12/11 〜 12/14

ラジオ英会話   Monday, December 11

That sounds like fun.
Sounds delicious too.
Yeah, it does.

                    • -

So Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time Ken, it's an autumn festival in Japan.

                  • -

Thousands have gathered at Yoimachi Autumn Festival! And the mountains are all in beautiful autumn colors!
Would you care for some amazake?
I'll try anything once. Mm. It tastes a bit like sake. What's your secret ingredient?

(ingredient = one of the foods or liquids that you use in making a particular meal)

It's made from fermented rice, but it's no secret. It's a traditional drink.

(ferment = if food or drink ferments or is fermented, a chemical change happens to it and the sugar in it produces alcohol)

It really warms you up on a chilly fall day!
I'm glad you like it. Would you like more?
By the way, your English is excellent!
Thank you.
Where did you learn?
I listen to Rajio Eikaiwa.
Oh, that's a great show.

                    • -

Wow! Nice ending.
Yes, another great show, Ken.
Yes. What's your secret ingredient?
Well, first of all, this is no secret, but it's you!
Oh, thank you.
You're welcome.
But real secret ingredient is our listeners.
Oh, yes.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, December 12

Did he say something about a contest?
Yes. A Santa contest.
Ho ho ho ho.

                      • -

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, it's a float festival.

                        • -

Does this festival happen every year?
Yes. It's in its 390th year now. It's a great way to celebrate creativity and fun-loving spirit.
It is!
You can take part in the dancing procession, too.

(procession = 列をつくる、列で行進する a line of people or vehicles moving in a slow and formal way as part of an event)

Nice. What would you say is the highlight of the festival?
The floats or "dashi," hundreds of them parading down Main Street.
I'd like to hear more about it. What's the name of the festival?

Dashimashouya sai.
What does that mean?
It means "Let's Get the Floats Started, Shall We? Festival." It's a pun on "dashi" or a float and "dasu" or to get out.

                        • -

Wow! You just learn all kinds of things.
Well, does this show happen every day?
Yes, it does.
So keep listening.
Keep practicing.
And keep on smiling.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, December 13

(limber = flexible)

That sounds difficult crumbing roofs and sliding down chimneys.

                        • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well Ken, this time, they talk about the Rajiei Impersonation Contest.

(impersonation = to intentionally copy another person's characteristics, such as their behavior, speech, appearance, or expressions, especially to make people laugh)


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I entered the Rajiei Impersonation Contest a few years ago.
Do you need any special talents to enter?
You have to be cheerful and breezy, like this: "Keeep listening!"

(breezy = 陽気な、快活な lively, happy, confident, and enthusiastic)

That's a very good impersonation of Jeff Manning!
Thanks. I'm a little out of practice. Oh, and you have to be very good looking.
You do?
Yes. You're required to look pretty much handsome like him.
You are?
Ha ha ha. I'm pulling your leg.
Ha ha ha. But he is good looking.
He certainly is.
And you, too.
I certainly am.
You certainly are.

                        • -

What is this collusion?

(collusion = 示し合わせて事を行うこと、共謀 plot, agreement between people to act together secretly or illegally in order to deceive or cheat someone)

That's what I'm wondering.
I think this was Jeff Manning on parade, I think.
Do you need any special talents to lie like that?
Oh my goodness!
No, no, no. You are not lying. All right.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, December 14

There are children.

                    • -

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like today?
Well, this time, they sing their lines to the tune of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow."

                        • -

I don't see any children. Are children allowed at the festival?
Of course.
What kind of children's activities are there?
They can write letters to Santa and deliver them to him in person in the red barn.
Where is that?
It's behind this building. There are some baby reindeer there, too.
No kidding! This I've got to see!
You won't be disappointed.
You won't be disappointed. ♬🎶

                        • -

So, are we allowed to keep singing?
Oh, yeah. You really stretch that ending.
Way out to the North Pole or something.