遠山顕の英会話入門 2024年冬号 Dialog 12

遠山顕の英会話入門 2024年冬号 Dialog 12

Write It!
◆ 運転すると申し出ます
J: Yeah, I think the most natural way or the best way to say it would be to use the word "offer," "offer to 何々, "offer to do something." So, in this case, it would be "Risa offers to drive."

◆ 二人は……するつもりです
K: intend to はどうでしょうか?
Y: Well, "intend to" is kind of formal.
K: Uh-huh.
Y: Yeah, I think we can make it easier by saying "are going to."
Y: They are going to...


J: I'm sure they did.
Y: They aced it, I'm sure.
K: All right.
J: Good job!
K: Great.

Before We Move On!
K: It's not necessarily tennis related disorder.
J: No, it can be anything that impacts your elbow.
J: Yes, golfers, maybe fencers, weightlifters get it, I think.
K: Okay.
J: Yeah.

Y: Yeah, sure, like uh... in professions, butchers... How about cooks?
J: Painters, carpenters... climbers...
Y: Sure.
J: Anything that impacts your elbow often enough, it can make painful.
K: Some people like who type.
Y: Uh-huh.
J: Yes.
K: ... type a lot.
Y: Or mothers, carry babies a lot, fathers also. I had it too.
J: Lifting babies or toddlers, yeah, that will do it.

J: Yes, in English it's the same, "runners knee."
Y: Athlete's foot.
J: You don't have to be an athlete to get athlete's foot.
Y: No, and you don't want to it. Believe me.
K: No.

J: Once again, the English is the same, "swimmer's ear."

Y: Swimmer's shoulder.

J: And there's also frozen shoulder.
J: ... meaning that it gets very stiff. It gets uh... yeah, it gets stiff and hard to move, frozen shoulder.
J: It doesn't have to be frozen, that doesn't have to be cold.