3/16 - 3/18, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, March 16

U R the ★
KCJ: That was entirely well done.

(entirely = 全く completely, totally, absolutely, perfectly)

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

J: Ken and I finally got to catch up with each other!
C: Great! What's new with Ken?
J: He started learning Thai.
C: Oh, wow!
J: And he's getting pretty good at it.
C: I'd love to hear him say something.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready, five times in one breath?
C: Wait! Are you saying I have to do this now?
K: That's the way it goes, I guess!
J: Uh-huh.
C: All right, then.
K: All right.

C: That's the way it goes! ×5

K: Good going! Wow!
C: Thank you.
J: Yeah!

J: Yeah!
C: Fantastic!
KCJ: That's the way you do it.

Write It!
★ しかし、今は彼が世話をしています
K: しかしは、but ですよね?
C: That's right. Yeah. And like the Japanese, it's a great way to show contrast between this current sentence and the sentence that comes before it.
C: So we'll start the sentence with the word "but."
K: Uh-huh.
C: And it's going to be "but now he is taking care of it."

★ どこかを強めないと意味が伝わらないですよね
J: Well, for more emphasis, we need to stress some of the words.
K: OK.
J: Either the first and third word or all of the first three.
K: Let's hear it.
J: So it would be something like "BUT now HE is taking care of it."
K: Uh-huh.
J: Or "BUT NOW HE is taking care of it."
K: I see.
J: And when writing, the emphasized words, we often use all capital letters.
J: Or we can also italicize.

C: Atsushi and Fran finally get to catch up with each other. Atsushi tells Fran that they got a turtle for their kids. BUT now HE is taking care of it.

J: Atsushi and Fran finally get to catch up with each other. Atsushi tells Fran they got a turtle for their kids. BUT NOW HE is taking care of it.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, now, they are 60 years old.

A: We finally get to catch up with each other!
F: Yes! What's new, Atsushi?
A: Not much. Here's what's old. Ha ha! Remember the turtle named Kamechan I got for the kids?
F: Yes. How is he doing?
A: Fine. He is 40 now. I got him so my kids would learn the responsibilities that come with a pet.
F: Yeah, that was the idea. But YOU ended up taking care of him.
A: That's right.
F: How are your kids, Jane and Andy?
A: They both have kids now.
F: Oh, wow! Time flies.
A: And they got a turtle for their kids.
F: And they are taking care of it? I mean Jane and Andy.
A: Yeah.

K: Well, Carolyn and Jeff, time to go.
CJ: Oh. That's the way it goes.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, March 17

Where is this place?
In Toronto.

Words & Expressions
トロント Toronto
C: Well, if I'm being really lazy, I say "Toronto トロノォ."

U R the ★
J: This next speaker is someone we both look up to.
C: She was born and raised here.
J: And she became a household name.
C: Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only -- YouYou Yours!
CJ: Yay!
J: Ooo woohoo!

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready, five times in one breath?
J: I'm waiting for you to say it.
CK: Take it away, Jeff!
J: Yeah, I love that.

J: Take it away! ×5

K: You did it.

J: All right.
C: Super!
KCJ: You sound like a professional MC.

Write It!
★ 二人の司会者
K: Two MCs で大丈夫でしょうか?
J: Right. The "MCs" stands for a "Masters of Ceremony."
K: OK.
J: But you don't have to say Masters of Ceremony. We can shorten it MCs. That's fine.

★ ……を紹介しています
C: Yeah. Yeah, that's the verb I would want to use here.
K: OK.
C: And I would recommend using the present continuous.
K: OK.
C: So in that case, it'll be "introducing."
K: OK.
C: And since there are two people doing the introducing, it would be "are introducing."

★ わずか15歳で
J: Well, we can say "was just" or "was only," then you say how old they are. In this case, it would be "fifteen years old." But you don't have to say "years old." You can end with the number. So "was just fifteen" or "was only fifteen" is fine as well.

★ 有名になりました
K: make a name for oneself でいいですか?
C: Yeah, of course. There are a few, well, I'm sure there's quite a few ways to say this, but we're gonna look at two ways. What you just mentioned, "make a name for himself," and we can also say "become famous."

Tow MCs are introducing a singer. He was born and raised in this town and made a name for himself when he was just fifteen.

Tow MCs are introducing a singer. He was born and raised in this town and became famous when he was only fifteen.

In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff....
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
J: Well, next up is a famous composer.

