遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, August 3 & 11
U R the ★
KCJ: That was hot.
J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: All right.
J: I see this green stuff is wasabi.
C: Yes, it's pretty hot.
J: It is?
C: Yes. Use it sparingly.
J: Too late. Woo ... Wow! But it's good.
Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready, five times in one breath?
C: Yeah. I think I am.
K: All right. Let's hear it.
C: What do we have here? ×5
K: Great!
CJ: You did a great job there.
Write It!
★ 食べている
K: eating でよろしいですか?
C: Well, it's grammatically correct. But don't you think it sounds just a little crass like maybe too descriptive of the action?
(crass = 露骨で下品な stupid and without considering how other people might feel)
C: So, usually, I would recommend using the verb "have." In this case, "having."
★ マリコはゴードンに……してと言います
J: Right, right. Well, we are going to use the verb "tell" here. So, it's the pattern would be "tell someone to do something."
K: OK.
J: So, in this case, it's "Mariko tells Gordon to 何々."
★ 時遅し
C: It sounds pretty dramatic in Japanese, right?
K: Uh-huh.
C: So, in English, we wanted to bring the drama. "It's too late," or "too late."
C: Mariko and Gordon are having tonkatsu. Mariko tells Gordon to use the hot mustard sparingly. It's too late! His mouth is burning up.
K: もうちょっとドラマチックに
J: I can do that.
K: All right.
J: Mariko and Gordon are having tonkatsu. Mariko tells Gordon to use the hot mustard sparingly. Too late! His mouth is burning up.
J: Well done.
C: Good job.
In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn....
C: Yeah.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, this time, they are having a Japanese breakfast.
G: Looks good. Wow. What do we have here?
M: That's grilled salmon. That's a pack of nori or dried seaweed. Those are pickles, miso soup and a dish of tofu.
G: It's a little feast. And this is?
(It's a little feast. = ちょっとした宴会だね。)
(feast = a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people)
M: That's a bottle of shoyu. Use it sparingly.
G: Ahh, too late. The rice is all brown now.
M: Let's get another bowl.
G: Oh, my salmon.
M: Oh! You made a flying fish out of the salmon.
K: How about you, Carolyn?
C: Hmm... I think my favorite would be a Japanese style breakfast with grilled fish and miso soup.
J: Natto?
C: Uh... grilled fish and miso soup. It's a great way to start a day.
K: She skipped that.
J: She skipped natto.
K: How about you, Jeff.
J: I love sushi.
C: Oh!
J: I do. I love sushi, all kinds of sushi. Yeah. I discovered that when I first came to Japan.
C: Yeah.
J: And it opened up a whole new world for me. I love it. Yeah.
K: Oh, really?
J: I didn't like fish, before I came to Japan, so much.
C: Really?
J: Not row fish.
C: Oh.
J: But, oh boy, I really did. It was love at first bite. It really was. Yeah.
C: What about you, Ken? Are you uh...?
J: What's your favorite?
K: Oh... you know, I like kaiseki cuisine.
C: Oh.
J: Oh, you do?
K: I love to keep enjoying one little dish after another, you know.
J: Oh.
K: Yeah.
C: That’s everything in a different bowl and in a different plate, right?
K: Different food in a different bowl and ... but that happens once in a blue moon.
(once in a blue moon = very rarely)
遠山顕の英会話楽習 Tuesday, August 4 & 11
U R the ★
KCJ: You got it!
J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: All right.
J: I can't do the airplane.
C: That's a hard one.
J: Hey, I almost got it.
C: Yes! You'll get the hang of it soon.
J: Just a little more practice, I think.
Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready, five times in one breath?
J: I'll try.
K: Let's hear it.
J: It's right here on the map. ×5
J: Oh, yeah.
C: Great!
KCJ: Right on!
Write It!
★ ゴードンは……しようとしました
J: We are going to use the word "try."
K: OK.
J: In this case, he just tried to do it, so it's kind of a past tense thing. Gordon tried to 何々. In this case, "tried to get on the train." "Gordon tried to get on the train."
★ マリコは彼に……と言います
C: Yeah. And it's a really handy pattern to remember how to use. So we start with "Mariko." And we're going to use the verb "tell" here. And when we use the verb "tell," we always have to say who we are telling. So, it would be "Mariko tells him that 何々." Or we can also say, "Mariko tells him 何々," and not use "that."
J: Gordon tried to get on the train but he kept bumping into people who were getting off. Mariko tells him that he'll get the hang of it soon.
C: Gordon tried to get on the train but he kept bumping into people who were getting off. Mariko tells him he'll get the hang of it soon.
C: Oh, I'm sure you did.
J: Fantastic.
In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff...
J: Yes.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
J: Well, now, a packed train has just pulled in.
M: Come on! Let's get out.
G: Excuse me.
