1/11 - 1/13, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, January 11

U R the ★
J: All right.
C: Super.
KCJ: That was smartly done.

J: Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Great.

C: This osechi is so tasty.
J: Thank you. Oh, you don't care for lobster?
C: Yes, but I'm saving best for the last.
J: Ah, smart thinking.
C: Uh... are you going to eat your lobster?
J: Of course.

Say It!
K: Are you ready, Carolyn, five times in one breath?
C: Hmm... I don't know who says I have to do that?
K: That was me. If you uh… have any objection to that or ….
C: None whatsoever.

(whatsoever = whateverの強調形)

K: All right. Wow. You surprise me once in a while. That's good, not all the time though... just good.
C: Okay. I'll give it a try.
K: All right.

C: That was me. ×5

KCJ: That was great.

Write It!
★ ベンは……するようにと言われます
C: Well, we want to say that Ben has been told to do something. So, I'd recommend using the passive voice here. And It'll be, " Ben is told to何々."

(passive voice = 受動態)

★ Aの下にはBが落ちています
J: Well, there's countable and uncountable. It’d be the pattern is "there is B under A," for uncountable. And for countable, "There are B under A."
K: OK.
J: So in this particular instance, it would be "There are potato chips and popcorn under the coffee table."
K: I got it.
J: We don't have to say that they've fallen or spilled because they are already there.

C: Ben is told to dust the furniture and save the vacuuming for last. There are potato chips and popcorn under the coffee table.

J: Ben is told to dust the furniture and save the vacuuming for last. There are potato chips and popcorn under the coffee table.

J: I think they are.
C: You did definitely a great job.
K: All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, now, they are a big sister and a little brother.

S: Dust the lamps and the coffee table.
B: I don't see the point of this duster. It's just spreading dust all over. A-choo!
S: Bless you.
B: A-choo!
S: Bless you.
B: A-choo!
S: Bless you.
B: Oh, thank you.
S: Take it outside and shake out the dust. And save the vacuuming for last.
B: Why do I need to vacuum? The carpet isn't dirty.
S: Well, someone spilled popcorn under the coffee table.
B: Yeah, that was me. Those potato chips are you.
S: Well, those pretzels are YOU.
B: Oh, that chocolate is YOU.
S: Uh-uh.
B: Uh-huh.
S: Uh-uh.
B: Uh-huh.
S: Uh-uh.
B: Uh-huh.
S: Uh-uh.
B: Uh-huh.

J: Never ending story.
K: Right. Well, here's what I have saved for last...
J: Okay.
C: Oh.
K ... for everybody.
C: Great.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, January 12

U R the ★
C: Wow.
KCJ: Good going.

J: Carolyn, you are the star.
C: Great.

C: Where do these books go?
J: They go in this box.
C: And this guitar?
J: It goes with me.
C: Ah. That makes sense.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Uh... Do I have time to practice?
K: What do you think, Carolyn?
C: I don't think so. We've got to get moving, right?
J: Oh, okay.
K: You're right.
J: All right.
C: Make me the bad guy.

J: We've got to get moving! ×5
K: You did it.

KCJ: We've got a hand it to you. That was great.

(hand it to = 成功・偉業などを成し遂げた人に対して褒め言葉を贈る)

Write It!
★ サリーが代わり
J: It's not in the dialog. But we have a great phrase in English. We say "take over" or "takes over."
K: Uh-huh.
J: So in this instance it would be "Sally takes over."

(in this instance = この場合には)

★ ベンは拭くことになります
C: Wow! It's a lot of words.
K: Could you suggest something that helps us?
C: Yeah, of course. In this situation, I think we can simply use the word "dry" here. Um... so it will be "Ben dries."

J: Ben can't find the dish soap so he can't start doing the dishes. Sally takes over and Ben dries.

C: Ben can't find the dish soap so he can't start washing the dishes. Sally takes over and Ben dries.

C: I bet you did it.
J: Yeah. I'm sure they did.
K: All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff. What's another situation going to be like this time?
J: Well, this time, Ben is a robot.

B: What should I do with the dirty dishes?
S: Fill the sink with hot soapy water and let them soak awhile and start washing.
B: Okey-dokey.
S: You're not done yet?
B: I broke a couple of plates.
S: Oh, I see. Okay. I'll wash the dishes and you can dry them.
B: Good. I can use my air jet. Ah. Where do these plates go?
S: Stack them in the cabinet above the coffee maker.
B: Can you cover my hands with cloth so that I won't break more plates.
S: No problemo.
B: Muchas gracias, Señora.
S: Señorita.
B: Oops.

K: Would you like to have a robot like this, Carolyn, at your home?
C: I wouldn't complain actually if I had a robot like that.
K: Uh-huh.
C: I don't know. Wouldn't you want one like that?
K: Well, he speaks more languages than I do. So I don't know.


遠山顕の英会話楽習    Wednesday, January 13

K: So, what did you say that for?
J: I think I would open the door to good health.
C: I think I'm the same as Jeff. I would open the door to good health as well.
K: Oh, okay.
J: Because if you have that, you have the other two, success and hope.
C: And pretty much everything. How about you, Ken?
K: That’s great. Well, I would like uh... something like a good recording.
C: Oh.
J: Oh.
C: That's a good one too.
K: The New Year, … didn't say that.
J: We'd always do that.
C: True.