M: This next composer concert pianist is someone we both look up to.
W: He was born and raised right here in Salzburg, Austria

(Salzburg = ザルツブルク)
(What is the capital of Austria? = Vienna ウィーン[発音はヴィエナ])

M: His father started teaching him how to play the clavier when he was four.

(clavier = any keyboard instrument)

W: And he wrote his first symphony when he was just eight years of age.
M: Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the one and only -- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart = ヴォルフガング・アマデウスモーツァルト)

W: Take it away, Wolfie!

K: Oh, wow. So that was who?
J: Mozart.
K: OK.
J: Amadeus Mozart.
C: Yeah, tell from a laugh, right?
K: Yeah, famous laugh. Well, I think we are out of time.
C: Oh! Take it away.
J: Take it away, Ken.
K: Thanks.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, March 18

K: There are so many words that are Katakanaized. What word in particular put you in trouble or confused you so far?
C: Well, the first word I heard was "rimocon." And my friend, Sachi, she was saying something in English to me and didn't understand why I didn't understand what it meant.
J: Rimocon...
C: Yeah, rimocon.
K: Your friend meaning .....
C: My Japanese friend.
K: Ohhhh...
C: And so she says, "Oh, I don't know what you mean."
K: She thought it was English.
C: She thought it was English.
K: What do they say … in English?
C: Remote.
J: Remote.
C: Where is the remote?
J: The remote control.

3/09 - 3/10, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, March 9

U R the ★
CJ: We have no complaints.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: Got it.

J: There it goes again.
C: I know.
J: I can't put up with that noise anymore.
C: Do you want to file a complaint?
J: Ugh... Will it do any good?
C: I don't know.

(Will it do any good? = そんなことして良いことがあるの?状況が良くなるの?)

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready? So, what do you think of this?
C: I think I can do this one.
K: Oh, great. Wow!

C: So what do you think of Shadow? ×5

K: All right. Wow!
J: Wow!

KCJ: We thought that was perfect.

Write It!
★ ……だと思っています
K: is thinking でなくてよろしいですね?
C: Well, I think using the present continuous with the verb "think" here, it doesn't sound very natural to me. So I would recommend using "think" in this situation.
C: And be careful because "think" actually occurs twice.
K: OK.
C: So I would recommend writing "thinks" or "thinks that 何々." Or "think" or "think that 何々."
K: Great.

★ それは許せないと彼らは思っています
K: They think it's not fair. でいいでしょうか?
J: Well, grammatically, it's perfectly fine. It's not wrong. But, if you want to make the message a little more clear, it might be better to bring the negative closer to the beginning of the sentence.
K: Hmm...
J: Uh... something a little more natural would be, "They don't think it's fair."

C: The two dogs can't put up with the new cat's behavior. The master thinks she's the perfect kitten. They don't think it's fair.

J: The two dogs can't put up with the new cat's behavior. The master thinks that she's the perfect kitten. They don't think that it's fair.

C: Good job.
J: Yeah, well done.

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
C: Well, now, both dogs are whispering. They are scared of Shadow.

R: So what do you think of Shadow, Bud?
B: Well, I can't pretend to like her anymore, Rudy.
R: Same here. She's always sneaking up on me.

(sneak up = to approach someone quietly and surprise that person)

B: And she has such sharp claws. She scratched me on purpose!

(on purpose = intentionally)

R: Me, too. I can't put up with that behavior anymore.

(put up with = tolerate / endure / to accept it, even though you find it unpleasant or unsatisfactory)

B: The master thinks Shadow is the perfect kitten.
R: Yeah! It's not fair!
S: Meow!
S: Uh!? You're such weaklings. You're scared of your own shadows.

(weakling = 意志の弱い人、虚弱者 someone who is weak, either physically or in character)

B: And the Shadow too.

C: So what did you think of Another Situation?
J: Yeah.
K: I can't put up with it, especially the writer.


遠山顕の英会話楽習 Tuesday, March 10

K: Nice conversation.
C: Yeah.
J: Yeah. Seems like a nice guy, Charlie.

Word & Expressions
Thanks for listening. のところで 「我々も時々言いますかね?」
K: We kind of say that sometimes to our listeners.
C: We … yeah.
J: Yeah.

U R the ★
KCJ: That was a roaring success.

(a roaring success = something that is very successful)
(roaring = ものすごく、うなること、どなり声、とどろき)

J: All right, Carolyn, you are the star.
C: Alrighty.

J: How's the new lion adjusting?
C: Not so well.
J: What's the problem?
C: I think he looks down on everyone.
J: Well, you have heard of a lion's pride, right?
C: Oh.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Yeah, I think I can do this.
K: All right.

