7/22 - 7/24, 2019

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, July 22

So, it's free.
Oh, yeah.

U R the ★
Now, you are the star.
Got it.

Here we are at Gakushu Park.
It's very spacious.
It covers over 30,000 acres.
Is that right?
Uh-huh. It's huge.

Say It!
Are you ready, Jeff?
What do I get if I do it really well?
Well, applause?
Oh, Okay. Well, the best things in life are free, I guess.
Yeah, that's gonna (going to) be a free applause.
Yeah, lots of it.
OK? All right.

The best things in life are free. ×5

Here's your applause.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

All right.
You're getting a free round of applause.

(round of applause = 拍手喝采 when people clap for a short time to show that they enjoyed something or approve of something)

Write It!
★ 二人は……に来ています
Well, I think I would recommend two ways we could do this.
We could either say, "They are at どこどこ," and the other way is, "They have come to どこどこ."

★ 俳優のジェームズ・ディーン
Well, there are two ways of saying this as well. So you can either say it in line with the Japanese same order as the Japanese "the actor, James Dean," or you can do the reverse, "James Dean, (comma) the actor."

★ 彼の映画のひとつ
Yeah, that's right. It wasn't in the dialog. Here, I suggest saying "one of his movies."
And don't forget to add an "s" to movies, even though the verb is going to be singular.
All right.
It's tricky.

They are at Griffith Park. They see the bust of the actor James Dean. One of his movies was shot here.

They have come to Griffith Park. They see the bust of James Dean,(comma) the actor. One of his movies was shot here.

In Another Situation!
So, Carolyn...
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, now, they are at a museum of electrical inventions.

I wasn't expecting this museum to be so big!
It has over 2,000 electrical inventions.
Wow! Say, is that the bust of Thomas Edison?
Yes, he is the role model of this museum. 
Shall we go in? I got the admission.
It's free admission.
You're kidding!
The best things in life are free.

(electrifying = extremely exciting)

Hmm... Good pun, young man.
Thomas Edison!?
That's right.
We're shocked.
Another good pun.

(pun = a humorous use of a word that has two meanings, or of words with the same sound but different meanings. For example, the joke ’When is a door not a door?’)

Oh, I see. I got it.
Yeah. And...
Shocking, shocked
All right. Well, that covers today's program.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, July 23

Oh, so, this is the end of the trip?
Yeah, unfortunately.
Yeah, sounds like it. But they had a great time.
Oh, yeah.

rattlesnake = ガラガラヘビ
You call that a little toy for the baby?
a rattle = ガラガラ

U R the ★
You've done so well.

All right, Carolyn, you are the star.
Got it.

Gee, I can barely see the ocean from here.
Come over here, Jeff. Here's a better view.
Oh, yeah!
Let's take a selfie here.
Great idea. Say cheese!

Say It!
Yeah, I'm raring to go. I wanna (want to) do it like 20 times in one breath or 50 times or...

(raring = very enthusiastic and eager to do something)

Whoa, whoa, I wouldn't do that if I were you.
I wouldn't either.
I'd lose my voice, maybe huh? OK, I’ll settle for five then.

I wouldn’t do that if I were you. ×5

All right.
You made our day.

Write It!
★ 「ドゥーウィロウ!」と叫びます
Well, in English we'd use the word "shouts" here.
So, I'd suggest using this order "Shouts, DOOWYLLOH"
I see.

★ イアンは彼女が……してくれたことに感謝します
Well, there are a couple of words we can use: grateful, thankful. But those might be a little bit too over the top, a little bit too dramatic. So we're just going to use the basic friendly "Thanks." Ian thanks her for taking him around to see the sights.

They are now up behind the Hollywood Sign. Sofia reads the sign and shouts "DOOWYLLOH!" Ian thanks her for taking him around to see the sights.

In Another Situation!
So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Two Martians are with an earthling tour guide.

I'm going over there to take a panoramic picture.
Yeah, me too.
I wouldn't do that if I were you guys.
Why not?
Oh, no! They are dangerous creatures. On second thought...
We won't.
Here's a better view up behind the Hollywood sign. DOOWYLLOH!
It's not in the dictionary.
Not in mine, either.
No dictionary is perfect.
Well, this is a great way to end our trip!
Thank you for taking us around to see the sights!
My pleasure, Bbblan and Ggglan.
See you on Mars.
You must come again.

They have dictionaries.
Yeah, I guess they were English dictionaries.
Yeah, English to Martian, Martian to English.
Well, what do you think?
I think this is a great way to end the program.
You said it.


遠山顕の英会話楽習 Wednesday, July 24

What did she shout, Carolyn?
Hmm... this might sound strange.

So, that's the uh...
Hollywood spelled backwards.
Pronounced backwards.

Ahh... this is so nostalgic.
And yet timeless.

(nostalgic = remembering happy times in the past)
(timeless = not affected by time or by changes in fashion)

I love it.

Nostalgic, yet timeless. Oh, yes. That'll make the composer so happy.
Burt Bacharach
You bet.
One of my favorites.
Same here.

Yeah, I thought we were all singing together, but ... OK!  I will ask for forgiveness in advance.

A little flat, but you know....
Well, you didn't need any apology in advance there.\
And now?
Yeah? Let's hear it.

That's all right. Good!

All right. Good job.

That's about it for today. So until next time.
Keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And keep on smiling and singing.