7/4 〜 7/7

ラジオ英会話   Monday, July 4

So Katie, what's another situation like today?
Liv goes to Mars.

                          • -

There you are! Welcome to Mars.
Hey, Ian! Thanks for picking me up.
How's my little sis?
I'm wiped out. I had a six-hour layover on the moon.
(wiped put = extremely tired / very, very, tired)
(layover = a period of time when you are not traveling in the middle of a journey / a layover is a point where a vehicle stops, with passengers possibly changing vehicle)

Six hours?
Yes. I bought the cheapest ticket I could find online.
I see. What are you planning to do with the money you saved, treat me to dinner at the Martian Ramen Village?
You wish!

How's the Earth?
Could be better.
(could be better = あんまり良くない, not so good)
How's Rajio Eikaiwa? Couldn't be better. I love Katie Adler.
(couldn't be better = great)
Oh, I love Jeff Manning.
I love Ken. I make no secret of it, although I'm a Martian.
(make no secret of it =〜に関し何も隠し事はない、〜を隠さない、〜を明らかにする)  (僕は火星人だけど嘘はつかないよ。ケンのことが大好きさ)

                    • -

Well, that's about it for today. Let's pick up more English tomorrow.
Yes, let's.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, July 5

So what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Oh, they are no-nonsense types.

                      • -

Have a bagel and some coffee.
Looks good. Is the bagel gluten-free?

gluten-free =グルテンフリー  
グルテン は、小麦、ライ麦などの穀物の胚乳から生成されるタンパク質の一種。麺類やパンなど、小麦加工品を作る上で弾性や柔軟性を決定し、膨張を助ける重要な要素となっている。このタンパク質に対して抵抗力を失われてしまうのが、セリアック病(シリアック病、celiac disease)やグルテン不耐症などの、免疫反応が引き金になって起こる自己免疫疾患です。グルテンフリーとは、言葉のとおり、グルテンを含む食材や加工品を食べないことです。

A gluten-free diet (GFD) is a diet that excludes gluten, a protein composite found in wheat, barley(大麦), rye(ライ麦),and all their species and hybrids such as spelt(スペルト小麦), kamut(コーラサン小麦), and triticale(ライ小麦).
Of course, it is.
Thanks, Ian.
Is that what you're wearing today?
Yeah. Why?
You're going to freeze dressed like that.
I assumed it was going to be sunny and warm.
Here in the Outer Sunset District, it's chilly and foggy.
The average temperature in July is 14 degrees.
I'll get my arctic down suit.
(Arctic = relating to the regions around the North Pole)
No. That won't be necessary.
Why not?
That's in Celsius.、
Oh. I'm not used to Celsius.
This is the year 2525.
I'll get my sweater.

Makes a big difference.
So, in the another situation dialog, the year is 2525.
And they are using Celsius, oh, not Fahrenheit.
Not Fahrenheit.
Oh, interesting. Well, I assumed it was going to be Fahrenheit.
Me too.
So does she. Yes.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, July 6

Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, the fog comes in.

                        • -

Our first stop will be the Golden Gate Bridge.
Awesome! Why is it called the Golden Gate Bridge?
It got its name from the Golden Gate Strait, which connects San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean.
Do you know why the strait is called the Golden Gate Strait? Does it have anything to do with the California Gold Rush in 1849?
(strait = 海峡, a narrow area of water that joins two larger areas of water)
Not really. It was a few years before the discovery of gold here that it was named so.
Why golden I wonder.
Well, this brochure should tell you everything.
(brochure = 案内書、a small magazine containing details and pictures of goods or services that you can buy)
It's getting so foggy. I can't seem to read a thing.
Well, let's forget it.

Let's forget everything. Our last stop not first stop will be ...


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, July 7

So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Bluu… This time, it's very cold.

                          • -

When was this built?
Construction began in 1933. It was completed in 1937.
To think people built this bridge without the current technology!
It was an amazing engineering feat for that time.
(feat = An achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength)
Picture time! Smile!
Do you want to walk across to the other side?
No, I'm cold!
Where's your sweater?
In the car.
What did I tell you?
Where … Where are you, Ian?
Can't see you in this fog. Do you know which way is the parking lot?
I haven't the foggiest idea. Did you like my pun?
Oh, forget it.
You must forgive me.

Well, puns may not be amazing feats but uh...
They're fun.
Puns are tons of fun.
Yeah, fantastic.

fantastic (related words) ↓
さあ、あなたは、fantastic の関連語をいくつくらい出すことができますか?

1. terrific 2. wonderful 3. marvelous 4. phenomenal 5. tremendous
6. unreal 7. extraordinary 8. great 9. amazing 10. fabulous
11. awesome 12. incredible 13. unbelievable 14. superb 15. excellent
16. magnificent 17. nice 18. good 19. exciting 20. brilliant 21. lovely
22. splendid 13. exceptional 24. beautiful 25. neat 26. perfect
27. spectacular 28. delightful 29. remarkable 30. impressive