J: Thanks for listening. ×5
J: Ken, Carolyn, thanks for listening.

K: Wow!
C: Six times, wasn't it?
K: Thanks for the bonus, Jeff.

J: Yeah.
C: Great.
KCJ: Thanks for doing such a good job.

Write It!
★ チャーリーはシャドーにご近所にようこそと言って歓迎します
K: Charlie tells Shadow でいいのでしょうか?
J: Yes. There's actually a couple of ways we can say it.
K: OK.
J: That's one way. It's a direct way of reporting. Yeah… It would be "Charlie tells Shadow, 'Welcome to the neighborhood.'"
J: And the second way is a more indirect way of reporting.
K: OK.
J: Charlie welcomes Shadow to the neighborhood.
K: Oh!
J: It's like you're telling a story.

★ あまりうまく順応していない状況を伝える
K: Shadow tells him she is not adjusting so well. これで何となくいいのでしょうか?
C: Well, yeah. It is fine, but if we remember from the dialog, she's not just telling him that she's not adjusting well. She's also explaining in what way or how she's not adjusting well.
K: Hmm.
C: So I think it would sound better if we add the word "how." So it would be, "how she's not adjusting so well."

J: Charlie tells Shadow, "Welcome to the neighborhood." Shadow tells him how she's not adjusting so well.

C: Charlie welcomes Shadow to the neighborhood. Shadow tells him how she's not adjusting so well.

J: Well done.
C: Great.

In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
J: Well, this time they are senior cats.

C: Welcome to the neighborhood!
S: Thanks. I'm Shadow.
C: Charlie. How are you adjusting?
S: To be honest, I'm not getting along with ... uh, uh... what's his name and uh... what's his name?
C: Oh, let's see. Their names are ... uh... Anyhow, what's wrong?
S: They aren't very fun to be around. I think they look down on me.
C: They're just jealous. They are over 50 years old. You are much younger.
S: Well, I'm 35...? 37...? Somewhere around there.
C: Anyway, don't let them get to you.
S: Okay. Thanks for listening. See you sound, Shadow.
C: See you, Charlie.
SC: Uh?

K: Well, thanks for listening.

3/2 - 3/3, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, March 2

J: They didn't really come up with anything.
C: No, nothing.

U R the ★
CJ: Excellent!

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: Got it.

J: We have to come up with a store name.
C: How about Gakushu Daihanten?
J: It needs more punch.
C: Gakushu Dai-fun-ten?
J: Oh, perfect!
K: You've got a fountain of ideas there. Oh, my goodness.
C: Oh, thank you.
K: You're welcome.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
C: Oh, only five times.
K: How about ten?
C: Oh, wait. That sounds risky.
K: I know. Let's stick with five.
C: OK.

C: That sounds risky. ×5

KCJ: That was fantastic!

Write It!
★ ……を考えだそうとしています
K: They try to come up with 何々  これでどうでしょう?
C: Well, "try" is the verb that we want to use here, but we are describing something that they are currently doing, right?
K: Uh-huh.
C: So, I would recommend using the present continuous here.
K: OK.
C: So, it would be like "are trying."
K: Ah.
C: So, the whole sentence is going to be "A woman and a man are trying to come up with a business idea."

★ 女性は頑張ります
J: Well, we don't really have a set phrase or set expression for "頑張る" in Japanese.
K: Uh-huh.
J: Um… So, there are several ways to say it depending on a situation.
K: OK.
J: "Do your best." "Try your best." This time, we are going to use the expression "Try hard."
J: Right. So, it would be "The woman tries hard."
K: I see.

A woman and a man are trying to come up with a business idea. The woman tries hard but runs out of ides. The man draws a blank.

J: Good job.
C: Nice.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, they sing their lines to the tune of "Happy Birthday to you."

M: First, we have to come up with a business idea.
W: How about opening a gym?
M: Startup costs would be too high.
W: Okay. Our town doesn’t have a bookstore.
M: That sounds risky.
W: Hmm. A restaurant?
M: That’s too much work.
W: Well, I’m officially running out of ideas. It’s your turn now.
M: Um… I’m drawing a blank.
WM: Unhappy birthday to us.
M: Ugh.
W: Ugh.

K: No cake?
C: Doesn't look like it.
K: We have to come up with a short ending. So, until next time ...


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, March 3

J: He knows how to say no.
C: Yeah.
K: Yeah. That's what he learned.

U R the ★
C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

J: I think I'll take it easy today.
C: Why?
J: I might be coming down with a cold.
C: Yeah. You should take it easy.
J: Zzzzz...
C: Jeff? Jeff!?
K: Wow.

