9/17 - 9/19

遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習   Monday, September 17

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U R the ★

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How are you doing?
My way doesn't seem to work.
Let's try it this way.
Oooh, I see!
See! You're getting there.

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Say It!

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Carolyn, are you ready five times in one breath?
I'll give it a try.
All right.
Let's hear it.

        • -

Keep it up!

Keep it up!
You did it!

Yeah! You're getting there.
Keep it up!

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Write It!

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★ あんなふうにやってみましょう
Well, in the dialog, we heard, "Let's try it this way."
Because I think the father is showing his daughter how to do it.
Oh, OK.
But this time, we are going to use the word "that." So it'll be "Let's try it that way." Because the person who is modeling it is kind of a far away.

★ 画面に出ているように
It would be "shown on the screen," ... direct translation.

★ いいですね
Well, in English, "It's good." But instead of saying "good," there is an exclamation mark, so it's going to sound more like "Good!!!"

★ もうひと息です。その調子で頑張って!
This is taken right from the dialog, "You're getting there. Keep it up!"

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Let's try it that way -- shown on the screen. Good! You're getting there. Keep it up!

                                  • -

Another Situation!

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So Carolyn...
What's another situation going to be like?
Can I use my kazoo?
Oh, sure. Please.
They communicate by playing the kazoos.

I have no idea what she said.
Excellent try!
I said, "They communicate by playing the kazoos."

                          • -

What's that, Dad?
It's a kazoo.
Can I try it?
Sure. This end is the mouthpiece.
What am I doing wrong?
Let's try it this way. Copy me: Hm hm hm hm.
Hm hm hm hm.
You got it! Now hum that tune into the kazoo.
Like that?
You're getting there. Keep it up!

              • -

I'm glad the saints are going in right there. Well, we are running out of time. So let's do it this way.

(When the Saints Go Marching in の歌を歌っていたので、「そこに聖者がやってきて嬉しいよ」と言っている)


遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習   Tuesday, September 18

Hmm... That makes you cry, right?
Yeah, onions always do.
Does that make you cry too, Carolyn?
No, because I don't usually chop the onions in my house.
Princess... my goodness! ... Queen Carolyn.

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U R the ★

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How do you make curry?
You can start by frying these ingredients.
And then do I add curry powder?
That comes later.
I'm glad you are here to help me.

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Say It!

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Jeff, are you ready five times in one breath?
Jeff needs to practice for an hour.
Wait a minute!
Wait, wait, Jeff needs to do that? That's a cute statement but wrong.
OK. Let's try it.

The sauce needs to simmer for an hour.

Oh, you did it. Great!

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Write It!

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★ 納豆をしっかりかき混ぜる
Well, in this new sentence "They are stirring natto." And there's two ways of saying this. So you can either say, "stir your natto well," or "stir the natto well," either one is fine.

(There's + 複数 = There's の後ろは厳密に言うと単数形ではあるが、最近特に、口語体やくだけた表現では後ろに複数がきてもThere'sを用いることが多い)

That's right.

★ におい
smell でいいでしょうか?
Yeah, Ken, I think so. I think I'd use the noun "smell" here. So it'll be the smell.

Odor というものありますが、これはどうでしょう?
Yeah, for food, I don't think I'd use the word "odor." To me, "smell" sounds a bit more natural.

(smell = もっとも一般的なニオイを表現する英単語)
(odor = 主に悪臭を表現する英単語。body odor「体臭」やfoot odor「足の臭い」)

★ 刻んだねぎ
This is another case where there's two different ways of saying it.
You can either say "green onion" or "long onion."
So "chopped green onion" or "chopped long onion."

                          • -

You can start by stirring your natto well. You'll get used to the smell. Then add some chopped green onion.
You can start by stirring the natto well. You'll get used to the smell. Then add some chopped long onion.

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Another Situation!

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So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, they are cutting onions together.

                  • -

We can start by chopping these onions.
Should we peel them first?
It's easier if we cut them in half first.
It's making me cry.
You'll get used to it.
Do we cook the ground beef next?
That comes later.
How long does it take to make this?
The sauce needs to simmer for an hour.
Oh, I'm starving!

(starving = very, very hungry / sick or dying because of a lack of food)

              • -

Here! I have some tissues.
Excuse me?
I meant use some tissues.
Oh, thanks.

Oh, my!
But Carolyn never cries when she chops onions, because she doesn't chop onions.
Wait a minute. Let me clarify. I don't chop onions because I'm lazy and I buy them chopped already, frozen chopped onions.

(clarify = はっきりさせる to explain something more clearly so that it is easier to understand)

Oh, that's the secret.
But it's the secret. Don't tell anybody.
Busy princess.
Wait a minute. So is it time to end the show now?
Yes, that comes next.


遠山顕のラジオ英会話楽習   Wednesday, September 18

★ Joke 1 の後ろのおしゃべり
Yeah, it's cure.

(innocent = not guilty of a crime, morally good and with no wish to harm anyone)

★ Joke 2
I thought it was kind of a clever.

Bar jokes ですよね。
Definitely, yeah.
Yeah, something comes into or someone …
Walks in to a bar.

Somebody talks ... something talks...
Yes, somebody says something. Right, that's right.
Even something talks like a pencil walks into a bar.
Yeah, yeah, or zoo … or animals. Something says something. Yeah …
Oh, animals.... yeah, yeah, yeah...

★ Joke 3
This is another bar joke.
Oh, it is?
Oh, okay.

It's kind of clever.

Yeah, nothing happened.

Yeah, I like it. It's funny.
You do?
You'll have to think about it a little bit. Yeah, it's fun.
All right. Yeah, that makes sense.

★ Joke 4
I kind of figured that was coming.

It shows possession.

Even they want give it back?  (本を返したくても?)
Yeah, something like that.

★ Joke 5
Ah, I get it.
Yeah, you've got to think about that one too.

I don't know whether the student is clever or not.
I think he was... I think he was just wondering if he was the one who had to answer.
I don't think he is cleaver ... or she.