遠山顕の英会話楽習 Monday, April 19
U R the ★
J: All right.
C: Nice
KCJ: That was highly entertaining.
J: So, this time, it's quite a treat. Ken, you are the star.
K: Oh, that's such a teat. Thank you so much.
J: I'm Jeff, your daughter's colleague.
K: Hello, Jeff. Carolyn speaks highly of you!
J: That's what I always do of her.
K: That's nice of you.
J: She's an amazing woman.
C: Oh, keep it coming. Go on!
K: There you are.
J: Oh, I didn't know you were there. OK.
Say It!
K: Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
J: Jeff is not in at the moment.
K: Oh, really. Oh, my goodness.
K: Jeff, come back and do it.
J: Ms. Stork is not in at the moment. ×5
J: Wow!
KCJ: That was momentous.
(momentous = 重要 important, significant, essential, meaningful)
Write It!
★ 面接官のストーク氏
K: 面接官は interviewer でいいでしょうか?
C: Yeah. That sounds good to me.
K: All right.
C: And there are two ways we can write this.
K: OK.
C: For the first way, we can start with her name, and it'll be Ms. Stork comma the interviewer comma. And for the second way, we can just reverse the order and we'll start with the interviewer comma Ms. Stork comma.
K: Got it.
★ 彼は待たねばなりません
J: The English is a little shorter. It's "He has to wait."
★ 秘書は彼に……と伝えます
C: Yeah, again that also sounds good to me because we are reporting what the secretary said. So, "tell" is really useful. And we can use the pattern "tells 誰々 何々." Here, it will be "The secretary tells him that 何々." That "that" is optional.
C: Mr. Kite goes to a job interview. Ms. Stork, the interviewer, is not in and he has to wait. The secretary tells him that Ms. Stork spoke highly of him.
J: Mr. Kite goes to a job interview. The interviewer, Ms. Stork, is not in and he has to wait. The secretary tells him Ms. Stork spoke highly of him.
C: Yeah.
J: I'm sure they did.
In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn...
C: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now, Mr. Wolf goes to Riding Hood Delivery Office.
K: That reminds of me the story Little Red Riding Hood.
C: Yeah. It does indeed.
J: Exactly.
W: I'm here to see Ms. Riding Hood.
SE: Ms. Riding Hood is not in at the moment.
W: What time are you expecting her back?
SE: Very soon. She's away for a Hood Deliverers Convention.
W: I see. My name is Wolf, James Wolf. I came here to apply for the bodyguard position.
SE: Oh! Ms. Riding Hood spoke highly of you. Have a seat. She'll be here in no time.
(in no time = すぐに)
J: Hmm... I'm not sure the Wolf is going to be very good at a bodyguard position especially with the Red Riding Hood.
C: I don't know. I was thinking maybe he turned his life around and he wants to help, do something good.
J: Oh.
遠山顕の英会話楽習 Tuesday, April 20
U R the ★
J: All right.
C: Wow!
KCJ: You got it right.
C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: I got this.
C: Mr. Godot will be here in no time.
J: Thanks.
C: I'm sorry you have to wait.
J: It's no problem.
C: Oh, I just got a message.
J: Yes?
C: I think you might be waiting for a long time.
J: It's uh... no problem.
Say It!
K: Carolyn, I'm sure you prepared for this, right?
C: I did, yes.
K: Wow. Let's hear it five times in one breath.
J: Wow.
C: I did, yes. ×5
J: Yeah.
C: Great.
KCJ: You did it. Yes, you did!
Write It!
★ ストーク氏は面接を始め
J: Well, there are a couple of words that we can use. One would be "begins."
K: OK.
J: And the other one would be "starts."
K: Uh-huh.
J: So, "Ms. Stork begins the interview" or "Ms. Stork starts the interview."
J: Either one works.
★ カイト氏が極めて優秀な成績で卒業したことを知ります
C: Well, in some situations, it would be fine. But here, if we use "know," it refers to like something going on over a long span of time.
C: So, in this situation, I'd recommend using the verb "see."
C: Um... Especially because we know that she is looking at the resume, and maybe is recent information. It's something she didn't really know about before. So, I'd recommend writing "she sees that Mr. Kite何々."
J: Ms. Stork begins the interview and sees that Mr. Kite graduated magna cum laude. She tells him that he is a perfect match for the job.
C: Ms. Stork starts the interview and sees Mr. Kite graduated magna cum laude. She tells him he is a perfect match for the job.
C: Oh, yeah.
J: As always.
C: Did a great job, I bet.
J: Wonderful.
K: All right.
