8/7 〜 8/10    8/14 〜 8/17

ラジオ英会話   Monday, August 7

It's getting heated, but ...

                          • -

What's another situation going to be like, Katie?
They try hard to be nice.

              • -

Look, George, Penny didn't mean to upset you.

(upset = very sad, worried, or angry about something)

Upset? She didn't upset me a bit. I shouldn't have lost my temper.
When was the last time you saw your brother?
47 years ago.
Could you ask Penny to come back in the room?
Dad? Sorry if I made you mad.
You can't make me mad. You're my darling daughter. I'm sorry I blew up at you.
You didn't blow up at me at all. You were just a little upset.
Upset? You didn't upset me a bit. I shouldn't have lost my temper.
You never lose your temper, Dad. You're the nicest man on earth.
And you're the dearest and darlingest daughter any father will ever have.
Oh, Dad.

                        • -

So actually they didn't mean to upset each other.
Yeah, that's right.
That's good.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, August 8


(devastating = 衝撃的な、辛辣な very shocking or upsetting)

                • -

Jeff ...
What's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, Penny talks about a pendant that her mother promised her.

                        • -

My mother promised me this beautiful pendant that I adored. One day, I saw my sister wearing it.

(adore = to like something very much)

She said it belonged to her. So I told on her.
What did your mother do?
She let her keep it because she had better grades than me.
How old were you?
Oh, favoritism in a family can be devastating.

(favoritism = unfair support shown to one person or group, especially by someone in authority)

It was a traumatic experience. Dad, why didn't you try to say something?

(traumatic = a traumatic experience or event makes you feel very upset, afraid, or shocked)

Oh, Penny, I didn't know anything about it.
Well, do you remember the time when you promised me your car?
Yeah. You said I could have your car.

                                • -

Memory loss.
Did you tell on him?
Yeah, I should have.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, August 9

Oh, my goodness.
I'm speechless.

(speechless = so surprised, upset, or angry that you cannot think of anything to say)

                    • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
Well, this time, Momotaro's younger brother talks.

                      • -

Momotaro and I were always competitive. If Momotaro wrestled with a bear and won, I’d try to wrestle with a wild boar and make jerky out of it.

(make jerky out of it = コテンパンにやっつける)
(jerky ピクピク、ガタガタ動く、ぎくしゃくした、ぶざまな、ジャーキー

That's typical sibling rivalry.

(sibling = your siblings are your brothers and sisters)

There was more than that. Tensions ran high between us.
You were both vying for your parents' attention.

(vie = 競う、争う、競争する、張り合う to compete with other people for something that is difficult to get)

Probably. And you know, my brother was born of a big beautiful peach. I was born of a little potato and I've never liked my name
I didn't know that.
We ended up going separate ways. He went to Onigashima and became a hero.
What did you do, Imojiro?
Please, not that name.
Oops, sorry.
Well, I worked hard and made the biggest potato chip company in the world.
Good for you!

                                • -

Wow! What a story.
And we are lucky that tensions don't run high between the three of us.
Hmm... that's true.
They don't?
Oh! My goodness.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, August 8

So Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
Oh, have you got your tissues out? It's a scene from a melodrama.

                        • -

You stole my mother's heart, father!
That was not my intention, my darling daughter. We fell for each other the moment our eyes met.
I see. What did uncle Henry do, father?
Oh, he up and left for Japan. We never spoke again.
Oh! That's a long time to hold a grudge.

(grudge = 悪意、恨み a feeling of anger toward someone because they have done something to you that does not seem right or fair)

I don't hold anything against him.
Why don't you reach out to him?
No, I don't know.

Sir, I found him online.
You did?
Yes, he has changed his name to Uncle Ken.
He has?
And he is teaching English on the radio.
He is?
Yes, I am.

                          • -

Sorry, we have to close the program now.
That's all right. Go ahead.
We won't hold anything against you.
Oh, that's nice of you.