9/13 - 9/14, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, September 13

K: Wow! This is not a happy ending.
J: It doesn't sound like he’s (he is) convinced yet.
C: Well, I guess he just has to give it some more time.
K: Well put.

(well put 上手い事言うね)

U R the ★
J: Yeah!
C: Oh, great!
KCJ: We're loving your performance.

J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Sounds good.

J: They haven't called me yet.
C: But you met them only yesterday.
J: They're testing my patience.
C: Give it some time. They'll call you soon.
J: I hope so.
C: Hey, isn't that your phone I hear?

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready for this five times in one breath?
J: I mean … need some more time.
K: Well, everybody needs more time. Let me try then.
J: Oh! I'm sure it'll grow on you.
K: You mean the more I do the better I get?
J: Exactly.
K: All right, deep breath...

K: It'll grow on you. ×5
C: Wow.
J: All right.
K: I did it.
J: Yay! See?
K: Thank you.

J: Oh!
C: Terrific!
KCJ: You did it again.

Write It!
★ 新しいヘアスタイルにしました
C: Well, we know the easy part "a new haircut" from the dialog.
K: OK.
C: So, yeah. Which verb do we use? I would say... because we're reporting on what's going on, I'd recommend using the present tense of the verb "have" here.
K: "Have"
C: Yes.
K: OK.
C: So, it'll be "has a new haircut."

★ ……したらと言います
J: Right. There's actually a couple of ways of saying it. The first would be "tells him to 何々."
K: OK.
J: And the second way would be "says to 何々."

K: "says to 誰々 to 何々" というのはどうですか?
J: Well, that's the third possibility, but I can't really recommend it. "Says to him to 何々," that's a lot of "to"s.
K: Uh-huh.
J: It's not incorrect, but it doesn't sound very good. So, sometimes the simplest way is the best way to answer.

C: A man has a new haircut but he doesn't like it because it's such a big change. His friend likes it and tells him to give it some time.

J: A man has a new haircut but he doesn't like it because it's such a big change. His friend likes it and says to give it some time.

J: As always.
C: Oh, yeah. As usual.
J: You got it. Good job.
C: Nice work.
K: All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like this time?
C: Well, here, the man just doesn't believe what the woman says.

M: What do you think? Be honest.
F: I like it.
M: No, you don't.
F: Yes, I do.
M: No, you don't like it.
F: Yes, I like it. You needed a new look. You said so yourself.
M: I know. It's just that it's such a big change.
F: Give it some time. It'll grow on you.
M: Ha, ha, ha. Maybe I should wear a hat.
F: Are you kidding? I'm loving your new look.
M: Be honest.
F: I am.
M: No, you are not.
F: I AM!
M: No, you're not.
F: You've never looked better.
M: Oh, come on!

K: What are those cars doing there with a dog.

J: Driving by, I guess. It's never-ending.
K: Seems like there’s the stars. Hmm... I don't remember what I'm gonna (going to) say now.
C: Just give it some time.
K: Yeah, thanks.
J: But not too much time, Ken.
K: Oh, okay.

====== 解説 =======

K: What are those cars doing there with a dog.
J: Driving by, I guess. It's never-ending.
K: Seems like there’s the stars.

K: あの(バックグランドで聞こえている)車と犬の鳴き声、何なんだろうねえ。(行ったり来たりしているけれど、何やっているの?)
J: 通り過ぎているだけじゃない? きりがないよね。
K: 夜になってきちゃったみたいだね。(星が見え始めてきたぞ)


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, September 14

K: Wow. How old do you have to be to get a driver's license?
J: Well, I got mine at 16.
C: Yeah, so did I.
K: Oh, wow! Sixteen?
J: Uh-huh.
C: Yeah.
K: That's sweet.

北米では、伝統的に、16歳は女の子が大人の階段を登り女性の仲間入りをする節目の年齢と考えられてきました(法律上の成人年齢はほとんどの州で18歳です)。昔は、若くして結婚する人が多かったため、結婚を意識し始める16歳を成人になる特別な年齢としてきたそうです。そして、そのような特別な年齢を迎える女の子の誕生日をSweet sixteenと呼び、盛大にお祝いしてきました。

U R the ★
J: Yeah!
C: Wow!
KCJ: We knew you could do it.

C: OK, Jeff.
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

J: How did your MCing go?
C: They liked it!
J: I knew you could do it!!
C: Thanks! And I'm doing it again next week.
J: Oh, I'm so happy for you.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, I'm so happy for you. This is so easy, five times in one breath.
C: That's interesting you say that because I'm so happy for YOU to maybe do it.
K: Are you asking me to do it? Okay.

K: I'm so happy for you! ×5
J: OK. You are so happy.
C: You're so happy.
K: Thank you, guys.

J: Yeah!
C: Woohoo!
KCJ: We're so happy for you.

Write It!
★ 祖父を訪ねます
J: Yes. Yes, I think our listeners are the most familiar with that, "visit." So, it would be "visits her grandfather."
J: Now, there is another way of saying it. You can use the phrase "call on." So, it would be "call on 誰々." And in this case, "calls on her grandfather."

★ 彼はよかった、とてもうれしいと喜びます
C: Well, we heard something similar in the dialog, right?
K: Like what?
C: Like "I'm so happy for you."
K: There it is. Yes, there you go.
C: So, here we're just going to change the subject. So, instead of "I," it's going to be "he," and instead of "you," it's going to be "her." So, the whole sentence is going to be "He is so happy for her."
K: Got it.

J: A woman visits her grandfather. She saved up and bought a car and she wants to surprise him. He is so happy for her.

C: A woman calls on her grandfather. She saved up and bought a car and she wants to surprise him. He's so happy for her.

C: Oh, yeah.
J: Always.
C: Great job.
K: Great!

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff.
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time.
J: Well, here, a man visits his grandmother.

GS: Grandma! Come outside!
GM: What in the world -- Wow!!! Ah…
GS: I saved up and bought a car!
GM: Oh! I knew you could do it!!
GS: It's old but it runs great.
GM: Sounds better than me.
GS: Oh, Grandma, you're still young.
GM: I'm so happy for you.
GS: Thanks, Grandma!
GM: Now, are you going to drive to the store for me? We're out of milk.
GS: No problemo!
GM: Oh, and we need some eggs and cheese too.
GS: We can get that too.
GM: Ah, wait. Can I just get my shopping list?
GS: Ugh… No… no problemo.

J: He doesn't sound as excited as when he first pulled up.

(pull up 車を停める
その昔、車を停車させる時に、ギアレバーを引き上げてパーキングするから、そのギアレバーを上げる動作から pull up が定着した)

C: No.
K: It's such a big change.
K: Well, didn't our listeners do well today?
C: Sure.
J: Yes, they did.
CJ: We knew they could do it.
K: Right. I did too.