ラジオ英会話 3/18 - 3/22, 2024

ラジオ英会話  Lesson 231  Monday, March 18

◆ Opening
O: I did it my way. ♬♪

R: This is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's get ready to go.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: All right, everyone, it's time for today's practice. Natural conversations can be messy things, sometimes it's necessary to take back the right to speak. So, let's practice these phrases just in case you need to do that.

R: Let's begin.
D: Here we go.

  • Just hear me out.
  • Hang on.
  • Hang on a minute.
  • Just a minute.
  • Wait a minute.

R: Let's continue.

  • Listen.

Let's try that one more time.

  • Listen.

D: OK, here's our next.

  • Do you mind? I haven't finished.

Let's try that one more time.

  • Do you mind? I haven't finished.

R: And our last two are a little long, but let's keep going.

  • Could I ask you to hold any questions until I've finished?
  • I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.

D: Hey, Roza, do you think we should tell them how good a job they did?
R: I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later. Excellent work, everyone.
D: Great work!

◆ Ending


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 232  Tuesday, March 19

◆ Opening
R: Akino Roza here.
D: And I'm David Evans. Ugh... "Jujitsu" I get it.


◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
R: OK, everyone, you ready to practice? These phrases are quite harsh. So, be careful when you choose to use them.

D: All right. Let's jump right in.

  • Keep out of it.
  • Stay out of it.
  • It's not your concern.
  • Mind your own business.

R: Let's continue.

  • Come off it.

D: Good work so far. Some of these phrases may sound a little aggressive but that's the point. So, try to match that intonation when you practice.

  • Keep your nose out of other people's business.
  • Keep your nose out of my business.
  • Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong.
  • Don't stick your nose where it isn't wanted.
  • Butt out!

R: OK and one last one.

  • Leave me alone.

D: Great work today.
R: Yeah, great job!

◆ Ending
D: Hey, Roza, do you wanna (want to) go grab some lunch?
R: Sure, Sensei, wanna (want to) join us?
O: Leave me alone.
D: Oh, I didn't feel ...
R: Um... you don't have to come. We can just go by ourselves.
O: Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute! I was just practicing. Don't leave me alone.
D: Okay, well, let's go, Roza.
R: Yeah, too late. Bye.
D: Bye.


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 233  Wednesday, March 20

◆ Opening
R: I don't mean to be rude, but you're not so funny. Hi, everyone, this is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. I'm pretty sure that joke is well known.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
D: OK. It's time for today's practice. Sometimes we need to say something that may have a strong or negative impact. So, before we say it, we give the listener a cushion, something to soften the impact of the words. Today's phrases practice those. So, let's master them. OK?

R: Let's go.
D: Here's our first.

  • No disrespect intended, but ~
  • With all due respect, ~

(with all due respect = 恐れながら、失礼ながら、お言葉を返すようですが)

  • No offense, but ~
  • No offense to you, but ~

R: Let's keep going.

  • Sorry, but ~
  • Excuse me, but ~

D: All right, let's keep up the pace.

  • I hope you don't mind, but ~
  • I hope you don't mind me saying, but ~
  • Forgive me for asking, but ~

And one more.

  • I don't mean this in a bad way, but ~

R: You guys were fantastic!
D: With all due respect, Roza, that's absolutely true. Great work, everyone.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, it's time to wrap up this lesson, right?
D: That's right.
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 234  Thursday, March 21

◆ Opening
R: Sensei, it's hard to tell you this, but your haiku was about the last lesson.
O: Ow! Really?
R: Hey, everyone, this is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. It's hard to tell you this, but it's time to start the lesson.
O: Yeah, that's right.

◆ Typical Expressions / Practice
R: OK, everyone, today, I would like you to try to remember these phrases in chunks. So, when you practice, try practicing them smoothly. OK?

D: All right, let's jump into our first.

  • I hate to say this, but ~
  • It pains me to say this, but ~
  • I don't know how to say this, but ~
  • I don't know how to put this, but ~

R: Great work so far. Let's keep going.

  • I'm afraid ~, but...
  • I regret to tell you this, but ~.
  • We regret to tell you this, but ~.
  • I regret to inform you that ~.
  • We regret to inform you that ~.

D: All right. Let's wrap it up with a few more.

  • Unfortunately, I'm too busy at the moment.
  • Actually, I'm too busy at the moment.

R: You did wonderfully.
D: Excellent job.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, it's hard to tell you this, but time is up.
R: See you all next time.
All: Bye!


ラジオ英会話  Lesson 235  Friday, February 22

◆ Opening
R: Hey, everyone, it's time for Friday's review. This is Akino Roza.
D: And I'm David Evans. Let's go.

◆ Ending
O: Hey, Roza, do you have good taste in clothes?
R: Yeah, I think so, I mean I get told that a lot.

O: How about you, David?
D: Oh, for sure. Yeah, I have excellent taste in clothes.

R&O: I doubt it.
D: What!!!???