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five sets in one breath?
J: Ken, I don't know if I can do it today. I might be coming down with a cold.
K: This is a perfect part for you.
J: Oh, okay. All right.

J: Achoo! -- Bless you!

C: Nice.

C: Yay!
KCJ: Amazing.

Writ It!
★ 彼らはセーターを着せようとしますが
J: Well, simply put, we are going to use the word "try."

(simply put = 簡単に言いますと)

J: "Try" implies doing their best or attempting to do something.

(attempt = 試みる)

K: Uh-huh.
J: And a lot of times a sentence like this will come with a "but" at the end because it doesn't always work out.
K: I see.
J: So, this time, it would be something like, "They try to put a sweater on him, but..."

★ 「いや」と言い続けます
C: Well, in English, it's going to be "keep saying no."
K: No のところにクォーテーションマークは必要か?
C: Well, in this situation, in English, we actually don't need to use quotation marks here, because it's an idiomatic expression. So, I would just write "keep saying no," and use no quotation marks at all.

The two-year-old boy sneezes and his parents think he might be coming down with a cold. They try to put a sweater on him but he keeps saying no.

J: Well done
C: Nice work.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like this time?
J: Well, this time, Tsuyoshi talks a little more.

T: Achoo!
F: Bless you!
T: Thank you.
F: You might be coming down with a cold.
T: I might. So be nice.
M: We need to buy you a new jacket. You grew out of your old one.
T: Sorry I'm not shrinking.
M: He has such dry humor. Did he get it from you?

(dry humor = とぼけたユーモア、ニコリともせずに言うユーモア)

F: I think it's my father.
M: Oh! But of course.

(but = 絶対に、まさに)

F: OK. Here Trsuyoshi, let's put on this nice sweater.
T: No.
M: You should wear it so you can stay warm.
T: No.
F: Gosh, he's growing up so fast!
T: Do you want me to slow down?
M: Ugh! Can you?
F: Mommy!
M: Don't call me that.
F: Sorry, honey.
M: That's more like it.
T: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

K: Such a mean, little guy.
C: I wasn't gonna (going to) say anything.
K: Oh, yeah. Well, he is growing fast. Time is running out. 

2/24 - 2/25, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, February 24

UR the ★
C: Jeff, you are the star.
J: Got it.

J: Who waters our plants?
C: I really don't want to ask our neighbor to do it.
J: Do we have a choice?
C: I guess not.
J: Well, I'll go ask him.
C: Thanks.

Say It!
K: OK. It's getting chiller there.
K: Are you ready, Jeff, five times in one breath?
J: So, you don't want Brrrr... Now, you just want Brrrr..
K: Well, maybe in the end.
J: Ah, okay. All right.

Brr! ×5

CJ: Brilliant!

Write It!
★ 外は冷えてきました
K: It has become chilly. でもどうでしょうか?
C: Oh, okay, well, I understand what you are saying.
K: Yeah?
C: To my ears, it sounds more natural to say, "It's getting chilly."

★ 外は
C: Well, that is "outside."
C: So, the whole sentence would be, "It's getting chilly outside."
K: Beautified.

★ 差し出します
J: Well, there's a couple of ways you can say it. The one that I recommend would be "offer 誰々 何々." So, it would be, "Haruru offers Sally his jacket to wear."
J: Right. You can also use the word "give," which can be mistaken sometimes as a gift, but in this context, you understand that he is just giving it for the moment. So, either one is fine.

C: It's getting chilly outside. Haruru offers Sally his jacket to wear. Then they hear a kitten mewing in the ravine and Haruru goes down there and finds it.

J: It's getting chilly outside. Haruru gives Sally his jacket to wear. Then they hear a kitten mewing in the ravine and Haruru goes down there and finds it.

J: Fantastic.
C: Nice.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn, what's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, now, they hear people's voices.

S: Brrrr... It's getting chilly.
H: Here! You can wear my jacket.
S: Thank you. What's that sound?
H: It's coming from that ravine.

(ravine = a deep narrow valley with steep sides)

S: It's some people. Poor things.
H: I'm going down there.
S: Don't. It's so steep and rocky down there.
H: Do we have a choice? They need our help.
H: It's a radio.

K: Well, don't go away yet.
C: No.
K: We’re not finished.
J: No.
C: No.
K: But I'm afraid we have to end our program here.
J: Oh, so we are ending.
C: I guess so.
K: Do we have a choice?
J: I guess not.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, February 25

UR the ★
KCJ: You took a bit risk and it was worth it.

