7/27 - 7/29

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, July 27

U R the ★
J: All right, Carolyn. You are the star.
C: All right.

C: Any preference for lunch?
J: How about some noodles?
C: Good. Let's go here then?
J: Yeah, let's. It looks good.
C: Yeah, it does.

Say It!
K: Jeff-san, five times in one breath.
J: Oh.
C: It's your specialty.
J: Yeah, I'm a "Say It" specialty kind of guy.
K: All right.

J: It's a tonkatsu specialty restaurant. ×5

K: I'm sure that made you hungry there.

CJ: That was special.

Write It!
★ 試す
C: I think ... we saw this verb used in the dialog. We want to use "try" here.
K: How about "eat"?
C: "Eat" isn't wrong grammatically, but it doesn't sound as natural to me as "try."
K: "Have" ... How about that?
C: Oh, that's a good point. "Have" is OK. But if we're gonna (going to) clarify, I think, "try" sounds probably the most natural.

(clarify = 明らかにする to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation)

K: Mariko explains it でどうでしょう?
J: Well, it's not wrong, but people might wonder "explains what?"
K: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. "What is 'it'?"
J: That's right. So we are going to use that "Mariko explains what it is."

★ 彼は空腹になります
K: He gets hungry. でよろしいですか?
C: "He gets hungry." Umm... It's OK, but maybe her explanation is what makes him hungry.
K: Yeah, right.
C: So we want to write "that makes him hungry.

C: Gordon hasn't tried tonkatsu. Mariko explains what it is and that makes him hungry. They decide to go to a tonkatsu specialty restaurant.

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now, they are in front of a Chinese restaurant.

M: Have you tried "hiyashi chuka," Gordon?
G: What's that, Mariko?
M: It's chilled ramen noodles with various toppings.
G: That's making me hungry.
M: Let's go here then! Ramen is their specialty.
G: Hold on. What are these curtains in the doorway called?
M: They're called "noren."
G: Can we take a photo of us by the noren?
M: Sure! Say "noren."
MG: Noren!

K: Do you like "tonkatsu," Carolyn, Jeff?
C: I like the smell.
K: You don't eat meat, do you?
C: No. Unfortunately, I can't enjoy it, but I can enjoy the smell of it.
K: How about you, Jeff?
J: I like tonkatsu. I think I like "katsudon" better.
K: Oh, yeah. You turn it around and maybe ....

(turn it around = 回転させる, 方向を変える)
「とんかつ」の言葉をひっくり返すと…… とん・かつ ⇒ かつ・とん ⇒ かつどん ⇒ かつ丼

J: I do. I like that.
K: I see.
C: What about you, Ken?
K: I like tonkatsu very much. That's one of my favorites.
J: You go quite a bit?

(quite a bit = かなり、たくさん many, a fairly large amount or to a fairly lar)

K: Once or twice a month.
CJ: Oh.
K: And that's my comfort food, believe it or not.
CL: Hmm...

(comfort food = 食べるとホッとする[心の安らぐ・元気の出る]料理 the type of food that people eat when they are sad or worried, often sweet food or food that people ate as children)

What is your comfort food?



遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, July 28

U R the ★
C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

J: What's good here?
C: Their curry combo is super.
J: I'll go with that.
C: Me, too.
J: And I'll have a lassie with that.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready, five times in one breath?
J: I think so. It's gonna (going to) take a big breath.
K: Yeah.

J: This is rosu meaning pork loin. ×5

K: You took a breath. (あ、息継ぎしちゃったね)
J: I did.
C: Yeah.
J: And I made a mistake.
K: That's fine.
J: OK.

J: Well, nobody is perfect except you.
C: Right on!

(Right on! = そうだ! そのとおり! used as an expression of strong support, approval, or encouragement)

Write It!
★ メニューを見ます
J: Yes, it's a simple as the Japanese. We say "look at the menu." Look at the menu.

K: Teach でしょうか?
C: I guess if we translate it directory from the Japanese, it means "teach," right?
K: Uh-huh.
C: But that sounds really not that natural to use. When we are using it between two friends, and they are talking about something together, I would recommend using the verb "tells" here. It sounds a bit more natural.
C: So, "Mariko tells Gordon 何々."

J: They look at the menu. Mariko tells Gordon what rosu and hire are. Gordo goes with rosu and Mariko with hire.

K: I'm really getting hungry here.
C: Oh, I'm sure you did.
J: Fantastic!

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
J: Well, this time, they are at a fast-food udon restaurant.

