5/31 - 6/2, 2021

遠山顕の英会話楽習   Monday, May 31

C: Oh. Looks like someone’s getting a dog.
K: Oh, you are right.

U R the ★
K: One word.
CJ: Excellent!

J: All right, Carolyn.
C: Uh-huh.
J: You are the star.
C: Sounds good.

J: That's a cute dog you have there!
C: Thanks. He was abandoned.
J: Really? He looks like one happy dog.
C: Yeah. We were both lucky to find each other.
J: So, you are a happy mama.

Say It!
K: Carolyn, are you ready?
C: Uh... um...
K: Hey, perk up a little bit.
C: Okay, fine.
K: Great. Now you are perking up.
C: Yes.
K: Five times in one breath, are you ready?
C: Yes.
K: OK. Let's hear it.

C: He's perking up! ×5

J: All right.
C: Nice.
KCJ: You're going up and up.

Write It!
★ ぜひ彼を引き取りたいと思っている
C: Well, there are actually two ways I think we can do this.
K: Great.
C: Um... I think for the first way we can use the word "eager."
K: All right.
C: And "eager" is a great word. It's a great way to express how much you want to do something.
K: "Eager"... all right.
C: It even sounds like when you say it, it sounds like "I really want to do something." "Eager."
K: You’re right on the mark. Yes.

(right on the mark 大当たり)

C: So, here, it'll be "be eager to adopt him."
K: Okay.
C: And for the second way, again we know he wants to do this really badly. So, let's use the verb "wants."
K: Okay.
C: And just show how much he wants to do it. We can add very much at the end of the phrase. So in this case, it'll be "want to adopt him very much."

★ ……のようです
J: Well, there's actually two ways you can say this as well. The first one would be "It seems like 何々."
K: Uh-huh.
J: The other way would be, "It looks like 何々."
K: OK.
J: And this phrase would be put at the beginning of what Carolyn just said.
K: Right.
J: So it'd be something like "It seems like the man is eager to adopt him." Or "It looks like the man wants to adopt him very much."

C: At an animal shelter, a man asks a staff member about a dog. The dog's name is Ko-chan and he was found in a park. It seems like the man is eager to adopt him.

J: At an animal shelter, a man asks a staff member about a dog. The dog's name is Ko-chan and he was found in a park. It looks like the man wants to adopt him very much.

J: I bet they did.
C: I bet you did. Great job!
J: All right.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Carolyn...
C: Yeah.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
C: Well, now, they are talking about a cat which was found at a shrine.

S: She was abandoned. She seems despondent but she just needs a little TLC.
M: What's her name?
S: Jinko-chan. She was found at a shrine -- jinja.
M: Jinko-chan, want a treat? She's perking up!
S: She's actually very mild-mannered.
M: My daughter has been begging us for a cat.
S: You can't go wrong with her.
M: We'll call her "Shurinko."
S: How about Ginger?
W: Oh! Or maybe "Shriny" because she has such a sun-shiny personality.
S: How about "Shurona"?
W: Um... how about um...
K: もうこのへんに「しゅろな(しような)」
CJ: Umm...


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Tuesday, June 1

K: So that "eek" means...
J: There might be another one out there.
K: Oh, my, oh, my.

U R the ★
C: Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
C: You are the star.
J: Gotcha. (I got it.)

C: There's a cat outside.
J: Oh, that’s Whitesocks.
C: Is that your cat?
J: No. Sometimes he comes for a visit.
C: Oh, he's such a cutie!
J: Isn't he?

Say It!
K: Jeff-san, are you ready?
J: Um... yes, I'm not really freaked out about this.
K: Well, that's good to know.
J: I think I can do it.
K: Good. Let's hear it.

J: I'm really freaked out. ×5
K: Great acting. You freaked me out.

KCJ: You really did it.

Write It!
K: とても大きなクモは big spider でよろしいでしょうか?
J: Yeah. I think a lot of people would use the word "big." But in the dialog, they use the word "huge," which means really big. So, let's use "huge" here as well.
K: OK.
J: A huge spider, which is called a cane spider, or a huge spider that is called a cane spider. Now, you don't need "which is" or "that is." More conversationally, all you have to say is "a huge spider called a cane spider."

★ もう一匹
C: Well, there is a short and handy phrase we can use here. I would write or I would suggest writing "another one."

★ ……がそこにいるようです
J: Well, obviously, we are not sure. She is just saying "Eek." So the pattern would be "there seems to be 何々 there."
J: Uh-huh. And so it would be "there seems to be another one there."

J: A woman finds a huge spider called a cane spider in her friend's kitchen. She is freaked out and goes out on the patio and there seems to be another one there.