J: All right, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
J: This time, you are the star.
C: Allrighty.

J: Ken is climbing Mr. Worst this summer.
C: Oh, he's taking a big risk climbing it.
J: He says it's safe in summer.
C: I hope so.
J: I think he knows what he is doing.
C: Hmm...
J: Pretty sure.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, three times in one breath?
C: Oh, phew! I thought it was going to be five.
J: It's a little long for five.
K: Yeah.
C: OK. I can do three.
K: Let's hear it.

C: Don't worry, little kitty. You're safe now. ×3

K: Perfect.

J: Yeah.
C: Great!
KCJ: That was spot on.

(spot on = completely accurate or accurately)

K: I guess you rescued yourself by rescuing the cat.
C: Ooohh, that's a good point.
J: Yes.
K: And rescuing your relationship.
J: So, now we know who was rescued.
K: Yeah, everybody.

Write It!
★ ……を助けます
J: Well, we are going to use the word that they used in the dialog "rescue." You can also use "save 誰々."
K: OK.
J: But let's try to use different words in different situations. It's good for study.

★ 彼にうぬぼれないようにと言います
K: 言いますというのは、tell でいいですかね?
C: Yeah, I agree. I think using the verb "tell" here works well in this situation. Because she's giving advice but it's a very kind of soft, playful way that she is expressing it. So, I would say, "tell him not to let it go to his head."

Haruru rescues the adorable kitty. Sally tells him he is amazing but not to let it go to his head.

(adorable = inspiring great affection or delight)
J: Well done. Good job.
C: Yeah.

In Another Situation!
K: So Jeff… What's another situation going to be like this time?
J: It's a big dog this time.

H: Don't worry, little doggy. You're safe now.
S: He's adorable!
H: I think I'm gonna (going to) keep him. I'm naming him Pookie.
S: Hi Pookie. You took a big risk rescuing Pookie.
H: Yeah. No big deal. It was worth it!
P: Thank you.
S: Look, your arm is bleeding!
H: It's just a scratch.
S: You're amazing.
H: You think so?
S: Yes... but don't let it go to your head!
H: Oh, no!
S: What happened?
H: He drooled on me.
P: Sorry.

(drool on = よだれを垂らす、たわ言を言う liquid in the mouth to flow out of one's mouth)

K: Well, that’s the end of the love story.
C: Oh, yeah.
J: Yeah. He took a big risk, but it was worth it.
K: Yeah.

2/17 - 2/19, 2020

遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習   Monday, February 17

U R the ★
CJ: That was a piece of cake for you.

C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: One job pays well but isn't fun.
J: Uh-huh.
C: The other job pays not so well but is fun.
J: Hmm. You've got a tough decision to make.
C: Ugh.... I don't know what to do.
J: Hmm. Maybe sleep on it.

(sleep on it = 一晩考える delay making a decision until the following day)

Say It!
C: That's for Jeff, right?
J: Uh...
K: I think that's a good idea.
J: Um...
C: I was just looking... because you looked really eager. You looked, you know, raring to go.
K: Yeah, that's what I thought too, Jeff. Let's hear it.
J: Um... I think I'm gonna (going to) need some help from Carolyn.
C: I would glad to help you. My pleasure.
J: Take a deep breath.
C: Oh, yeah.

J: She loves me. She loves me not. ×3
C: He loves me. He loves me not. ×2

K: Great! Wow.

J: All right!
C: Awesome.
KCJ: We love you. We love you. Period.

(Period = 以上!)

Write It!
★ 友達のレイ
C: Hmm, sure.
C: OK. There are two ways we can say this.
K: All right.
C: We can start with Ray's name at the beginning of the phrase. So here, it would be "Ray, her friend."
K: OK.
C: And don't forget to put a comma after the word "Ray."
K: OK.
C: And the second way we can say this is similar to the order in Japanese.
K: Uh-huh.
C: And so, we'll start with "her friend" and then add "Ray."
K: Ah, okay.
C: So, it'll be "Her friend Ray." And if you want to use a comma after the word "friend," you can.
K: Okay.

★ ……と笑います
K: laugh with でいいですか?
J: Yes, that's pretty straightforward "laugh with 誰々." Now, make sure that you don't say "laugh at" because that has a different meaning.

(straightforward = 単刀直入な)

K: Laugh at.
J: Yes. "Lugh with" means you're both laughing at the same time.
K: I see. "Laugh at" is kind of uh... making fun of...
J: Making fun of someone else. Yes, that's not good.

C: Haruru wants Sally back. Sally can't make up her mind. She plucks daisy petals and laughs with Ray, her friend.

