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遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, April 9

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Write it!

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★ 私の父
My father の他に dad でもいいでしょうか?
Oh, yeah. That's right. In English, you can say either "my father" or "my dad." Both are fine. For me, saying "my dad" is a little bit more casual. "Father" sounds very formal to me.

★ 恥ずかしい思いをした
He was ashamed でどうでしょうか?
Umm...probably wouldn't work in this situation. That "ashamed" is a little too serious, a little too deep.
So "embarrassed" is the best word to use.

★ ひとことの英語も
Oh, here, we would say "not a word of English."

★ 言葉が出てこなかった He couldn't say ではどうでしょうか?
"Couldn't" means that he actually "couldn’t." But there is a possibility that he could but he was too shy so he didn't. "Didn't" is the best word.

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In Another Situation!

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So Carolyn, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, the man has taken a course in Japanese once.

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I'm so embarrassed!

(embarrassed = making you feel uncomfortable)

What happened?
I went to a party last week where everyone spoke Japanese!
What's so bad about that?
I didn't say a word to anyone. I was tongue-tied!

(tongue-tied = you find it difficult to express yourself, usually because you are nervous)

I've been there.
So I've begun to study Japanese again.
Well, once you get started, it'll all come back.
So the toy this got. (So dato ii desu ga.)

Wow! That's a unique way of saying it.
Alligator goes I must. (Arigato gozaimasu)
So individual. (とっても個性的ね)

(Don't touch my mustache. = Do itashimashite)
(Guy in jeans. = Gaijin)
(Ohaio = Ohayo)
(Have an eye = Abunai)

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OK. Any advice from you guys?
Well, when it comes to English, don't be embarrassed. Go ahead and use it.
So, you don't lose it.
That's such a nice piece of advice. Thank you.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, April 10

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Write it!

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★ すでに
In English we say "already." I'm already such and such.

In English, it's "War and Peace." And it's a famous novel written by Tolstoy.

★ 最終章を読んでいる
We use the word "on." I'm already on such and such. "I'm already on the last chapter." or "I'm already on page 700." or… We use "on."

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In Another Situation!

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So Jeff ...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, this time, they talk formally.

All they do?
Uh-huh. Very formally.

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Hello! Benjamin. What are you planning to do today?
Hello, Abby. I'm working on my book report for The Great Gatsby.
That's not due until next month, is it?

(due = deadline)

I'm aware of that. I'd like to get a head start.
How far are you now? May I ask?
Actually, I finished it last night. I'm writing the report at the moment.
Is that so? Outstanding!

(outstanding = great, amazing, excellent, brilliant, wonderful)

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Yeah, that sounded very formal.
Yes, indeed.
Instead of saying "I know," what did that man say?
I'm aware of that.

I'm aware of that. I'm aware of it.

So, Ken.
Yes, Carolyn?
What months of the show are you now working on?
You are writing the lessons, right?
Yeah, that's right. I'm already on October.
Wow! You're way ahead of the game. October!
Just kidding. I wish.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, April 11

Carolyn, you're from Canada.
Yes, that's right.
And they teach two languages there?
Yes. Canada is a bilingual county, so we speak French and English.
Oh, I see. Which is your first languages?
English is my first language.
And French is your second.
You must speak French fluently there.
Well, I wish I could say “yes,” but I'm actually kind of embarrassed because I can't.
Well, you are just saying it actually.
No, really. And you know why, because I never use it anymore.
Oh, use it or lose it.
Very true.

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Let's make uh... example sentences of our own.
All right.
How about ... Nothing makes us happier than having you here.
Or .... There's nothing like Eikaiwa Gakushu.
I love that.
And there's nothing more gratifying than hearing you promote this program.

(gratifying = 満足のいく making you feel pleased and satisfied)

That's good.