9/19 〜 9/21

ラジオ英会話   Monday, September 19, 2016

Great motivation.
Didn't know he was a track star.

                      • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, Ken, this time, George is 150 years old.

                      • -

Ready for a workout?
I'm a 150 year-old man. So take it easy on me.
You can build muscle at any age.
Yeah, sure.
Your legs still have good muscle tone.
As a matter of fact, I was a college track star 130 years ago.
That just goes to show you are going to be a senior track star, too.
Well, then, let's get to work, Bruce.
Okay, Arnold.
Wait. Is that exercise too strenuous for me?
(strenuous = 非常に骨が折れる needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy)
Don't think. Feel.
(Don't think. Feel. = ブルース・リーが映画「燃えよドラゴン」で言った名セリフ
Oh, my back.

Oh, no.
I'm speechless again.
Me, too. Somebody has to say something here.
Well, everyone, take it easy on us.
Yes, please.
Hey, you two, let's get to work.
Oh, no.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What a change, recovering fast.

                                • -

So, what's another situation going to be like, Jeff?
Oh, poor George. George is really in pain.

                                • -

Oh, my aching body!
Dad, what's wrong?
I'm stiff all over. Ow! That young man was really tough on me.
You mean Bruce, the physical therapist?
Yes. Bruce or Brutal whatever his name is. He told me I was going to be in tip-top shape in no time. Ha! Ow, my stomach!
(brutal = 残忍な、厳しい、荒々しい extremely violent or cruel)
(tip-top = 最高、極上 extremely good)
You've got some abs, Dad. That's great, isn't it?
(abs = 腹筋 abdominal muscle)
Watch this. I CAN even do a sit-up right (now)...
(sit-up = 腹筋運動 to sit straight and not bend or lean)
Dad, stop! Don't overdo it!

Oh, that sounds painful.
Yeah, Bruce Lee or Brutal Lee or whatever.
Reverse therapy.
That young man was really tough on him.
I think he overdid it.


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Nice answer; it's a real pressure.
Yes, they've got a nice relationship.

                        • -

So, what's another...
Oh, yes. Oh, no.
Ugh... Ken...
What? What?
They are exhausted.

I haven't even asked you a question.
Oh, sorry.
But, you are already exhausted.

You too.

                          • -

How do you think Dad is doing?
Superb. He's got a voracious appetite.
(voracious = 食欲旺盛な a voracious person or animal eats a large amount of food)
(superb = great, wonderful, brilliant, good, superior, splendid, terrific, magnificent, marvelous, excellent, amazing, fantastic)

Oh, that's because he loves your cooking.
Thanks. I wish I had an appetite like his.
Oh, me too.
I also noticed that he is in very good spirits.
Me too. He's doing better than I ever imagined.
Stop that. He's doing better than us.
You can say that again.
And he is really sharp. He beat me in chess.
Yes. Three nights in a row now.
I'm so grateful for all your help and... zzzzz.
It's a .... oh(real) .... pleasure.

She has a very ladylike snore.
(ladylike = 淑女にふさわしい、しとやかな、上品な)
How true. You can say that again there.
I think when they wake up, they'll be in very good splits.
Hmm...That's very true.
Well, they are doing better than I thought, than I imagined, because they can sleep so well, right?
And that sleep ... that's important.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, September 22, 2016

Look here.
So strong.

Wow! He's come a long way.
He certainly has.

                              • -

So, what's another situation?
Oh, they sing their lines to the tune of "The ABC Song."

                                • -

George, I'm taking the kids to Bramble Park. Do you want to come along?
Okay. I challenge you to a game of horseshoes.
I accept the challenge. I'll put your walker in the trunk.
He only needs a cane now. You've come a long way, Dad.
I have. I'm lifting weights now. Look at my biceps.
(biceps = the muscle between your shoulder and elbow on the front of your arm that you use when you pull things toward you)
Whoa. Look at you! You're something else.

So strong!

Speaking of biceps, hey, look at my biceps.
Hey, don't look at my biceps.
You've come a long way, Ken.