遠山顕の英会話入門 2024年冬号 Dialog 15

遠山顕の英会話入門 2024年冬号 Dialog 15

Write It!
◆ 風邪でダウンしました
Y: Right. Okay, so, Lisa came down with a cold some time ago.
K: Uh-huh.
Y: And she is still down now with the cold. So, you can connect the past to the present by saying, "Lisa has come down with a cold."

◆ 大変な一日でした
J: Oh, there's many ways we can say this.
K: Okay.
J: "It's been a hard day," or "It's been a tough day," or something like that. Yes.


J: I know they did. They always do.
Y: Uh-huh. I'm positive.
K: All right.
J: Well done.

Before We Move On!
K: Well, Julia, thank you for joining us and ...
Y: It was my pleasure.
K: It's been an amazing recording, amazing day.
Y: Oh, it's been a special recording for me.
K: Thank you.
Y: Thank you.
K: Jeff, are you there?
J: Yeah, I am. Hey, it's been a real pleasure having our listeners with us.
K: That's great.