7/11 〜 7/14

ラジオ英会話   Monday, July 11

So Katie...
What's another situation going to be like today?
A parrot talks.

                          • -

Here goes. Be prepared for a workout.
(workout = a period of physical exercise)
Okay. Wow, look at this garden!
It all belongs to the residents living around here.
Yeah. Many of these homes are accessible only from these stairs.
I can't believe people live up here! These stairs are steep.
With any luck, we'll see some parrots farther up the hill.
(parrot = a brightly colored tropical bird that is often kept as a pet and can be taught to say a few words)
I can hear them!

I can hear them.
They talk.
They talk.
They're pretty smart!
We're pretty smart.
You are not.

                  • -

Very fluent.
(fluent = able to speak a foreign language very well, expressing yourself in a clear and confident way)
But uh... a slightly rude parrot.
(slightly = not very much, only a little)
Sounds like it.
With any luck, you may make friends with them.
We'll try.
Wonderful people here.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, July 12

So, what's another situation going to be like this time, Jeff?
Well, this time, they're tired out.

                            • -

We made it to the top. High five!
Oh. How about a low five?
You were lagging behind most of the way.
Oh, come on! I was not!
Just kidding. Let's catch our breath and take in the view.
You can really get a sense of the city from here.
Right. There's Alcatraz over there.
(Alcatraz = a U.S. prison on a small island in the San Francisco Bay, which was almost impossible to escape from)
Cool. Let's take a selfie.
(a selfie = a photograph that one has taken of oneself)
Okay. Say tired.
Oh, I'm too tired.

That makes ME tired just listening to them being tired.
I know. Me too.
Let's catch our breath and then say good-bye.
Good idea.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, July 13

Oh, that’s why it’s called Coit Tower.

                                • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like this time?
They move on to the Pizza Tower.

                              • -

Shall we move on to the Pizza Tower?
Yes, let's. Why is it called the Pizza Tower?
It was constructed as a memorial to the pizza chain owner who left a third of his fortune to the city.
Why doesn't the tower have his name instead?
His name was Low.
(彼の名前は Mr. Low / 高いタワーを建てるのにLow Tower低いタワーとは名付けられなかった)
I see. These historical murals are marvelous!
(mural = a large painting done on a wall)
They tell you the history of pizza.
This way. We need to buy tickets in the gift shop.
Tickets for the elevator ride to the top.
Oh, okay. Can you buy pizza too?
Of course!

Well, we need to finish this program soon.
Oh, Ken.
We have to?
Yeah. There’s just a few seconds left.
Oh, no. We have to finish it. Okay.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday,14

She has a little trouble with her shoes.
Yeah, they're not comfortable.

              • -

So, Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
They're at a tall tower in Japan.

                              • -

So what did you think of that Totally Tall Tower?
I loved that fast elevator, but the panoramic view at the top was underwhelming.
(underwhelming = つまらない、ちっとも面白くない、迫力に欠ける)
Or overwhelmingly cloudy?
(overwhelmingly = 打ちのめすように、圧倒するように)
Right. But I loved the trinkets in the gift shop.
(trinket = a small decoration that is not very valuable, for example a small piece of jewelry)
Let's make our way to Yuru-chara Karaoke Ramen museum.
Sounds good. Ian?
I need to buy comfortable shoes at some point. These geta are killing me!
Same here. Let's get out of here.
Oh, and let's get us some good shoes.

So, what comes next?
Well, I think we've got to ...
end the show.
Make our way to the ending.
OK, let's make our way to the ending.