ビジネス英語 1/10-1/13, 2022

ビジネス英語   Monday, January 10

◆ ジェニーさんはアメリカにいたときに社内で移動の経験などはありましたか?
Yes, but only within my district. So, I didn't have to move. And usually transfers are for employees who want them, kind of like a promotion or if the office is moving or closing down. So I think it's rare that an employee is transferred when they don't want to or to have them live separately from their family.


ビジネス英語   Tuesday, January 12

◆ ビジネスパートナーとお互いに信頼関係を高めるために、どんな工夫をしましたか?
The best ways to build and earn trust, in my opinion, are consistency and honesty. We all had a shared goal. So, working hard and communicating about that goal made us feel like we were on the same team.


ビジネス英語   Wednesday, January 13

◆ オンラインミーティングの状況説明ももう少し簡潔にならないでしょうか?
I think that we can make this more concise. We don't need to go into the details about Miho's introduction.

◆ マイケルの件を本文に入れていますが……
Well, Michael doesn't have any part in the transition. So, we don't need to mention him in the email. But maybe it could be a brief afterthought.

(transition 移り変わり、変わり目、政権交代 )
(afterthought 後からの思い付き)

◆ 移動に伴う後任者への引継ぎは時間が少ないことが多いですよね
Well, in the states, we want to make the transition as smooth as possible with things like manuals and schedules. But I don't think that this process is quite as intense as it is in Japan.