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遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, April 2

Hi, everyone. I think we are going to have a lot of fun together.
And Jeff?
Oh, I'm really looking forward to studying with you all.

                              • -

So he is like a dog.
No, he sounds meaner than he is.
(実際の彼より意地悪に聞こえるよね = 口は悪いけど、いい人だよ)
Oh, I see.

                    • -

Write It!

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Jeff, 「今日は〜でした」という言い方ですが、Today was 〜で大丈夫ですか?
Yes, that’s exactly right.

Hatsue さんは、Ms. Hatsue となりますか?
Well, it sounds totally natural in Japanese, but I think in English, we don’t need to say, “Ms.” We can just say her first name, Hatsue.

Is this going to be “but”?
No, in this instance, it’s “and.”
Because there is no contrast between the two point.
“And” is the word.

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In Another Situation!

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In another situation, what it's going to be, Carolyn?
Well, this time, Hatsue is simply thrilled.

(thrilled = very pleased and excited)

        • -

Hi, I'm Hatsue Newcome.
Jim Nagai. Nice to meet you, Hatsue.
Likewise, Jim.
Is this your first day on the job?
That's right. I'm so excited to be working here.
Great! We're like a family here. Our boss is a nice father figure.

(father figure = 父親代わり an older man who you treat like a father, especially by asking for his advice, help, or support)

Okay, people! Stop standing around and get to work! That means you two.
Oh, dear.
Don't worry about the boss. He's all bark and no bite.
Hello, Ms. Newcome.
Hatsue, sir. Good morning, sir.
Drop "sir," Hatsue. Welcome aboard.
What did I tell you?

(What did I tell you? = See, he is nice.)

                      • -

Well, I hope he's all bark and no bite. Are we all bark and no bite?
We're no bark and no bite.
We just like being here.
All right. And uh... remember all we ask you to do is...


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, April 3

(protein = a substance in foods such as meat, eggs, and milk that people need in order to grow and be healthy)

Doesn't that sound familiar?
It kind of does, like the beginning of our show.

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Words & Expressions

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I can’t start the day without coffee.
How about you, Carolyn?
I’m more of a tea person.
Oh! How about you, Jeff?
Orange juice.
Okay, wow.
What about you, Ken?
Uh… coffee. I’m a coffee person.
That goes like “Different strokes for different forks.”

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Write it!

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一日を始めるという表現 start day になっていますが、start her day でも大丈夫ですか?
Yes, actually, both are OK. We can say “start ‘her’ day” or “start ‘the’ day.” They mean the same thing here.

私は彼女とは違う I’m not the way でいいでしょうか?
Right. Use the word “not.” I’m not the same way.
It’s OK to use.
Right. You can also say, “I’m not like her.”

Actually, we can do both ways. We can have two sentences.
So “I’m not the same way.” period “I’m a breakfast person.” Or we can connect the two sentences with “because.” And we could say, “I’m not the same way because I’m a breakfast person.”

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In Another Situation!

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So, Jeff, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, the guide is a little too worried about the hiker.

                        • -

Ah, I can't start the day without coffee.
I'm the same way, but you need to eat something.
I'm good. I'm not a breakfast person.
It's going to be a pretty strenuous hike

(strenuous = 非常に骨が折れる needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy)

You have to put something in your stomach. Here. Have a piece of toast and a slice of bacon.
Well, I ...
No eat, no go.
Well, in that case.
Good. Okay, everybody! It's getting late. Let's get the ball rolling!
Here we go!

                          • -

That sounds so familiar.
Love it.
Well, here is a very important question for you.
How do you start your day?
We can't start the day without Eikaiwa Gakushu.
Thanks for the promotion.

(How do you start you day? を皆さんに質問)


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, April 4

Do you mean it Carolyn?
Yeah, I do actually, because it reminds me of my childhood. ... being outside in the snow, watching ice hockey, drinking hot chocolate. Yamm...
That's a Canada thing.

You are from Canada, right, Carolyn?
Yes, that's right.

                  • -

So, what did you think of the program?
Nothing is better than Eikaiwa Gakushu.
Well, thanks for the promotion.