4/20 - 4/22

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, April 20

K: Do you think he is coming?
C: Umm….
J: Maybe.
C: Perhaps.

U R the ★
C: Ken?
K: Yes?
CJ: You are the star.
K: Yes, just for once.

C: Why don't you come with us to a gorgeous kaiseki dinner?
K: Three's a crowd.
J: Come on. It's on me.
K: I'm coming.
C: All right.
J: Wow! That was fast.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: Sure. I like doing the short sentences.
K: Oh, yeah. Who doesn't? Yeah, let's hear it.

C: It's on me. ×5

K: You did it.

J: All right.
C: Nice.
KCJ: Fantastic!

Write It!
★ ある女性
K: One woman でどうでしょう?
C: Well, I would recommend writing "a woman" here.
K: OK.
C: And let's put it at the very beginning of the sentence.
K: OK.

★ 彼女の弟
K: Her younger brother, little brother ではどうでしょう?
J: No, unlike Japanese, in English, we wouldn't emphasize little or older brother unless it was important to the details of the story. So just "brother" is fine.

★ パソコン
C: Yeah. Well, I'm sure everyone probably remembers this from earlier, uh, from week one. When we talked about this, in English, it is "computer."

★ ……を連れ出そうとします
J: Yeah. This isn't in the dialog, so we would use "try to." In this case, it would be "try to take 誰々 out."

★ 一緒にいくかもしれません
K: might でよろしいですか?
C: Yeah, I think so because it's possible that something could happen. So using "might" here is perfect. And in English, it'll be "might go with them."

C: A woman and her boyfriend try to take her brother out to see a movie because he is on his computer 24/7. He might go with them.

J: Good job.
C: Uh-huh.

In Another Situation!

K: So Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now, old Urashima Taro is on his computer 24/7.

S: What are you up to today, Taro?
T: Nothing.
S: Why don't you come with us to see the movie "Samurai Starship"?
T: Three's a crowd.
S: You should get out of the house. You're on your computer 24/7.
B: Yeah. Come on, bro! You don't want to miss this movie.
T: I'm broke.
B: It's on me, okay? Me.
T: I'll have to change my clothes.
S&B: Do! We'll wait.
T: Ugh. Give me a few years.

K: Well, this is an interesting expression, "Three's a crowd." "Two's company."
C: Yes.
K: Three's a crowd, right?
J: Usually, it's used for couples.
C: Yeah.
J: They don't necessarily want a third person to come with them.
C: Or the third person doesn't want to come with them.
J: Or the third person doesn't want to come with them as in the dialog, right?
K: Oh, yeah, yeah. We are three.
C: Oh.
J: Well, in this program's case…
C: Yeah.
J: I think it's perfect.
C: Absolutely. No crowds here.
K: I completely agree with you guys.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, April 21

K: Zero interest loans.
J: Hmm.
C: Oh, yeah.

U R the ★
C: Jeff?
J: Yes?
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: How's the turnout today?
J: A hundred fifty and counting.
C: Not bad.
J: Not bad? It's very good.
C: Oh, yes, yes, of course.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: I'm going to need a big breath for this one, I think.
K: Oh, yeah.

J: No wonder your town is flourishing! ×5

K: You did it. Wow!
KCJ: Wonderful!

Write It!
★ 市長
K: The mayor でよろしいですか?
J: Yes, that's exactly right, the mayor. Because it's about the mayor that we just talked about, we just heard about. If it was just any mayor, it would be "a mayor," but in this particular case "the mayor" is the best.

★ インタビューで
C: Oh, that's tricky. In this situation, the preposition I want to use here is "in an interview."
C: I'd suggest putting it at the beginning of the sentence because it sets the scene clearly.

★ 彼の革新的なアイディアは……です
J: Well, usually, English is kind of written backwards or opposite of the Japanese. But in this particular case, the word order is exactly the same. So we would say something like or it would be "his innovative idea is 何々."

J: In an interview, the mayor says he has created 2,000 jobs and counting. His innovative idea is zero interest loans.

C: Good.
J: Perfect.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff.
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like this time?
J: This time, it's not the mayor, a famous dentist is being interviewed.

R: You've done a great job as a dentist.
D: Thanks. It's really been a team effort, though.
R: How many bridges have you made?
D: Twenty thousand (20,000) bridges so far.
R: Wow! How did you do it?
D: I zeroed in on what people need.
R: What's that?
D: My new inexpensive false teeth.
R: Innovative! No wonder your office is flourishing. Now, smile for the camera.

                • -

K: So he has made 2,000 bridges.
J: And counting.
K: All right.

(2,000 ではなくて20,000とダイアログの中では言っていたような……)


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, April 22

J: Kind of takes you back to a different ear.

K: They are singing "the(ザ)" arms, aren't they?
C: Yeah, they are.
J: Yeah.
K: What happened to "the(ディ)" arms?
J: It should be "the(ディ)" arms.
K: Yeah. What to that?
J: I don't know poetic license, I guess.
K: Ah, all right.

J: Yes. "Threw away" is almost like スルーウェイ.
C: Oh, yeah. That sounds like that.
J: That’s pretty fast.