2/22 - 2/24, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, February 22

K: Happy dad.
J: Yeah. He is getting two presents.
C: Yeah.

U R the ★
J: Great.
KCJ: Hats off to you.

J: Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Great.

J: What are you passing the hat for?
C: It's for Scrooge's birthday.
J: What? Seriously?
C: Uh-huh. Everyone is chipping in.
J: But he is the richest man in town.
C: But it's his birthday. And we have to be nice to him.
J: Oh, all right.

(pass the hat = 少額の寄付を募る to ask many people to give money for something, especially to help pay for something or reward someone)

(chip in = みんなでお金を少しずつ出し合う、カンパする、寄付する、力を貸す to give some money, especially when several people are giving money to pay for something together)

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: Wait. What do I need to do this for?
J: Because you are so good at it.
K: Yeah, you are so good at it. And you are doing this for all the listeners. You know what I mean?
C: Your flattery is suspicious.
K: Yeah.
C: But yes, I will give it a try. Here I go.

C: What does he need a new backpack for? ×5
K: Wow! You did it.

K: Wow! What can we say?
C: Hey.
KCJ: We are speechless.

Write It!
★ ……の誕生日のお祝いをします
C: Yeah. Well, we wanna (want to) use the verb "celebrate" here.
K: Okay.
C: And I'd recommend using the present progressive here.
K: Okay.
C: Because we are talking about a future plan that's gonna (going to) be happening pretty soon like pretty much immediate future, right?
K: Uh-huh. Right.
C: And there is a group of people. So we'll say "are celebrating."
K: Okay.
C: So, the whole phrase would be "are celebrating 誰々's birthday."

★ とても軽量のバックパック
K: Jeff-san, how do you put it?
J: Well, in the dialog, it's split into two different sentences.
K: Okay.
J: A backpack and it's really lightweight. So, we are going to combine those two.
K: Uh-huh.
J: And so it will be "a really lightweight backpack."

★ ……をプレゼントします
K: give presents でよろしいですか?
C: Well, it's not exactly wrong. I think it's a bit clear if we say who is going to be getting the presents.
K: Oh.
C: So in this case, it would be "give him 何々."
C: And we also think we're going to use the present progressive here too, right? We're going to say "are giving him 何々."

C&J: The sisters and brothers are celebrating their father's birthday. They are giving him a really lightweight backpack and a brand-new laptop. Everyone is chipping in.

J: I bet they did.
C: Oh, yeah, of course.
K: All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now the year is 2100.

S1: Here. Can you sign Dad's birthday card?
B1: Oh, sure. What's in this box?
S2: A backpack. It's made of ultra-nylon, so it's really lightweight.
B2: What does he need a new backpack for?
S3: He needs it for his brand-new dokodemo-top computer in that box!
B3: Wow! Who's paying for all of this?
S1: Everyone is chipping in.
All: Oh! Okay.
S1: Oh, here he comes!
All: Happy 150 years birthday, Dad.
D: Thank you.
B1: What's the secret of your longevity?

(longevity = 長寿 living for a long time)

S1: Yes.
D: Eikaiwa Gakushu. I’m still on it.
All: Oh.
D: And you guys are on it too.
All: Oh. Yes, yes.
D: Congrats.

K: Well, that was well done, and nice to see everyone chipping in.
C: Yeah.
J: Everybody was involved.
C: Yes.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, February 23

K: What did you say?
J: I'm soap pleased.

U R the ★
J: Yes.
C: Great.
KCJ: Good going.

J: All right, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Sounds good.

C: Okay. It's all done.
J: Is there anything else?
C: No, you're good to go.
J: Okay. Bye.
C: Oh, don't forget your pen.
J: Oh, there was something else.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath? Good to go?
J: Yeah, I think we are good to go... should be OK. Yeah.
K: Seems like he has a problem or something.
J: No, no, no, no problem.
C: Yeah, he does.
J: We are good. We are good.
K: I'm sure you'll be fine.
J: OK.

J: It has a floral scent. ×5
K: Well, I'm not against that at all.

K: Wow!
J: Hey.
C: Great.
KCJ: Hey! You've done it.

Write It!
★ ある夫妻が
J: Well, "a couple" in this particular case, we are going to use, even though they are two people in a couple. We are going to use "a couple" as a single unit as a team. So it would be "a couple is" not "a couple are."

★ ……を買おうとしています
J: Uh-huh. Because this is an immediate future event, we are going to use the present progressive form here.
K: Okay.
J: So, "shopping for 何々." So, the whole thing would be "A couple is shopping for 何々."

★ 彼らは……に落ち着く
C: Well, this wasn't in the dialog, right?
K: Right.
C: So, I'd recommend using the phrasal verb "settle for" here.
C: So, it would be "They settle for 何々." In this case, "They settle for fragrance-free soap."

J&C: A couple is shopping for the last thing on the list: soap. They settle for fragrance-free soap and they are good to go.

J: I bet they did. Yeah.
C: Absolutely, always.
J: Yeah, as always. Good job.

In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like this time?
J: Well, not fragrance-free. They are shopping for natto.

H: Have we got everything?
W: There's one last thing on the list: natto.
H: Natto is down this aisle.
W: Oh! Look at this. It has large-sized soybeans.
H: That's a bit much for me.
W: Hmm... Oh, this one is finely chopped.
H: I don't care for the texture.
W: Uh... and here, I found standard natto.
H: Natto (Not) a bad idea. Do you mind this type?
W: Natto (Not) at all. We're good to go.

K: Well, it's time. Are we good to go?
J: Yeah, I think so.
C: I think so too.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, February 24

K: Well, here's one and only, Jeff Manning on guitar.
J: I'm ready.
K: And two and only, Carolyn Miller and Ken Toyama here too.
C: I'm ready too.
K: I am too.
KCJ: We're good to go.

J: Good job everybody.
C: Wonderful.