J: Haruru wants Sally back. Sally can't make up her mind. She plucks daisy petals and laughs with her friend, Ray.

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, now, Sally got four-leaf clovers from Haruru.
J: But, there's only one answer.
C: Hmm...
K: Very bleak. Let's hear it.

(bleak = わびしい charmless)

S: Haruru wants me back!
R: Wait a minute. Start from the beginning.
S: He did some soul-searching and realized he messed up.
R: How do you feel about him?
S: I can't make up my mind.
R: You've got a tough decision to make.
S: I know. He loves me. He loves me not.
R: Too bad. There are four leaves for each clover.
S: Yes, you know how this ends.
R: But on the bright side, there are lovers in clovers.
S: Oh, how true.

(clovers の中に lovers という文字が入っているので)

K: Do you think our listeners love this program?
J: I think they love it.
CJ: And then they love it.
K: Yeah, let's keep on doing that. Well, that's all about for today, so until next time...
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And counting petals and keep on smiling.


遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習   Tuesday, February 18

U R the ★
CJ: Amazing.

C: Jeff, you are the star.
J: OK.

C: Here we are.
J: Nice. What's good here?
C: They have great seafood.
J: I love seafood.
C: Great! You're gonna (going to) love this.

Say It!
K: Jeff-san, five times in one breath. Are you ready?
J: So, you want me to do it?
K: Yeah, I think it's a good choice.
J: OK. All right.

J: Good choice! ×5

K: Wow! Great service there.

J: All right.
C: Great.
KCJ: Good work.

Write It!
★ デザートを選ぶ
J: Well, if you just translate it straight across, it's a "choose dessert."
K: OK.
J: But there are two of them.
K: All right.
J: And "choose dessert" is… is a little stiff. It's not really natural. So, we are going to say "choose their dessert."

★ ……と言って、サリーを困らせます
C: Well, we know the latter part of the Japanese from the dialog. Right?
K: Okay.
C: So, we'll start with that part and it'll be "put Sally on the spot."
C: And then I'd suggest writing "by saying."
C: And it's a pretty natural way to express this. So the whole phrase would be "put Sally on the spot by saying 何々."

J: At the restaurant, they choose their dessert. Then Haruru puts Sally on the spot by saying he hopes that they can see each other again.

C: At the restaurant, they choose their dessert. Then Haruru puts Sally on the spot by saying he hopes they can see each other again.

C: Good work.
J: Good to go!

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
J: Well, this time, Sally loves an-mitus.

R: Do you have room for dessert?
S: Yes, I love their desserts.
R: What's good here?
S: Everything. But they have amazing an-mitsu.
R: Let's go with it.
S: Good choice! Hi.
M: Hi.
S: Two big ice-cream an-mitsu please.
M: Coming right up.
H: I had fun tonight.
S: Me, too.
H: I hope I wasn't uninteresting.
S: No, you weren't. I love this shop. It's so unconventional.

(unconventional = 型破りな different from what is usual)

H: I hope we can do this again. I've missed you.
S: Sure.
H: Really?
S: Yes. I've missed their an-mitsu.
R: Oh! I understand.

K: Yeah. An-mitsu was a good choice. Very good.

2/10 - 2/12, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, February 10

K: I don't think that's a good idea.
C: Yeah.
J: Hmm... I don't know. We'll have to see.

U R the ★
C: Jeff?
J: Right.
C: You are the star.
J: OK.

C: How did Imahitotsu-san do today?
J: Not too well.
C: Maybe we should reconsider?
J: Let's give him a second chance.
C: Oh, okay.
J: He may do better next time.

Say It!
K: Are you ready Carolyn, five times in one breath?
C: I know exactly what to do.
K: All right. Let's hear it.

C: I know exactly what I want. ×5

K: Wow! You did it.
J: Oh!
K: Wow!

J: Yeah!
C: Nice.
KCJ: You did exactly what we wanted.

Write It!
★ 彼はサリーに……してくれと頼みます
K: request はどうでしょう?
C: Oh, I don't think it's wrong, but it sounds really formal, doesn't it?
K: Oh, yeah.
C: ... for two friends to say, you know, "I request uh... your presents and such and such," or "I request you do something." I don't think we would use... That sounds really weird to me anyway. So, I would recommend using the verb "ask" here. So it would be "He asks Sally to 何々."

(such and such = これこれの、しかじかの、などなど)

★ はっきりとは答えられません
K: 直訳的なものですと Sally can't return a very clear answer.
J: Yeah. That's very 直訳.
K: All right.
J: But that's good. Let's simplify it a bit.
K: OK.
J: It's just the opposite of being sure. So "is not sure." Sally is not sure.