In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like today?
J: Well, remember last time, we had Mr. Wolf at the Riding Hood interview.
J: Right. This time, Ms. Riding Hood interviews Mr. Wolf.
R: I hope I didn't make you wait too long, Mr. Wolf.
W: Not at all, Ms. Riding Hood.
R: Hmm... I see from your resume that you graduated magna cum laude from Shouting College as well as ForestAttack University.
W: I did, yes.
R: We're simply too busy delivering food to protect ourselves.
W: You deliver food. I'd protect you.
R: I think you are a perfect match for the job!
W: Thank you. I will forever be in your debt.
(I will forever be in your debt. = ご恩は決して忘れません)
R: Ah. That's a joke, right?
K: What was the joke?
J: I wolf (will) forever.
K: Well, it's time to sign off.
J: Oh?
C: Did you say it's time to sign off?
K: I did, yes. I didn't say "sayonara."
CJ: It's no problem.
遠山顕の英会話楽習 Wednesday, April 21
K: Carolyn, what's happening in the music scene in Canada?
C: That's a very big question, Ken.
K: Oh, yeah.
C: There's actually so much I want to introduce to everyone about Canadian music scene. But to keep it short, I just want to say Canada is a very small country, population wise.
K: OK.
C: But there is such an amazing diversity of music there, for such a small population. And it's an amazing amount of fantastic music is made. For example, from like Inuit throat singing...
K: Oh, yeah.
C: We have amazing Jazz musicians, classical musicians and some of the biggest pop musicians in the world are Canadian, a Drake, The Weeknd. These are huge.
K: How about an oldie Paul Anka?
C: Yes! People are always surprised to hear he is Canadian.
K: Oh, yeah.
C: Jeff, do you know any Canadian?
J: I do. Um... I grew up with Rush.
C: Wow!
J: And Bachman-Turner Overdrive.
C: Awesome groups.
J: And uh... yeah.
K: Michael Bublé ... That's ....
C: Also Canadian.
J: Yes. He's a crooner.
K: He's very good.
C: I mean there are, you know, like Celine Dion and you know... But on the personal note, I wanted to say I chose Neil Young for a reason.
J: Okay.
C: When I was younger, we used to go camping every summer.
K: Uh-huh.
C: So, at the end of a camping day, you'd be really tired, you'd make a campfire and someone would bring out their guitar and it starts singing Neil Young songs.
(この場合、their = his or her なので後ろに続く名詞は単数の guitar になっている)
K: Really?
C: So, we'd always end the day kind of having this, you know, sing song of just beautiful Neil Young songs.
K: Oh.
C: So, that's why... I think he's just ... he is a wonderful artist to use showcase, kind of, as a representative of Canadian music.
K: Takes me back.
J: Oh, yeah.
C: Yeah, absolutely.
J: Some of the first song that I learned was the Neil Young's song.
C: Oh, really?
J: Uh-huh. Yeah, on the guitar.
J: Yes, I brought it with me ... again.
J: No problem.
K: Here we come Canada.
C: All right.
J: Right.
C: Yay!
J: Yeah, let's do it together.
C: If you can't go to Canada now, listen to Canadian music. It's awesome.
K: Great.
◆ Inuit throat singing = 先住民族イヌイットの喉歌
◆ Drake (ドレイク) = カナダ出身のラッパー、俳優。 1986年10月24日 (年齢 34歳)
◆ The Weeknd (ザ・ウィークエンド) = カナダ・スカーバロー出身のR&Bシンガー、音楽プロデューサー 1990年2月16日 (年齢 31歳)
◆ Paul Anka (ポール・アンカ) = カナダ出身の歌手、シンガーソングライター。1941年7月30日 (年齢 79歳)
◆ Rush (ラッシュ) = カナダ出身のスリーピース・ロックバンド 2018年活動停止
◆ Bachman-Turner Overdrive (バックマン・ターナー・オーヴァードライヴ)= カナダのロック・バンド
◆ Michael Bublé(マイケル・ブーブレ) = カナダ・ブリティッシュコロンビア州バーナビー生まれの歌手、俳優。 1975年9月9日 (年齢 45歳)
◆ Crooner (クルーナー) = ゆっくりしたテンポのバラードなどを、ささやくように優しく歌う歌手、低い声で感傷的に歌う人
◆ Celine Dion (セリーヌ・ディオン) = カナダ出身の歌手 1968年3月30日 (年齢 53歳)
◆ Neil Young (ニール・ヤング) = カナダ・トロント出身のシンガーソングライター。 1945年11月12日 (年齢 75歳)