9/20 - 9/22, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, September 20

K: That was funny.
J: She made a joke out of the name.
C: Cockatoo plus another cockatoo equals cockaFOUR.
J: That's right.
K: All right.

U R the ★
J: Yeah.
C: Oh, wow!
KCJ: You are on fire.

J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Great.

J: Joe's dad had to sell Lassie.
C: Oh, no. When?
J: Days ago.
C: Poor Joe. How's he holding up?
J: Hmm... Okay, I guess.

Say It!
K: Jeff, I'm sorry. It's a log sentence.
J: Just thinking about it, you can't imagine what I'm going through.
C: Oh, I can.
K: I can too.
J: All right, big breath.

J: I can't imagine what you're going through. ×5

C: Nice.
J: Wow!
KCJ: We can't imagine anything better than that.

Write It!
★ 飛んで行ってしまいました
C: I think in this situation, I'd recommend using the present perfect tense.
C: Yes, because this happened at a point in the past, and we don't know when. And the situation hasn't changed, right?
K: Right.
C: In this case, the bird is not here. So, I think using the present perfect tense works well. And we can write "Cutie has flown away."
C: And it also shows that the situation is continuing, right? ... from some point in the past right up to the present.

★ 友人がやってきて
K: His friend comes で大丈夫ですか?
J: Well, it's best to use "comes over."
K: Oh.
J: Now, "comes over" means that somebody comes to visit the house of the person, and it's just understood that his friend comes over to visit the owner. So, you don't have to add the last part. You just say, "His friend comes over."
K: Oh, "His friend comes to his house" の代わりに "comes over" でOK.
J: Right.

C: A man's pet cockatoo, Cutie, has flown away. His friend comes over and finds Cutie. She has company -- another cockatoo.

J: A man's pet cockatoo, Cutie, has flown away. His friend comes over and finds Cutie. She's got company -- another cockatoo.

C: Oh, yeah.
J: I know they did.
C: Always a great job.
K: Okay. All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn...
C: Yes.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
C: Well, the man has been missing Helen whom he secretly admires.

F: How are you holding up?
M: Well... I keep thinking I'll see Helen one of these days.
F: I can't imagine what you're going through. Wait... I think I see her.
M: Stop joking around.
F: No, no. I'm serious. There she is -- in a gorgeous dress.
M: Ha!?
F: Uh-oh. She's got company, a man.
M: Oh, no.
F: I'm sorry. I can't imagine what you're about to go through.
M: I can.
F: Hmm...

K: Such a sad ending.
C: Yeah.
K: I didn't expect that.
C: He's not really holing up.
K: No, he is not, isn't he?

(I’ve got a company.  会社を持っています)
(I’ve got company.  連れがいます)


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, September 21

K: So, cats are calling it not Highland Park.
C: Yeah.
J: But "Byeland" like bye-bye.
C: Yeah, say good bye to the park.
J: Yeah.

U R the ★
KCJ: Remarkable!

J: OK, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Super!

J: Rising children is tough.
C: Uh-huh.
J: Especially teenagers.
C: I can relate. Mine are monsters sometimes.
J: Ha ha ha. I used to be one.
C: I rest my case.

(I rest my case. 付け加えることはないよ
直訳すると、「事件の弁論を終える」 法廷用語
formal used by a lawyer when they have finished trying to prove something in a court of law)

Say It!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: It's your turn to do this five times in one breath. It's not that long.
J: It’s not that long. So, I'm hoping it won't really hurt. Let's try this.
K: Okay.

J: That must have really hurt! ×5
C: Oh.
K: Well done.
J: It didn't hurt as bad as I thought.
K: Good.

KCJ: You must be feeling great.

Write It!
★ ボス気取りの猫
K: A cat that acts like the boss of all the other cats. いかがでしょうか?
J: Yes. That's great. That's a long way of saying it.
K: Right.
J: But there is a shorter, easier way to say it, a bossy cat.
K: Oh, that's easy.
J: Yes.

★ あそこには行かないようにと彼に言います
K: Tell でよろしいですか?
C: Yeah, I think so. "Tell" works really well here. Um... It's a nice way to express or communicate the information.

C: Well, I would recommend writing "tells him not to go there."
C: I can think of another verb we can use.
K: Oh, really?
C: Yeah. How about the verb "warn."
K: Oh.
C: I mean it's a good verb to use when you want to caution somebody, right?
K: Right.
C: Um... not to do something.

C: So, if we use "warn," it'll be "warns him not to go there."

J: A cat was scratched by a bossy cat in a new park. It hurt his pride more than anything. His friend can relate but tells him not to go there.

C: A cat was scratched by a bossy cat in a new park. It hurt his pride more than anything. His friend can relate but warns him not to go there.

J: I know they did.
C: Oh, yeah. Of course!
J: They always do.
K: All right. Okay.
J: Yeah!

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation is gonna be like?
J: Well, this time, they are talking cats, who speak fluent English.

C1: What happened?
C2: I walked into that new place and this woman saw me and put me outside.
C1: Poor you. Yeah, she owns the place. Did she talk to you in English?
C2: Not a word. I talked to her but she’d just kept screaming.
C1: Yeah, humans don't believe in talking cats. They have this block.
C2: Ugh... It hurt my pride.
C1: I can relate.
C2: Ugh... Maybe I should stop listening to Gakushu.
C1: Don't go there. Just keep listening.
C2: Okay. I'll keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.
C1 & C2: Exactly!

K: Well, talking cats are rare. I’m sorry that they screamed at her.
C: That must have really hurt her pride.
K: Yeah.
J: I can relate.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, September 22

J: This song was sung by so many people.
K: Right.
J: I mean all the famous people, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett.
C: Oh, yeah.
J: Rosemary Clooney
CJ: Peggy Lee
K: Frank Sinatra
J: Frank Sinatra, even Rod Stewart sang it.
C: What? Really?
J: That's amazing.

- ディーン・マーティン(Dean Martin、1917年6月7日 - 1995年12月25日)は、アメリカ合衆国の歌手・俳優・コメディアン

J: Ugh... I will do my best.
C: It's gonna be great.
K: Yeah, I know.

J: All right. How did you do?
C: Beautiful.
K: Bravo!

K: Well, that’s about it for today. So until next time….
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling and singing.
KCJ: And we’ll be seeing you next week in the October issue.