S: すいませ~ん
G: Oh, sorry.
M: Excuse me.
S: Is this Ginza-sen?
M: Whew! It was packed like sardines!
G: You said it! I kept bumping into people!
M: Try to stay out of the way when the doors open.
G: Right. I learned that the hard way.
M: You'll get the hang of it soon.
G: Now where are we going?
M: On to the train.
G: Oh, right. I almost forgot.
M: Charge.
(charge = 突撃する、突進)
G: Wait!
K: Uh... Jeff?
J: We have one little two-car train that goes north and south. That's about it.
K: Oh, I see.
J: So I don't use the train very often. But there are …
C: So it's not underground? It's not underground.
J: No. There’s no … no subways.
K: How about you, Carolyn?
C: I mean, compared to Tokyo, Toronto is very simple. We have one line goes across, and we have one subway that loops around like a U. So ...
(loops around like a U = Uの文字のようにぐるっと周っている)
J: It's incomprehensible.
(incomprehensible = 理解できない not able to be understood)
K: So living in Toronto...
C: Yeah.
K: ... You still need a car.
C: Well, it depends where you live in the city, to be honest.
K: Oh, I see.
C: Personally, I always ride the subway and take buses in Toronto.
K: Oh, you do?
C: So I've never had a problem.
K: You can do that.
C: Absolutely.
K: ... to uh... go places to.
C: Yeah. I think so. Especially if you are going downtown, still car culture is strong. But maybe, Jeff, your city probably is ....
J: You know, really where I am from... it's a car culture.
C: So, what about your hometown, Ken?
K: They have train up there in Hokkaido. But where I live now, we have monorails.
C: Hmm
J: Monorails.
K: Yeah.
J: That's interesting.
K: That's very .... useful too.
J: Unique.
K: Yeah, it's like a snake, you know, in the air, steel snake or ... you know. And that's very useful.
C: That's not that common to have a monorail, is it?
K: No.
J: Do a lot of people ride it?
K: Oh, yeah. In the morning, it's packed.
J: Oh, really? Wow!
K: Well, I've got to go back and take the monorail.
遠山顕の英会話楽習 Wednesday, August 5 & 12
★ Question 1
J: What is this commercial about?
K: OK. What was the question again?
J: OK. What is this commercial about?
K: Carolyn, what's the answer for this?
C: It's about "Wonderful Things," a new furniture store that gives you wonderful deals.
K: Ah, all right.
J: And as we'll see later, they really do give you wonderful deals.
C: So, the name is appropriate.
J: Uh-huh.
K: The man in the commercial says, "Is that a movie?"
C: Yeah.
K: …when he heard the name of the store.
C: Yeah.
★ Question 2
C: What will you get if you spend $50?
K: So, Carolyn, what was the question again?
C: Alrighty, question 2: What will you get if you spend $50?
K: Jeff, what will you get?
J: An $8 gift card.
J: ... which you can use on other things.
C: Yeah, that's a really good deal.
J: Other wonderful things. That's right.
K: You are right. It sounds great.
★ Question 3
J: When is their Wonderful Home Good Sale?
K: Nice. Back to the question?
J: Right. When is their Wonderful Home Good Sale?
K: So, Carolyn, when is it?
C: Every Friday and Saturday.
K: Oh, they do this every week.
C: Yeah, that's amazing.
J: And why is it a sale? Because you'll get an extra 15% off.
K: Out of... what kind of things?
C: Oh, there were a few things they mentioned, right? Rugs, right?
J: Candles...
C: Throw pillows...
(throw pillow = 装飾目的で使われる小さいクッション(a small cushion that is used for decorative purposes)
K: Oh.
J: All the creature comforts at home.
(creature comforts = 〔衣食住などの〕肉体的な快適さに必要なもの things that make life more pleasant, such as good food and a comfortable place to live)
★ Question 4
C: Where do you go to arrange for free same-day delivery?
K: So, back to question 4.
C: Sure. Where do you go to arrange for free same-day delivery?
K: This is a good question. What's the good answer for this, Jeff?
J: The customer service desk.
J: Yes, because a lot of these items would be too heavy to carry home.
C: Yeah, for talking about furniture, big pieces of furniture.
J: Or maybe too big to even put in your car. So....
C: So, it's another good deal.
J: Yeah, it's like ... same day, right?
K: Yeah. That's really good, really wonderful.
J: So, if they beat you home, do they wait for you?
K: They do?
J: I don't know.
K: Well, as I said the first question can be the most difficult question of all the questions.
J: Because it usually comes at the very beginning, and if you don't hear it, you know, you've already passed that.
K: Yeah.
C: And you have to pick up the information though, like, it's hard ... you have to figure out what is important information.
J: Right.
K: Uh-huh.
J: The other questions come within the commercial later on but the very beginning is most important, I think.
K: Yeah.