C: A woman finds a huge spider called a cane spider in her friend's kitchen. She’s freaked out and goes out on the patio and there seems to be another one there.

J: I know they did.
C: Hey. Fantastic work.
K: All right.
J: Well done.

In Another Situation!
K: So, Jeff...
J: Uh-huh.
K: What's another situation going to be like?
J: Well, this time, a man has an ape friend who talks.

M: Come in the kitchen. I'll fix you a drink.
W: Oh! There's an ape.
M: That's my pet ape or friend rather, Julius. He talks.
W: They all talk these days. Hi, there.
J: Hello.
M: Sometimes he comes in to borrow my dictionary.
W: Does he write too?
M: He will very soon.
W: I'm really impressed. Would you like a cookie, Julius?
J: That's very nice of you. Thank you so much, indeed.
W: Is he British?
M: He was born and raised in Britain.
K: Scrumptious.

(scrumptious すごくおいしい、ほっぺた落ちそう extremely tasty; delicious)

K: Yeah, it sounds like it's gonna be the Planet of the Apes.
J: He's very intelligent.
K: So he comes in, right?
J: Yes. He comes in to borrow my dictionary.
K: Oh, wow!
C: And also it seems to eat your cookies as well.
J: Yes, I baked them just for him.
K: Nice.


遠山顕の英会話楽習   Wednesday, May 2

Question 1
K: OK, back to the question, Carolyn.
C: Alrighty. Question 1: What is this announcement about?

K: Jeff, did you catch the right answer?
J: I did, came right at the beginning.   
K: Let's hear it.
J: The Pebble Lake Festival.

K: What is the pebble?
J: A pebble is a small smooth stone.
C: Yeah.
J: So, this lake evidently has pebbles in it. That's probably why they named it.
C: That's probably why it got its name.
K: Oh, I see.
J: Yeah, the waves probably rub the stones or the rocks smooth and make some smaller so it'd be Pebble Lake. Yeah.
C: But it doesn't seem like it's a very famous lake, does it?
J: No, because the woman says "Never heard of it."
C: Right.
K: But later on, she starts loving it.
C: Yeah.
J: Yeah, because she wonders ...
C: Yeah, what they're gonna do with the kids?
J: Yeah.
C: They wanna … they wanna do something fun with them.

J: All right. Question 2: What kind of festival is it?

Question 2
K: OK, back to the question, Jeff.
J: Uh-huh. What kind of festival is it?

K: Carolyn, did you happen to catch the right answer?
C: Yeah, I think I did, actually.
K: OK. Let's hear it.
C: It's a free outdoor event to promote environmental education.

K: So, it promotes what… again?
C: Environmental education.
K: Okay.
J: It basically promotes respect for nature. Because all of the events there, ah… center around nature and education about nature and um...

(center around 集中する)

K: What kind of activities there?
C: Well, the one that seems interesting to me is a “scavenger hunts.”
J: Now that's something our listeners probably have never heard before.
C: Oh.
K: Maybe they know but uh... you have a list of things, right?
C: Yeah.
J: Yes.
C: Yeah, and you have to find everything on the list.
J: And you have to find them.
K: Ah, okay.
C: There's also, looks like there's horse trail rides, in another activity that they have.
J: And guided tours of plants and wildlife.
C: Hmm...
J: So that's educational as well.
C: Yeah.
K: Great. OK. Moving on to the next one.
C: Question 3: How many miles away from town is the festival?

Question 3
K: OK. Back to the question, Carolyn?
C: Alrighty. How many miles away from town is the festival?

K: And Jeff, what would be the simple answer?
J: The simple answer is 35 miles away.

J: Quite convenient, less than an hour by car.
C: That … It depends on how fast you drive.
J: What? Yes.
K: Oh, yeah.
J: But within an hour. And kids will love it because when kids have to drive far, they’re always asking "When will we get there? Are we there yet?"
K: Oh, yes. OK. Here comes the last question.
J: Right. The last question, Question 4: When does the festival end?

Question 4
K: Well, back to the final question, Jeff?
J: When does the festival end?

K: Carolyn, did you catch the right answer for this?
C: Well, I hope so.
K: All right. Let's hear it.
C: On Thursday.
K: Hmm... How do you contact them?
C: Well, that was tricky because the information came really quickly, didn't it?
K: Oh, yes.
J: You know, but it's kind of easy to remember if you just remember 1-800 (one eight hundred) - FUN-FEST.
K: Ah, okay. FUN-FEST.
J: Right. So you don't have to remember all the numbers.
C: Oh, that's a good point. Yeah. And I guess the webpage is easy because it's actually the name of the festival, right?
J: Right.
C: So, you go to www.pebblelakefetival.com.
J: Uh-huh... which is simple enough.