Haruru left Sally because he was scared of commitment, but he asks Sally to give him a second chance. Sally is not sure.

J: Good job!

In Another Situation!
K: So Carolyn, what's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, they sing their lines to the tune of "Old Folks at Home."

H: There daises reminded me of you.
S: They're lovely.
H: I'm really sorry, Sally.
S: Why did you leave so suddenly.
H: I got cold feet. I was scared of commitment, but now I know exactly what I want.
S: I'm glad you've figured things out.
H: Would you give me a second chance?
S: I don't know if that's such a good idea.
H: Oh, please give me a second chance.
S: I'll get back to you on that.

K: I'll get back to you on that. (そのことは、のちほど)
J: That didn't sound very promising. No.
C: No, not at all.
K: No. It's not promising at all.

K: Well, until next time.
J: Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling. I think she would give you another chance.
J: Maybe.
KCJ: Bye!


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, February 11

U R the ★
J: OK, Carolyn.
C: Yeah.
J: You are the star.
C: Great!

J: Is wearing a face mask helping you?
C: I think so.
J: Should I wear one?
C: That's not for me to decide.
J: Do you think I'd look good in one?
C: Of course, you would, Jeff. Come on!

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready?
J: Are we putting too much pressure on you?
K: Yeah, I'm afraid we are.
C: Yeah.
K: Hey! Let me try this one, Carolyn, for you.
C: OK. That would be wonderful.
K: All right. Here I go.

K: I'm putting too much pressure on you. ×5

CJ: Wow!
J: No pressure at all.
C: Yeah.

C: Nice.
KCJ: You handled that perfectly.

Write It!
★ 彼は彼女に尋ねます
K: interrogate とかどうでしょうか?
J: Well, that's a little strong. I would hope that you wouldn't find yourself in that situation.

J: Yeah, I believe there's a couple of ways to say this in Japanese but in English, just regular conversation, we would usually use the word "ask" or "asks." So, "He asks her."

★ 気付く
C: In this situation, I don't know if I would want to use the verb "notice" here, because "notice" feels like… like someone observing something and external reaction to something, isn't it?

C: Yeah. So, I would recommend using the verb "realize" here. Because when I hear the word "realize," I think of something internal. It feels more like an internal proses where someone is understanding something internally.

Haruru has been offered a job in Kingstown. He asks Sally how she'd feel about it, but he realizes he is putting too much pressure on her.

J: Well done.
C: Yeah.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
J: Well, we know you love it when we sing.
K: Do I?
J: You don't?
C: Ouch!
J: Ouch!
K: Yes, I do.
J: Well, this time, they sing their lines to the tune of "Scarborough Fair."

H: I've been offered a job in Kingstown.
S: Congratulations! Are you going to take it?
H: Maybe. How would you feel about it?
S: That is not for me to decide.
H: You're saying we don't have a future together.
S: No.
H: Sorry. I'm putting too much pressure on you.
S: I want to take things slow. You suddenly popped back into my life after all.

J: Oh, that wasn't too bad.
C: Yeah.
K: Yeah. So, are you going to walk out on her again?
J: Oh, that's not for me to decide. That's for the writers to decide.
K: Oh, OK.
C: Yeah. Don't put too much pressure on him.
K: Oh, sorry.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, February 12

K: Well, the dialog was the icing on the cake, wasn't it?
C: Sure, it was.
K: You did well.
J: As easy as pie.
K: All right.
J: Piece of cake.
K: OK.

12/3 - 12/4, 2020

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, February 3

U R the ★
C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: All right.

C: Do you want to go to a movie tonight?
J: Yeah, that sounds good.
C: A comedy or a thriller?
J: It's up to you.
C: Hmm... how about that new comedy thriller movie?
J: That sounds doubly fun.

(doubly = 2倍に、二重に  twice as much, or very much more)

Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Hmm... I was gonna (going to) say I'll let you know how it goes, but you are already here. So, you'll be able to hear it firsthand.

K: Yeah, we are right here.
C: Yap.
K: And I'll let you know.
J: Oh, you let me know how it goes.
K: Yeah, I'll let you know if it doesn't go well. OK. I'm sure you will.
J: OK. All right.
C: I think you got taken in there, Jeff.

(get taken in = だまされる to be fooled)

J: I think so too.
K: We've got good words for you too, ready, right here.
J: All right.

J: I'll let you know how it goes. ×5

K: Great! Wow.

