways we can do this. We can say, "She says yes."
Just like that.
Just like that.
But another way we can express Rink saying yes is this sentence, "She accepts his offer."
It sounds a little formal.
A little bit more formal but they both, kind of, mean the same thing here.

Rinko tells Johnny the best way to pick an apple. Later he has more than enough apples and asks her if he can help her pick some. She says yes.

Rinko tells Johnny the best way to pick an apple. Later he has more than enough apples and asks her if he can help her pick some. She accepts his offer.

All right.
Good job!

In Another Situation!
So Jeff…
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, a man is trying to pick a pineapple in a store.

What's the best way to pick the ripe pineapple?
Don't pick a green pineapple. The best way is to smell it. If it smells sweet, get it. It's ready to eat.
Hmm... This one smells nice.
There you go.
I'll get it. Whoa! This one has some juice leaking out.
Oh, that's a little over ripe.
Thanks for the tip.
You're welcome.
I'll get another one.
Now you know how to pick pineapples.
Easy as pie ... neapple.
Uh... here you are, sir.

Well, time is up. I guess what's the best way to wrap up this program?

(wrap up = 完成させる、仕上げる、終わりにする)

We could start with "Keep listening."
We could follow by saying "Keep practicing."
And it should be followed by me saying "And keep on smiling."


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, October 2

★ Joke 1

It works both ways.
This is a typical, right? This is uh...
Oh, yes.
Number one dad joke.
So, what goes in the blank?
Tired or hungry.
Is that what I sounded like?

★ Joke 2

So, what goes in the blank?

Magicians use that?
Yeah, it's when the puff of smoke or, you know, something flashes. That’s poof!
And it magically changes into something else.

★ Joke 3

What goes in the blank?
Them all. I got them all cut.
What is "them"?
All my hairs.
All dad's hair.
Not just one hair.
Not one hair.
That's right.
All the hairs.
So that's why you call it "them."
That's right.

So he is bald now?
I think he just got cut them... cut shorter.

Oh, not again!

★ Joke 4

So, what goes in the blank?
Two tired.

So, it's double meaning, right?
Double meaning, meaning two tires like one tire, and a front tire and a back tire. But it also sounds like, you know, being exhausted, being tired, not being able to stand up.

So, basically the word "two" is spelled differently.
T-o-o and t-w-o.

                    • -

Well, what a bunch of jokes!
And they're fun. They're kind of nostalgic. They remind me of my childhood. My dad was a joker. He used to joke around all the time. We would laugh.
He did?
Yeah. And some of them fell flat. But most of them were pretty funny.

(fall flat = まったく失敗に終わる、 少しもききめがない / 例: His joke fell flat. 彼のジョークはちっともうけなかった)

Since... It was… my mom used to say some of these jokes to me.
Oh, your mother!
Not my dad.
She had a sense of humor.
Yeah. Well, I don't know if she has a sense of humor, but.

For example, like, you know, a child says, "I'm hungry, Mommy." and then your mother would say?
Oh, "Hi, Hungry."
Or "Hi, how are you doing, Hungry? Nice to meet you." or something like that. Yeah.
Always .... We could ... If you said anything, "I'm hungry," "I'm tired," or "I'm sleepy." "Oh, hi, Sleepy!" Always without fail.

Really? And then your mother says, "I'm your mommy." or "I'm mommy."
Yeah, "I'm mom."
I'm mom.

What about your family? Any joke tellers in your family?
Yeah, because you have a great sense of humor. You probably learned that from your parents. No?

Well, actually, my father didn't say anything funny.
He was a … He was a quiet man.
Oh, OK.
That’s a surprise.
He was a nice guy.
Yes, of course.
My mother liked, you know, saying puns a little bit.
Oh, she did?
But it is my sister who is my pun teacher.
… who was the pun star in the family.
Yeah, she was the pun star and she is my master.

Anyway, I love these dad jokes so much. I'm thinking of doing it again, doing it with more materials.
The more the merrier.
Sounds good to me.
Great. A little later this month.

Well, that's about it for today. So until next time.
Keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And keep on smiling and laughing and everything.
Oh, yeah.