M: Well, here are the topping choices. Take your pick.
G: Whoa. Are these fries?
M: Here's ebi-ten meaning shrimp tempura. And here's ika-ten or squid tempura.
G: Hmm... I'll go with both, I mean, two of each. OK?
K: ふたつで十分ですよ。
J: No, no. Two, two, four.
K: 任せてくださいよ。
M: OK. If you are sure.
J: Positive. I haven't eaten much since I left Utah.
M: Udon (You don't) say.

K: You like udon?
J: I love udons, probably my favorite noodle out of all of them.
K: Oh, really.
C: Really? You don't say.
J: I love yaki-udon. I love soup udon. Yeah, I do.
K: How about soba? Carolyn, do you like soba?
C: If I have to choose between the two, I would choose udon. Probably my favorite of the two.
K: OK. Soba isn't so bad.
C: Oh....
J: Oh... isn't so bad.
K: Oh, my goodness.

C: Do you have a preference between soba or udon?
K: Oh, I like both.
C: Oh.
K: Yeah. But, you know, if I should be brutally fair...

(brutally = 残酷なまでに正直になる、えげつないことを言う、本音を言う in a very cruel and violent way / in a way that is likely to hurt someone's feelings or offend people)
(brutally fair = どうしてもって言うのなら/どうしても選ばないといけないのであれば <残酷なまでに公平にするというのであれば>)

C: Yeah.
J: Uh-huh.
K: I would go for "soba."
J: Soba? How about ramen?
K: Yes.
J: Out of all three, udon is still my favorite, I think.
K: Oh, it is.
C: Yeah, me too, actually. Have you ever made them before? Have you made homemade noodles?
K: Oh, no. Have you?
C: No. Have you, Jeff? You are a good cook.
J: No. That's too difficult. I think you have to train for several years in order to do that, don't you? ... to do it right.
K: I think we've got a pasta maker…
C: Oh.
J: Oh.
K: ... in our kitchen, but nobody has used it, I think.
C: You mean, ever?
N: No, never.
J: Wow.
K: It's sitting there somewhere.
K: Well, I think we past the time nicely.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, July 29

Listen 4 It!
★ Question 1

K: So, the first question again?
C: Sure. What is this announcement about?

K: Jeff, what is it about?
J: Safety reminders from the Aquatic Land lifeguards.

J: Yeah. I think so too. Yeah. Uh-huh. So, Aquatic Land must be a water park, a theme park?
C: Well, it certainly sounds like some sort of amusement kind of lands.
K: All right.
J: And they have some rules…
K: All right.
J: … that have to be followed in order to keep everyone safe.
C: Yes.
J: And these are the reminders. This is the announcement for those.

★ Question 2
J: Where should bags and valuables be kept?

K: So, once again, the second question.
J: Right. Where should bags and valuables be kept?

K: Carolyn, what the answer for this?
C: In lockers located at the entrance at all times.

C: Well, that's an important one, right?
J: Yes. if you don't want your valuables to disappear, it's probably a good idea.

★ Question 3
K: Carolyn, what the next question?
C: Alrighty, question 3: What must children under five wear?

K: OK. So what’s the question again, Carolyn?
C: Alrighty. What must children under five wear?

K: Jeff, what do they have to wear?
J: A life jacket.

J: And that's a good safety thing, especially if the kids can't swim. It's best to have life jackets.
C: Oh yeah. Absolutely.
J: At all times, yeah.
C: And the parents have to keep their eyes on the children as well, right? They have to be able to see their children all the time.
J: Right, especially if it's crowded. So, you know, because lifeguards can't keep an eye on them all the time.
C: Yeah.
J: So even though they do a good job.

K: Great. OK, next up, the last question.
J: Right, question No. 4. What is at the yellow tent?

★ Question 4

K: All right, the last question, once again. Jeff?
J: Uh-huh. What is at the yellow tent?

K: Carolyn, what's the answer for this?
C: Oh, free organic sunscreen.

J: That's a good idea for me because I burn easily.
K: You do.
J: Yes.
C: Me too.
J: And one more thing, they have rules there.
K: What are they?
J: Well, running is not permitted by anybody.

(permitted by = 法的に[法律で]認められている)

K: I see.
C: At any time.
J: At any time.
K: All right.

J: And children under four feet or under four feet tall are not allowed to use the Super Water Slides.
C: Hmm.
J: And everyone should make sure that they stay properly hydrated.
C: So, drinking lots of water or sports drinks or something like that.
K: Great.

(stay hydrated = 脱水症状にならないようにする)