7/31 〜 8/3

ラジオ英会話   Monday, July 31

(hives = じんましん a medical condition in which you get red itchy spots on your skin, often because you have eaten a particular food)

What was he saying, the father, his first line?
Um. I forgot something.
Oh, you could have said that way. (ああ、そういう言い方もできるね)

                        • -

So, Katie...
What's another situation going to be like?
This should be very good. They are secret agents.

                                    • -

0013, where are you going?
I forgot to do something, 0012.
I'll save our place in line.
There's no need to do that.
0013, wait! What's the problem?
Um. I forgot...to do something.
But we're meeting Jason Bone in no time.

(Jason Bone ジェイソン・ボーン = マット・デイモン主演の映画 『ボーン・アイデンティティー』 に登場する架空の人物。)

I know we are.
The last time we met him, we were 30 seconds late and he got very upset.
Come on, 0012. I need to go.
Go where, 0013?
You know where. I have to go right now.
Oh, I see. Me too.
Good. When you've got to go...
You've got to go.

                                  • -

What was the problem?
They had to go.
That's right.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, August 1

A mystery.
The plot thickens.   

(The plot thickens. = 話が込み入ってきた。事態がますます複雑になってきた。いよいよ面白くなってきた。 A situation suddenly becomes more complicated or mysterious.)


                        • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Well, this time, Al is into paranormal phenomena.

(paranormal phenomena = 超常現象 It is something that science can't explain; at least not yet.)

                          • -

The strangest thing happened today.
We were standing in the checkout line at the book store and suddenly Dad took off to our car.
What's even stranger is that there was a man standing in line who could've been Dad's twin.
Who do you suppose it was?
I don't know, but I'm going to find out!
He could be your Dad's doppelganger.

(doppelganger = ドッペルゲンガー、本人の分身、生き霊 A spirit that looks exactly like a living person, or someone who looks exactly like someone else but who is not related to that person)

英語では、doppel の部分をdouble 「ダブル」と発音することがある
doppel (ドイツ語) = double (英語) ともに 「二重」「生き写し、コピー」という意味

Don't go there. No paranormal stuff, please.
But who knows? I could be the doppelganger of mine.

Are you?
Could be.

                              • -

So that man in the supermarket, is he George's doppelganger?
I'm baffled.

(baffle = 当惑する、途方に暮れる puzzle, confuse)

Well, I don't know, you don't know, we don't know, but ...
But, we are going to find out!
Maybe tomorrow.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, August 2

Wow! The music ... is fine.
That's really upbeat.

                        • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like this time?
Well, Ken, the woman seems to be related to a famous vampire.

(vampire = a dead person who comes back to life and sucks blood from other people)


                                • -

I've been researching my family history.
Did you find any skeletons in the closet?

(a skeleton in the closet = a secret that would cause embarrassment if it were known)

Yes. And here's the biggest one. Take a look at this.
Henry Jones... He lives on Count Street, our street. Any relation?
He's Dad's long lost brother, who suddenly moved away from Transylvania in his 20s and changed his last name to Jones.

(Transylvania = トランシルヴァニアは、ルーマニア中部・北西部の歴史的地名。アイルランドの作家ブラム・ストーカーの 『吸血鬼ドラキュラ』 に登場するドラキュラ城がある場所)

From what?
From Dracula.
And he's back?
Looks that way. Do you think I should talk to Dad about this?
Ugh... That might be opening a can of worms.

(open a can of worms = a situation that causes a lot of problems for you when you start to deal with it)

Wait. Does this mean that I married .....
Dracula's daughter!

                          • -

Are you by any chance related to vampires?
Hmm... That might be opening a can of worms.
Okay. I won't go into it.
Let's not talk about that.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, August 3

Oh, my goodness.
That is a blowup.
It must have hurt the door.

                        • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Taro Urashima is talking to the Dragon King and Prices Oto.

                                • -

It's time for me to go back to my village. I don't want to overstay my welcome.
Stay a little longer. Princess Oto is planning a family get-together for you.
Oh, Dad, that was a secret. Taro, I invited your mother and father over.
Great! How are they?
They are well ... for their ages.
What do you mean? They're in their 40s.
No, Taro. They're in their 90s.
What? I've been here only for a day!
Oh, Taro, time goes so slower on the ocean floor. Up on land, 50 years have flown by.
What? I don't understand!
This discussion is closed!
Fine. Have it your way.

(Have it your way. = You are telling someone in an annoyed way that you will agree with or accept their suggestion even though you do not think they are right.)

                      • -

Well, shall we talk a little more about this?
Well, we don't want to overstay our welcome.
No, that's the last thing we want to do. (それだけはしたくないな)
Yeah. Maybe we should end the show.