J: Oh, yeah.
C: Whoo whoo!
KCJ: You really nailed it.

(nailed it = うまくいった、バッチリ成功した)

Write It!
★ ……と話をしたいと思っています
K: be wanting to / be thinking of wanting to
C: That's interesting. Um... Yeah, in English, I guess, there's a situation where that might be correct, but in this situation, I don't think it would sound very natural.
K: Uh-huh.
C: I would suggest using "want to" here. So I would use "want to talk to 誰々."

★ ……なのですが
J: Well, there are several ways of saying this. You can say, "Although 何々," or "though 何々." Or you can put the 何々 at the front of the sentence, and say "何々, but."

★ ……することにします
C: In English, we can just use the verb "decide." So I would use "decide to 何々."

C: Haruru texted Sally a message out of the blue. He wants to talk to her. Although he is the man who broke her heart, Sally decides to see him.

J: Haruru texted Sally a message out of the blue. He wants to talk to her. He is the man who broke her heart, but Sally decides to see him.

C: Good job.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn, what's another situation gonna (going to) be like?
C: Well, now, a man talks to Ray about the woman who left him.

M: Haruko texted me a message out of the blue.
R: The girl who broke your heart?
W: Yes. She's in town and wants to talk to me.
R: About what?
M: No idea. I know it's strange, but I'd like to see her.
R: I wouldn't give her the time of day.
M: Maybe I won’t see her.
R: Hay, it’s up to you, Man.
M: I know. I don’t know what to do.
R: Listen. Why don’t I go and see her?
M: Yeah…
R: Good! I’ll let you know how it goes. OK?
M: Yeah…

K: Well, how should we end the program?
CJ: Well, it’s up to you.
K: Well, Jeff can start.
J: Oh. Well, keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, February 4

K: Well, that sigh seems like too soon.
C: Yeah.
J: Well, at least she is going to meet him.
K: Right.

U R the ★
C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: Got it.

C: Where should we take our clients?
J: It's your call.
C: Hmm...
J: Hmm, I can't think of any place.
C: Well, let's try that new Italian place.
J: All right. Good idea.

Say It!
K: Jeff-san, five times in one breath.
J: I think I can do this.
K: All right.

J: What's done is done. ×5

K: You took a breath.
C: Yeah. Wait a minute.
J: It's a sigh of relief.
K: Well, what's done is done.
J: Done is done.

KCJ: Well done.

Write It!
★ XにYしたことを謝る
J: Well, we would say, "apologize to X for Y ing."
K: Oh, that's a pattern.
J: Uh-huh. Some people might think "apologize 誰々." But you need the word "to." Because "to" points to the person that you are apologizing to.
K: Oh, I see.

★ 二人は
K: The two でどうでしょう?
C: Well, I think it doesn't really work as well in English. If you wanted to use it in English, I think you would have to say the "two of them."
C: Right.
K: Uh... Okay.
C: You can't really say "the two are doing something." I would recommend keeping it simple here and just using the word "they."

★ 待ち合わせる
K: Wait and put together… 面倒くさいなぁ~
J: Well, we are going to use the word "meet" here.
K: That's all?
J: Uh-huh. "Meet" doesn't necessarily mean to meet for the first time.
J: So, in the dialog, the woman suggests where and when they should meet. She says, "How about Julia's Grill 2 o'clock. But here, they've already decided where to meet. So, we are going to use the verb "meet," and it'll be something like, "Meet at Julia's Grill at 2 o'clock."

J: Haruru apologizes to Sally for walking out on her. They’re going to meet at Julia’s Grill at 2 o’clock.

K: Sounds great.
C: Great. Good job.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff, what's another situation going to be like this time?
J: Well, this time, Sally wants revenge on Haruru for something.

S: Hello?
H: Hey, Sally. I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I’ve made some wrong choices in life.
S: What do you mean?
H: My biggest one was forcing you to eat that doughnut.
S: Well, what’s done is done.
H: I know. I’d like to see you anyway.
S: Okay. Where?
H: It’s your call.
S: How about Wasabi Doughnut 2 o’clock.
H: Thanks.
S: I really want to see you.
H: Really?
S: Eat a wasabi doughnut.
H: Ugh…

K: That was about wasabi doughnut.
C: Yeah. Hmm...
K: Well, sounds like a hot conversation.

K: Well, we have only a few seconds left. How do we end our program?
CJ: Once again, Ken, it's your call.
K: OK. Then, Jeff, you can start.
J: All right. Keep listening.
C: Keep practicing.
K: And keep on smiling.