ラジオ英会話 Monday, February 10
So Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, Ken and Jeff, have you ever done zazen?
Oh, yeah.
No? Oh, that's the new situation. They are doing zazen.
Let's hear it zazen.
- -
How's life been treating you?
Not so hot. Sarah and I are going through trying times.
Well, I'm sure you can work things out.
I hope so. Oh, I need a "kyosaku." Ouch!
Has work been wearing you out, too?
Yes, my workload has increased substantially.
Maybe you should share this with Sarah.
Sarah has a demanding hob, too.
Ouch!! That was a bid hard.
No, you deserve it.
This is your worst nightmare.
I think, I think he should have gotten more thwacks. There were only two. There should have been three or four.
That's a key word, ominous.
Thwack! Thwack!
Did you wake up from your nightmare?
Uh... uh... Yes, I did.
You did. Okay.
I did. I finally did. Thank heaven.
Great. They are still going through trying times, but...
Maybe it'll get better though.
Let's hope so.
ラジオ英会話 Tuesday, February 11
What did he do? Did he slam the door? Did he break something or...
I think he slammed the door.
I think so too.
... on his way out.
- -
So when you say give me a break fast, you don't really say the "v," do you?
Is that ... gimy a brake.
That's right.
Gimy, gimy, gimy...
- -
So, Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like? What's going on?
Well, they both sigh a lot.
- -
Can we talk (sigh)?
I'm watching a rugby (sigh). It's the first game of the (sigh).
Michelle and Sam go on a (sigh) every (sigh.)
(Sigh) for them...
You are always (sigh) to the TV.
Heck, I might as well go to a sports (sigh).
Go then! See what I (sigh).
Give me a (sigh).
Thank you. That was exciting.
Well, that is truly a communication breakdown.
So, so Ted has gone to a bar?
He is going to a sports bar to watch the rugby game.
... or the rugby match.
He's always watching TV.
He's always watching sports, isn't he?
He seems to be a sports nut.
I know people like that.
Oh, you do.
You do?
So uh, this expression give me a break.
Give me a break.
Do you always have to use it to people?
Oh, heavens, no. I use it all the time, just to myself, you know, like when your computer goes on a glitch or when the soda machine keeps your change and doesn't give me a drink.
Give me a break.
It's kind of in a frustrating situation, isn't it?
Or when the bank closes five minutes early.
In Japan?
No. Or you get there five minutes late.
Oh, there you go.
And you bang on the doors, "Give me a break."
Yeah, "Give me a break."
You bang on the door of the bank?
No, that's not ... that's not a good idea.
I would love to try that.
ラジオ英会話 Wednesday, February 12
So, Katie, what's the new situation going to be like?
Well, Ken and Jeff, are you bookworms?
I read quite a bit.
Oh, do ... okay.
Well, a little bit.
They are in the library whispering.
They are?
They are not reading. They are talking, right?
Yeah, good point.
- -
Ted didn't come home last night. Our marriage is on the rocks.
Your marriage is ... what?
On the rocks.
No drinks please. (on the rocks「オンザロック」 とその前に言っているので、、、)
What do you feel is the underlying cause?
I feel like he's taking me for granted.
Every marriage has its ups and downs.
Yeah, you could said it.
Oh, sorry.
That's why we have date nights.
Hey, how about some retail therapy?
Okay. I'll treat myself to something nice.
Maybe you can treat me to something nice, too.
What do you call that, sort of a personality there? I mean...
An eavesdropper.
A little nosy, maybe.
How about busybody?
Yes, right on.
I have a question for you.
Do you ever engage in retail therapy?
I do, but really once in a blue moon.
Yeah, it has to be uh... I'd have to really feel down. But then it perks me right up.
Okay. Once in a blue moon for you, not very often.
Me, I go every other month.
Oh, you do.
I go some place and go shopping.
Oh, right.
I go to the Kyoto flea markets, Karuizawa and buy honey or ...
Does it help you feel better?
It does. I feel so much better.
I see.
How about you, Ken?
Well, I go to a bookstore and get a copy of radio Eikaiwa.
Oh, that's great therapy.
It makes me feel really good.
Oh, okay.
ラジオ英会話 Thursday, February 13
Things are getting more and more serious there.
Oh, yeah, it looks like it.
So, Jeff, what's the new situation going to be like?
They are practicing kang fu moves.
- -
For your information, I slept in the car last night.
Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?
Because you never pay attention to me.
That's because you're always putting me down.
You never want to go out.
I'm just more of a ... more of a homebody than you.
Maybe we should get a divorce.
You're right. We're not compatible.
They sounded pretty compatible to me.
Actually, that's a good point, Ken. They do.
Yes. You almost harmonize the last line.
Kind of amazing.
Oh, by the way...
Katie, you said you were homebody.
Yes, I am.
What do you do at home?
You know, I just putter about. I read, I work on my computer, I cook, I bake, I relax. Yeah, I have a nice time.
Oh, great.
Not many people can say that about their home.
How about you, Jeff?
It depends on my mood, sometimes I feel like the walls are just caving in on me, crashing at me.
So, I have to get out.
But sometimes I'm like Katie, there's no place like home.
That's why you go to onsen once in a while.
Yes. When I feel like the walls are caving in on me, I go to a hot sprig.
Oh, that's a nice thing to do.
How about you, Ken?
Are you a homebody?
I am somebody.
I'm not quite sure if I'm a homebody. I like to be at home.
But you go out quite a bit.
Yeah, I do too. Yeah.
I think natural born performers have to go out, don't they?
I don't know about that either. I'm sorry, I can't answer your question.
That's such a hard question to answer, but .... until next time.